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研究生(外文):Ray-Xuan Jiang
論文名稱(外文):Preparation of Conductive Toner for Laser Printer by Freeze Drying Method
指導教授(外文):Chien-Chong Chen
口試委員(外文):Churng-Ren WangHung-pin LiMaw-Tien Lee
外文關鍵詞:CNTSuper PResinExternal additivesTonerResistanceLaser printerFilm
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欲使奈米碳管/電荷控制劑/離型劑/樹脂粉末粒徑大小與市售碳粉相近,以確保與預拌槽載珠摩擦後能產生足夠的靜電量及圖形的完整性,將奈米碳管/電荷控制劑/離型劑/樹脂粉末經球磨機球磨,再以500 mesh篩網過篩後得奈米碳管/電荷控制劑/離型劑/樹脂碳粉顆粒,粒徑大小在6 ~ 8 μm之間。製作出的碳粉表面有大量的碳管裸露,並可同時兼顧粒徑大小與產量。將奈米碳管/電荷控制劑/離型劑/樹脂粉末熱壓在紙張上,可獲得導電紙張,最低的片電阻值為299.93 ± 53.92 Ω/sq,表示奈米碳管/電荷控制劑/離型劑/樹脂粉末是具有導電性的。
為增加碳粉顆粒的流動性及摩擦帶電後電荷的穩定性,對碳粉顆粒進行表面改性,透過球磨的方式使外部添加劑(疏水性二氧化矽與二氧化鈦)附在碳粉顆粒的表面,獲得最後的奈米碳管/電荷控制劑/離型劑/樹脂碳粉。另外,本研究也使用導電碳黑(Super P)作為材料製備導電碳粉。以自製的導電碳粉,透過雷射印表機,在影印紙上列印出圖形後,經電子顯微鏡觀察,可確認自製的導電碳粉能夠透過雷射印表機列印至紙上。

In this study, we tried to use a novel, simple and low cost method to fabricate a flexible and electrically conductive thin film. First, the suspension of the as-prepared CNT and Charge Controlling Agent (CCA)/release agent/resin were blending by mechanical stirring to obtain CNT/CCA/release agent/resin suspension, then using the spray gun to spray the suspension with the Freeze-drying method to dry the sample to obtain the solid powder.
We used planetary ball mill and sieve to make the size of CNT/CCA/release agent/resin toner being similar to commercial toner, ensuring that it has enough static electricity and the integrity of pattern after frictioning with the toner. The particle size of the toner we produced is situated between 6 ~ 8 μm and there are lots of CNT bared on the surface. Also, we can not only control the particle size but the yield of the toner. The sheet resistance of the conductive paper prepared by Hot-pressing is 299.93 ± 53.92 Ω/sq.
In order to increase the fluidity and charge stability of toner particle, we do the surface treatment to let the external additives attached to the surface of the toner particles via all-milling. Then, we obtained the conductive toner. Also, we use Super P as our material. Finally, using the laser printer to print the pattern on the copy paper to ensure that the toner we made can be used.

1.1 奈米碳管薄膜 .......................................................................1
1.1.1 直接生長法 (Direct growth).......................................................2
1.1.2 懸浮溶液沉澱法 (Solution-based deposition)........................................3
1.1.3 噴墨印刷法.......................................................................4
1.1.4 雷射印刷.........................................................................9
1.2 雷射印表機........................................................................13
1.2.1 運作原理........................................................................13 佈電(Charging).................................................................13 非接觸式電暈佈電.............................................................14 接觸式佈電滾輪 ..............................................................14 曝光(Exposure)................................................................14 顯像(Developing)..............................................................15 單成份顯像系統 (Mono-component development system)...........................15 雙成份顯像系統 (Dual-component development system)...........................15 轉寫(Transferring)............................................................16 定影(Fusing)..................................................................16 清除(Cleaning)................................................................16 除電(Erasing).................................................................17 再次曝光.....................................................................17 佈電滾筒.....................................................................17
1.2.2 碳粉種類.........................................................................17 非接觸式單成份磁性顯像碳粉.......................................................18 接觸式單成份非磁性顯像碳粉.......................................................18 雙成份顯像碳粉..................................................................19
1.2.3 碳粉製備方法......................................................................19 傳統粉碎法......................................................................19 化學式碳粉......................................................................20
1.3 研究動機............................................................................21
1.4 研究目標............................................................................22

第二章 實驗方法與步驟實驗材料.............................................................23
2.1 實驗藥品............................................................................23
2.2 實驗儀器............................................................................25
2.3 實驗流程圖..........................................................................26
2.3.1 CNT/CCA/Resin/Wax Toner(Toner A).................................................26
2.3.2 Super P/CCA/Resin/Wax Toner(Toner B).............................................27
2.4 實驗步驟............................................................................28
2.4.1 CNT/CCA/Wax/Resin Toner(Toner A) 製備薄膜.........................................28
2.4.2 Super P/CCA/Resin/Wax Toner(Toner B) 製備薄膜.....................................30
2.4.3 分離原廠載珠與碳粉 ................................................................32
第三章 結果與討論........................................................................33
3.1 CNT/CCA/Resin/Wax與Super P/CCA/Resin/Wax 透過熱壓製備薄膜............................35
3.1.1 CNT/CCA/Resin/Wax Toner(Toner A)製備薄膜..........................................35
3.1.2 Super P/CCA/Resin/Wax Toner(Toner B)製備薄膜......................................50
3.2 CNT/CCA/Resin/Wax與Super P/CCA/Resin/Wax透過雷射印表機列印...........................57
3.2.1 碳粉與載珠的最低可列印量............................................................57
3.2.2 使用Super P/CCA/Resin/Wax碳粉與副廠載珠進行列印.....................................60
3.2.3 分離原廠載珠與碳粉.................................................................65
3.2.4 使用CNT/CCA/Resin/Wax與Super P/CCA/Resin/Wax碳粉配合副廠載珠或分離後的原廠載珠進行列印..........71
第四章 結論與未來展望.....................................................................80
4.1 結論................................................................................80
4.2 未來展望.............................................................................81
附錄一 奈米碳管簡介.......................................................................85
附錄二 文獻回顧圖片.......................................................................91
附錄三 結果與討論圖表.....................................................................105
附錄四 四點探針電阻值換算公式推導..........................................................112
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