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研究生(外文):Tzu-Shao Yeh
論文名稱(外文):Studies on the Astragalus membranaceus Enhanced Myotube Hypertrophy in Skeletal Muscle and Improved Physiological Recovery after Exercise Injury in Human
指導教授(外文):Suh-Ching Yang
外文關鍵詞:C2C12AktmTORskeletal muscleresistance exerciseergogenic aids
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草本植物或食物營養因子介入以促進肌肉肥大或蛋白質合成作用,是增加骨骼肌肉量的重要探討方向。本研究以黃耆萃取物為試驗物,以骨骼肌肉細胞 C2C12 細胞株培育為成熟的肌小管後作為實驗平台,觀察培養液中添加黃耆水萃物粉末後是否可促進肌小管肥大及其可能機制,並以動物試驗評估食用黃耆濃縮製劑之安全性後,探討黃耆濃縮製劑粉末補充對於人體運動損傷後的生理恢復情形。研究結果發現含有黃耆水萃物之培養液可經由 PI3K / Akt / mTOR pathway 促進肌小管肥大。運動訓練之 ICR 小鼠每日每公斤體重補充 0.615 或 3.075 g 黃耆濃縮製劑粉末連續 6 週並不會對小鼠的代謝性生化指標及相關組織產生毒害影響。人體運動損傷後每日補充 2.8 g 黃耆濃縮製劑 (黃耆濃縮製劑中之 astragalosides總含量為1.455 mg / g) 可提升人體血液中 insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) 濃度,且可增加肌肉組織的血含氧量。根據本研究結果,黃耆萃取物是具有促進肌肉肥大的候選草本食材,未來可能作為促進運動表現的營養增補劑。

Herbal supplements and food factors are important resources to investigate about muscle hypertrophy or protein synthesis. We investigated Astragalus membranaceus (AM) whether those herbal supplements induce hypertrophy in myotubes through the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt (also termed PKB)/mammalian target of the rapamycin (mTOR) pathway. Then, we study the safety assessment and exercise ability of AM supplements which can promote skeletal muscle hypertrophy. The results revealed that AM can promote hypertrophy in myotubes through the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway. Biochemical parameters and histopathological examination revealed no toxic effect of 6-week AM (0.615 and 3.075 g / kg B.W. / day) administration in training ICR mice. Furthermore, AM supplement (2.8 g / day, contain total astragalosides 1.455 mg / g ) can enhance serum insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) concentrations and increase the oxygen content of muscle tissue in human. According to our study, we suggest that AM may be used as a candidate nutritional supplement to promote athletic performance.

第一章 緒論...........................................................................................1
第二章 文獻探討....................................................................................3
第一節 肌肉的生長................................................................................3
第二節 黃耆的簡介................................................................................17
第三章 研究目的...................................................................................19
第四章 黃耆水萃物對肌小管肥大的影響及肥大機轉探討......................20
第一節 黃耆水萃物對肌小管的存活率...................................................20
第二節 黃耆水萃物對肌小管肥厚度的影響............................................25
第三節 黃耆水萃物對肌小管肥大路徑的探討........................................29
第四節 討論...........................................................................................38
第五節 結論...........................................................................................42
第五章 黃耆濃縮製劑對運動訓練鼠的安全性評估.................................43
第一節 實驗目的...................................................................................43
第二節 材料與方法................................................................................43
第三節 結果與討論................................................................................47
第四節 結論...........................................................................................54
第六章 運動損傷後補充黃耆濃縮製劑對人體的生理和生化指標影響... 55
第一節 實驗目的...................................................................................55
第二節 材料與方法...............................................................................55
第三節 結果..........................................................................................60
第四節 討論..........................................................................................66
第五節 結論..........................................................................................68
第七章 綜合討論...................................................................................69
第八章 總結..........................................................................................72
附錄一 動物實驗審查同意書.................................................................84
附錄二 人體試驗審查通過證明函..........................................................85
附錄三 本研究計畫已發表論文列表......................................................86

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