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研究生:Nila Armelia Windasari
研究生(外文):Nila Armelia Windasari
論文名稱:驗證電子學習平台成功因素與永續發展— 結合DMIS和TAM模型之實證研究
論文名稱(外文):Examining the Success Factor and Sustainable Development of E-learning: An Empirical Study of Combining DMIS and TAM Model
指導教授(外文):James Kun-Cheng Chen
口試委員(外文):James Kun-Cheng ChenFeng-Shang Vincent WuWang, Ming-Yeu
外文關鍵詞:E-learningInformation systemLearning performanceContinuance intentionMRA
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本研究採用網路線上填卷調查,對象以有使用過電子學習經驗的學生為主。本論文透過文獻探索建構問卷內容效度,使用Cornbach Alpha測試問卷信度,並使用MRA檢驗研究假設。十個研究假設中有八個完全被接受,其中服務品質,信息品質,以及系統品質皆為電子學習平台後續應發展的重點,尤其以幫助學生獲得更好的學習成效,可增強使用者繼續使用它的意圖。這些研究發現可提供電子學習系統的供應商和建構者之參考依據,對於實際發展一個成功的電子學習系統有實質的幫助。

E-learning nowadays is facing high level of adoption and speed up growth on market. The supplier has to provide a high quality and reliable E-learning systems that become master issues on long distance education. Evaluating an E-learning system using single proxy constructor is not enough. Because of the problems occur are acceptance discontinuance anomaly phenomenon and diverse environment. This study aims to examine success factors and sustainable development of E-learning. The scope of research is focused on educational purpose not including corporate training program. While the research objectors is lock onto E-learning system such as virtual classroom, E-learning application, and E-learning provided by universities respect to students as end-users.
Online data collection is utilized and the survey targets are students who have experienced using E-learning. The process through literature review and content construction create the validity of article, using cornbach alpha to test the reliability of questionnaires, and utilizes Multiple Regression Analysis (MRA) to examine the hypotheses using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).
Eight of ten hypotheses are accepted implies that service quality, information quality, and system quality on E-learning have to be developed based on the focus on helping the learner achieve better performance which enabling the users intention to keep continue using it. The findings contribute to enrich system providers and instructors perspective as well as practical implication in developing successful E-learning system.

Acknowledgement ............... i
English Abstract .............. ii
Chinese Abstract .............. iii
Table of Contents ............. iv
List of Figure................. vi
List of Table.................. vii

Research Background .............. 1
Research Motivation .............. 6
Research Question ................ 7
Scope and Limitation ............. 7
Research Objectives............... 8

Between Online Distance Learning and Traditional Class.............. 9
E-learning ......................................................... 11
D&M IS Success Model................................................ 15
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)................................... 18
Service Innovation ................................................. 20
Learning Performance ............................................... 23
Continuance Intention .............................................. 24

Research Methodology .............. 27
Conceptual Framework .............. 27
Research Hypothesis ............... 28
Data Collection Method ............ 32
Questionnaire Design .............. 33
Data Analysis ..................... 37

Demographic Characteristics .............. 39
Descriptive Analysis ..................... 42
Validity and Reliability Analysis ........ 44
Correlation Result ....................... 45
Regression Result ........................ 46
Test of Mediating Effect ................. 50
Test of Moderating Effect ................ 52
Result of Hypothesis Testing ............. 55

Conclusion and Implication ............... 56
Suggestion for Further Research .......... 60

REFERENCES .............. 62
APPENDIX ................ 69


Figure 1 DeLone and McLean (DM) IS Success Model ...... 16
Figure 2 Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) ............ 19
Figure 3 Service Innovation Dimension ................. 21
Figure 4 Research Framework ........................... 28
Figure 5 Model 1 (Regression with Mediating)........... 46
Figure 6 Model 2 (Regression with Moderating).......... 46


Table 1 Traditional Classroom Learning vs E-learning............... 10
Table 2 Research studies investigating E-learning system success... 13
Table 3 Summary of Hypothesis Proposed............................. 32
Table 4 Measurement Items.......................................... 34
Table 5 Demographic Characteristic ................................ 40
Table 6 E-learning User Profile ................................... 42
Table 7 Descriptive Analysis....................................... 43
Table 8 Reliability Test........................................... 44
Table 9 Validity Test with KMO and Bartlett's Test................. 45
Table 10 Correlation Result........................................ 45
Table 11 Test of Direct Relationship............................... 47
Table 12 Test of Mediating Effect (Model 1)........................ 50
Table 13 Multicolliniearity Test................................... 52
Table 14 Test of Moderating Effect (Model 2)....................... 53
Table 15 Result of the Hypothesis Testing.......................... 55

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