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研究生(外文):Hui-Ling Hsu
論文名稱(外文):The study of polymeric micelles'' stability and transdermal penetration by fluorescence dye
外文關鍵詞:polymeric micelles
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resonance energy transfer,FRET)探討聚合物微胞體(polymeric micelles),在可能影響其穩定性的因子:時間、存在環境、機械影響震盪三種存在下,進行聚合物微胞體的穩定評估。此外,亦利用FRET評估不同聚合物對於能量轉移的效益優劣。In vitro的部分,則是將聚合物微胞體與二種不同的螢光染料混合,經由Franz Diffusion Cell System觀察在穿皮的效益。
由實驗結果得知在0~8小時內,聚合物微胞體與螢光共振能量轉移比值,都能保持穩定的狀態;聚合物微胞體在不同稀釋濃度的環境下,其螢光共振能量轉移比值會隨著存在環境而受到影響;聚合物微胞體在受到機械震盪的影響下,其螢光共振能量轉移比值,仍能保持穩定的狀態。但在不同的聚合物微胞體,在不同濃度比例的螢光染料存在下,其螢光共振能量轉移則會有所不同。0~24小時的Franz Diffusion Cell System實驗,可以發現混合二種螢光染料的載體,能有效進行的穿皮。

The study used two fluorescence dyes’ Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to evaluate the stability of polymeric micelles by timing, environment, and mechanical shake.Moreover, we also use FRET to evaluate pros and cons of different polymers’ energy transfer. In vitro, we formulated polymeric micelles and two fluorescence dyes and observed the transdermal permeation by Franz Diffusion Cell System.
The results found that polymeric micelles and two fluorescence dyes’ ratio can sustain stable during 0~8 hours. Polymeric micelles and two fluorescence dyes’ ratio we affected under concentration of different dilutions, and the ratio could maintain stable mechanical under shaking. However, the different polymeric micelles’ FRET was different under different concentration fluorescence dyes.During 0~24 hours of Franz Diffusion Cell System’s experiment, it were found that two fluorescence dyes’ could transdermal penetration.

1.Polymer(PM)的臨界微胞體濃度(Critical micelle concentration
7.不同種類5%聚合物微胞體所產生的Forster resonance energy transfer(FRET)效應……………………………………………………………………61

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