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研究生(外文):Jy-Jiunn Tzeng
論文名稱(外文):The Bone Regeneration Effect of 3D Printed Ferromagnetic Magnetite-based Polylactide Composite Bone Screw
外文關鍵詞:Additive ManufacturingFe3O4 nona-particlePolylactideBone Regeneration
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To accelerate the patient’s recovery is one of the main targets in biomaterial and tissue engineering field. Thus, to encourage the bone healing is definitely important. In the past, researchers found that under the static magnetic field, the bone could heal faster. Polylactide is a biodegradable material that used in bone screws and overcomes the shortcoming of traditional metal materials, but this material is hard to observe with the computed tomography. The ferromagnetic particle under the nano size could be biocompatible, non-toxic and radiopaque. Based on these, we combine the ferromagnetic particle with polylactide and make it into composite. This material can be degraded and metabolized by human body.
Additive manufacturing (also known as 3D-printing, rapid prototyping) has substantial progress in recent years, and has been widely spread to many fields. Scientists noticed the high accuracy and low limitation of additive manufacturing can be appropriate used in medicine. For example, it can be used to mimic human tissues or organs, to create the scaffold for cell growth, or even to build prosthetics to replace malfunctioning body parts.
In this research, we adopt the 3D-printing technique to produce the biodegradable bone screws with the magnetite-based polylactide composite. In the bone screw strength test, we find the screws produced by 3D-printer are weaker than the screws made by injection molding. The screws made with pure polylactide are stronger than the screws which contained ferromagnetic particles. In animal study, we find the implant side with screws that contain ferromagnetic particles has more regenerated bone volume. The static magnetite field from the ferromagnetic nano particles within the polylactide plays an important role in the promotion of bone healing process.
  Although the bone screws fabricated by injection molding are stronger than the 3D-printed screws, the 3D-printed screws still have its advantage, such as more adjustability and lower cost for a small amount of production. From the animal study, we confirm the affection of different materials on the healing process.

第一章、 文獻探討........................................1
第二章、 研究方法........................................9
第三章、 實驗結果.......................................24
第四章、 研究結果與討論.................................30
第五章、 結論...........................................37
第六章、 參考文獻.......................................38


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