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研究生(外文):Ruei-Sheng Ding
論文名稱(外文):Animal bite and sting injuries in Taiwan, 1997-2010
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方法:使用1997年到2010年內政統計年報「人口年齡分配」及全民健保資料庫「住院」資料加以分析,同時以SPSS 19.0進行統計分析,檢驗性別、年齡、傷害類別和環境等流行病學特性,並做長期趨勢比較。

Introduction: Animal bite and sting injury is an important but easily neglected problem worldwide, WHO point that more than 10 million people who are bitten by animals every year. Many studies found that animal bites and stings existed age / sex differences and had a significant upward long-term trend, although Taiwan is the home for abundant animal life and human-animal daily contact, and animal rabies reappeared in 2013, animal bite and sting injuries become an urgent issues which need to understand.
Methods: This study used “population by age report” from the Ministry of the Interior and “hospitalization data” from the NHIRD to analyze, and reviewed 14 years data from 1997 to 2010. The X2 test was conducted using SPSS 19.0 software to examine the differences in epidemiological characteristics according to gender, age, type of injury, and environmental characteristics. And P values of <.05 were considered significant.
Results: There were 22690 hospitalizations of animal bites and stings in the study period, and the majority came from “venomous snake bites”, “dog bites”, “hornets, wasps and bees stings” and “non-venomous arthropods bites”, and caused over 85% of hospitalizations during the 14 years. Males accounted for 61.7% and were more likely to be admitted by venomous snakebites, females more frequently admitted by dog bites. The age-standardized long-term trend in the 14 years presented a significant upward trend, and hospitalization rate of males was always greater than females. The age distribution was skewed with the mean of 44.1 years and median of 46.6 years. Infants and toddlers had the most significant upward long-term trend, and the hospitalization rate of the elderly was over 2 times than the overall standardized average rate. The highest hospitalization rate of dog bites was found in Chiayi City, and other three types of injuries were all found in Yilan County. 48.0% of cases were admitted into regional hospitals, and normally treated by surgical department, but only 14.7% of admitted patients needed surgery. The average stay per case was 4.9 days, and average cost per case was calculated to be 19,481 NT dollars. There were 25 fatalities from admitted patients in the 14 years, males accounted for 17 fatalities, and females 8 fatalities.
Conclusions: Animal bite and sting injuries continue to increase, and should be an important public health issue in Taiwan. The most important points can be placed on venomous snake bites and dog bite prevention. “Infants and toddlers” and “the elderly who engaged in agriculture” should be the priorities of high-risk groups. In addition to public education on accurate perception of the magnitude of the problem and appropriate behavior around animals, strengthening surveillance for environment where animals active is also important. Further studies focus on this issue will be needed in Taiwan.


Importance and motivation……………6

Data source…………………………………………………9
Research design………………………………………9
Data analysis…………………………………………10

Epidemiological characteristics of hospitalization…………15
Hospitalization rate and long-term trends…………………35

Most concerned bitten and stung injuries………………59
Medical utilization……………………………………76
Long-term trends……………………………………………77

Other Epidemiological features………79
Medical utilization……………………………………80
Important indication…………………………………80
Prevention strategy……………………………………81
Injury Surveillance and other…………83


Further research……………………………………………86


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