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論文名稱(外文):Market reaction to big data implementation announcements
外文關鍵詞:big datamarket valueannouncementevent studyabnormal return
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Big data implementation recently becomes a popular interest, bringing the tremendous impact on the inside and outside of enterprises. To understand the interior efficiency, some indicators, such as cost or revenue, can be adopted to certainly provide references for managers. Evaluating the exterior effectiveness, however, is a challenging work because managers are not effortless to acquire the perspective of investors on the investment of big data implementation. Hence, this study conducted an event study method, which has been used in the financial, accounting, and management fields, to assess the effect on the news coverage about big data implementation. This is the first study to gauge the impact of big data implementation announcements on the market value of firms and investigate the contextual factors in the abnormal returns. The experimental results show that the big data announcements have almost merely no relevance with the market valuation of firms. While the article with talking about the strategy objective of the big data, the influence of the big data issue will have little reaction to the stock price.
Table of Contents
致謝 i
Abstract ii
摘要 iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Tables v
List of Figures vi
1. Introduction 1
2. Related work 4
2.1. Big data 4
2.2. Applications of market value study 6
2.3. Market reaction by measuring abnormal returns 8
3. Research hypotheses 10
4. Research Methodology 15
4.1. Data collection and selection 15
4.2. Event study method 16
5. Data analysis and results 19
5.1Effect of big data announcements 19
5.2 Effect of announcement for BDI technology 22
5.3 Effect of announcement for the BDI announcement for mentioning the BDI objective of firms 24
5.4 Effect of announcement for IT or none-IT firms 26
6. Discussions 28
6.1. Limitations 28
6.2. Implications and conclusion 28
References 30

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