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研究生(外文):Yi-Jou Chen
論文名稱:開發創新的poly-protein G表現細胞以提升酵素免疫吸附測定法(ELISA)之抗體偵測效率
論文名稱(外文):Development of a novel poly-protein G expressing cell to enhance detection sensitivity of antibody based enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA)
中文關鍵詞:protein Gpoly-protein G表現細胞酵素免疫分析法ELISA
外文關鍵詞:protein Gpoly-protein G expressing cellsenzyme linked immunosorbent assayELISA
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酵素免疫吸附測定法(ELISA) 為一種利用抗原-抗體專一性結合之檢測工具,已廣泛應用於生物醫學以及各種產業領域,然而仍面臨抗體偵測敏感度不足的問題。為了解決此問題,我們開發一種新型Poly-protein G cell-based ELISA平臺,將穩定表現Poly-protein G之細胞固定於ELISA平臺,提升抗體固定於ELISA平臺之數量,進而提升偵測敏感性。功能性protein G或Poly-protein G可穩定表現於細胞上,且被protein G或Poly-protein G所抓取之anti-PEG antibody,仍保有其PEG辨認之專一性。Poly-protein G cell-based ELISA平臺所能承載之抗體量較傳統ELISA平臺高出之2至18倍。且Poly-protein G cell-based ELISA平臺確實可應用於sandwich ELISA,並對於各種PEG或PEG修飾物(PEG10K、PEG2K-Lipo-dox以及 PEGASYS)之偵測效率皆遠高於傳統ELISA平臺。重要的是,poly-protein G cell based ELISA平臺之偵測敏感度甚至可達 pg/ml之水平。因此poly-protein G cell based ELISA平臺可大幅提升抗體固定於ELISA平臺之數量,並保有抗體專一性及方向性,未來將可取代傳統ELISA平臺,應用於生物醫學及各領域之研究。

Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been widely used as an analytical tool in medicine and in various biotechnological applications. However, low sensitivity is a weakness of this method. We have developed a novel poly-protein G cell-based ELISA plate based on fixing membrane poly-protein G expressing cell on ELISA plate; thereby increasing the coating amount and detective sensitivity of antibody. Functional protein G or poly-protein G was stably expressed on cell membrane. The anti-PEG antibodies which were coated on poly-protein G cell-based ELISA plate was found to preserve PEG-binding activity. The antibody-coating capacity of the poly-protein G cell-based ELISA plate was 2−18 times higher than traditional ELISA plate. More importantly, the sensitivity for detecting PEG and pegylation molecular (PEG10K、PEG2K-Lipo-dox and PEGASYS) using anti-PEG antibodies coated on poly-protein G cell-based ELISA plate was significantly greater than traditional ELISA plate. In addition, the poly-protein G cell-based ELISA plate can be used to prepare a sandwich ELISA assay resulting in an increase in the coating amount of antibodies on ELISA plate; preserving the specificity and orientation of antibodies. Therefore, the poly-protein G cell-based ELISA plate ai a rald replacement for the traditional ELISA plate and is applicable in various industries.

