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研究生(外文):Pei-Yun Cheng
論文名稱:決策樹預測台灣資通訊產業技術效率 -以資料包絡分析與財務危機為例
論文名稱(外文):Decision Tree to Predict the Technical Efficiency for ICT Industry in Taiwan-Data Envelopment Analysis and the Financial Crisis Information as Examples
指導教授(外文):Tzu-Chiang Chiang
口試委員(外文):Yueh-Min HuangChia-Chen ChenSue-Ming HsuYih-Ping Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Information and Communication Technologydata envelopment analysisMalmquist indexefficiencydata miningdecision trees
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台灣政府以智慧台灣計劃與六大興新產業政策促進台灣資訊通信(ICT)的蓬勃發展進而帶動台灣經濟成長,並其中將利用資訊科技的技術結合各項產業創造出新的價值。但是在 2013 年 ICT 產業座談會中所提出的 10 項建言中顯示出台灣 ICT 產業面臨勞動投入與研發投入不足的問題。本研究的目的是以 DEA 的 Malmquist 生產力指數分析台灣 ICT 產業的經營績效與技術效率;使用迴歸方法證實台灣 ICT 產業研發投入與勞動投入對產出的影響。本研究的研究期間是從2002年到2012年共11年,受測單位為在2008年世界前250大ICT產業台灣入榜的公司與2013年台灣ICT中具有重大貢獻的公司共 16 間做為研究對象,共計176筆平衡縱衡資料變數。因此利用DEA資料包絡分析2002年到2012年台灣ICT產業的各子產業了解投入項:員工人數、研發支出對於ICT產業的產出有何影響。並套用財務危機模式中的使用變數利用資料探勘的分類方法來預測受測單位的技術是否有效率。
研究結果顯示:(1) 在這受測期間遞增規模報酬的廠商只有三間公司、固定規模報酬有六間與遞減規模報酬的公司有六間,這顯示出在台灣ICT產業只有三間公司還可以持續的成長以追求最大的利益、有六間公司處在效益平穩的階段,但有六間正處在公司運轉效率下降成本上升。(2) 勞動投入對產出是正相關且顯著而且勞動投入對於產出的影響是相對於其他投入。研發投入對產出的影響是正向相關但不顯著跟先前學者的研究結果就不一樣可能是研發投入的效果比較不明顯必須要對產出項增加項目。(3) 在本研究中利用兩種不同變數組合以財務危機預警模式與資料包絡模式預測金融風暴前後技術無效率。不管是金融風暴前還是後財務危機預警模式都比資料包絡模式在預測技術無效率上都要更為準確。

The authority of Taiwan uses “Intelligent Taiwan” and “six new industrial policy” as plan to promote Taiwan's information and communication technology (ICT), in order to stimulate the rapid development of Taiwan's economic growth. In addition, it will use information technology combined with every specific industry to create new value. However, the 10 suggestions proposed in the ICT industry forum in Taiwan, 2013 showed that the industry faces labor shortage in investment and R & D. The purpose of this study is based on the DEA Malmquist productivity index to analyze operating performance and technical efficiency of Taiwan ICT industry; by use of the regression curve proves the input in both investment made by Taiwan ICT industry R & D and by labor has impact to the output of production. This study was taken place from 2002 to 2012, a total of 11 years. The unit tested was ranked the world's top 250 companies of Taiwan ICT industry in 2008; Out of these candidates, 16 companies had major contribution to Taiwan ICT industry in 2013. A total of 176 were used as data variables in scaling the results. Therefore, using the data provided by the DEA, envelopment analysis was made from 2002 to 2012, focusing on Taiwan ICT industry to understand the sub-industry investment items: Such as the impact to production output due to the number of employees, and R & D expense for the ICT industry. In addition, by applying the financial crisis mode, by use of a variable in data mining and classification methods, it is possible to predict whether the technology under experiment is efficient.
Results shows: (1) during examination, only three companies showed incremental return in profit, six companies showed constant return in profit, and six showed decreasing return in profit. This indications that there is only three companies in Taiwan ICT industry that can continue growth in pursuit of maximum benefit. Six companies benefit at a steady phase, but still up to six companies has low operating efficiency resulting in increasing cost. (2) Labor input is positively correlated to production output, and is more significant as to other kinds of input. The impact of R & D investment on output is positive correlated, but is not as significant, which is different to the results of previous research made by scholars. This is because R & D investment may be less obvious due to the items on output must increase in mass. (3) In this study, by use of two variables as combination in order to the pre and post of the financial crisis is inefficient. No matter pre or post, the model of early warning for financial crisis has more accuracy in technical inefficiency than that of data envelopment analysis.

目錄 V
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究流程 4
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 ICT與經濟成長相關研究 6
第二節 效率相關理論研究 8
第三節 麥氏指數的國內外研究論文 12
第四節 資料探勘 13
第三章 資料包絡、麥氏指數與資料探勘決策樹 15
第一節 研究範圍 15
第二節 資料包絡研究變數 15
第三節 資料探勘研究變數 17
第四章 實證分析與討論 19
第一節 麥氏生產力指數 19
第二節 資料包絡分析法 20
第三節 迴歸分析 22
第四節 資料探勘 25
第五章 結論與建議 29
第一節 研究結論 29
第二節 研究建議 30
第三節 未來研究方向 30
參考文獻 31

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