標題 i
臺北醫學大學碩士學位考試委員審定書 ii
臺北醫學大學電子暨紙本學位論文書目同意公開申請書 iii
臺北醫學大學學位保密同意書暨簽到表 iv
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
中文摘要 xi
英文摘要 xii
第一章 緒論
1.1 酵素免疫吸附測定法(簡稱ELISA)及其面臨之問題................................1
1.2 改良傳統ELISA平臺之 Antibody expressing cell based ELISA 平臺.......2
1.3 改良傳統ELISA平臺與 Antibody expressing cell based ELISA 平臺之新型Poly-protein G cell-based ELISA平臺........................................................3
第二章 研究材料與方法
2.1 藥品與試劑.........................................................................................5
2.2 細胞株................................................................................................6
2.3 建構poly-protein G基因之基因克隆試驗...............................................6
2.4 建構永久穩定表現poly-protein G之細胞株.............................................7
2.5 3T3/protein G與3T3/poly-protein G之膜蛋白表現與建構長度差異確認...............................................................................................................7
2.6 評估膜上protein G及poly-protein G抓取抗體之功能.............................8
2.7 分析被protein G或poly-protein G所抓取之抗體,其辨識抗原之功能.........8
2.8 分析傳統ELISA平臺之抗體承載量........................................................9
2.9 分析protein-G cell based ELISA plate以及poly-protein G cell based ELISA plate之抗體承載量.......................................................................................9
2.10 測試傳統ELISA plate對PEG5K-biotin之偵測敏感性............................10
2.11 測試protein-G cell based ELISA plate以及poly-protein G cell based ELISA plate對PEG5K-biotin之偵測敏感性..............................................................11
2.12 分析傳統ELISA plate應用於三明治酵素連結免疫吸附法( sandwich ELISA)時,對PEG10K 或PEG2K-Lipo-dox之偵測敏感性..............................12
2.13 Poly-protein G cell based ELISA plate應用於三明治酵素連結免疫吸附法( sandwich ELISA)並應用於測試PEG10K 或PEG2K-Lipo-dox.........................13
2.14 評估傳統 ELISA plate以不同濃度之capture antibody偵測PEG10K 或PEG2K-Lipo-dox之偵測效率........................................................................14
2.15 傳統 ELISA plate應用於測試不同濃度之PEG修飾蛋白藥物- (PEG-alpha interferon 2α;PEGASYS) .............................................................................15
2.16 Poly-protein G cell based ELISA plate應用於測試不同濃度之PEG修飾蛋白藥物- (PEG-alpha interferon 2α;PEGASYS) ................................................15
2.17 試驗5 % FBS (Fetal bovine serum)是否可將未承載抗體之poly-protein G完全封閉.......................................................................................................16
第三章 分析與結果
3.1 建構細胞膜上穩定表現protein G之細胞株...........................................18
3.2 評估3T3/Protein G及3T3/Poly-protein G抓取抗體之能力.....................19
3.3 3T3/protein-G或3T3/poly-protein-G所抓取之抗體,仍保有其抗體抗原之結合專一性...................................................................................................19
3.4 比較抗體固定於protein G cell-based ELISA平臺、poly-protein G cell-based ELISA平臺或傳統antibody based ELISA平臺之效率....................................20
3.5 比較poly-protein G cell based ELISA、protein G cell based ELISA與傳統antibody based ELISA其抗體偵測敏感度......................................................21
3.6 驗證poly-protein G cell based ELISA plate可應用於三明治酵素連結免疫吸附法( sandwich ELISA)並與傳統ELISA plate比較對於不同種類之PEG修飾物(PEG2K-Lipo-dox或PEG10K)之偵測敏感性...................................................22
3.7 評估傳統 ELISA plate以不同濃度之capture antibody偵測PEG10K 或PEG2K-Lipo-dox之偵測效率........................................................................23
3.8 比較poly-protein G cell based ELISA plate與傳統ELISA plate比較對於PEG修飾蛋白藥物 (PEG-alpha interferon 2α ; PEGASYS)之偵測敏感性................24
3.9 5 % FBS (Fetal bovine serum)可將未承載抗體之poly-protein G完全封閉..............................................................................................................25
第四章 討論
4.1 Poly-protein G cell based ELISA平臺較傳統ELISA平臺具備更的抗體承載量及偵測敏感性.........................................................................................27
4.2 何謂Protein G,及Protein G目前於各領域中之應用;並且應用於本 Poly- protein G cell based ELISA平臺之創新方法..........................................28
4.3 即使為未經純化之Capture antibody仍可直接應用於本Poly-protein G cell based ELISA平臺.......................................................................................28
4.4 Poly-protein G cell based ELISA平臺優於目前提高傳統ELISA平臺偵測效率之方法之................................................................................................29
4.5 新一代Poly-protein G cell based ELISA平臺可完全解決Antibody expressing cell based ELISA plate所面臨之問題............................................................30
第五章 結論
5.1 Poly-protein G cell based ELISA平臺之價值..........................................32
第六章 圖表 .................................................................................................34
第七章 參考資料 .........................................................................................44

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