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研究生(外文):Chang, Ching-Han
論文名稱(外文):Link Level Abstraction for MIMO-OFDM Systems with Maximum Likelihood Receiver
指導教授(外文):Chiu, Mao-Ching
口試委員(外文):Shen, Wen-HanChen, Chiao-EnWang, Chung-Hsuan
外文關鍵詞:Maximum Likelihood receiverLink level abstractionMIMOOFDM
  • 被引用被引用:2
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為了降低系統模擬的複雜度,鏈路至系統的映射(limk-to-system mapping)被廣泛的運用以便估計系統的效能,同此模型更可進一步應用在實際的系統上,例如:用以改善適應性鏈路(link adaptation)的正確性以及更有效地做無線資源管理(radio-resource-management)。傳統上所使用的訊雜比(Signal to Noise Ratio, SNR)平均已不足以用來描述衰退通道(fading channel)的特性。因為在變動衰退通到下,一樣的訊雜比平均值可能會導致錯誤率的表現有很大的差異。

Link-to-system mapping is widely used in system evaluations to reduce the simulation complexity. It is also important in practical systems for improving the accuracy of the link adaptation and the efficiency of radio-resource-management. Conventional methods using linear average of signal-to-noise-ratios (SNR) may not work well over fading channels, since the same SNR may lead to drastic error rate due to different fading characteristics.
This paper studies a mutual-information-based (MI-based) link-to-system mapping method, which contains separate modulation and coding models. The modulation model maps the symbol-by-symbol received SNR to the mutual information and take the arithmetic average of mutual information. The coding model maps the averaged mutual information to decoding performance for each coding block. Compared with the existing methods, the MI-model is more accurate and easier to apply to mixed-modulation cases. Finally, we use simulation and to verify the accuracy of the low-complexity link abstraction algorithm by comparing BLERs from simulation and those predicted by the link abstraction. The results show that the SNR gaps between the predicted BLERs and simulated BLERs are within 0.4dB.

誌謝辭 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
第一章 簡介 P.1
1.1 前言 P.1
1.2 研究動機 P.1
1.3 論文架構 P.2
第二章 MIMO多天線通訊系統 P.3
2.1 多天線通訊系統簡介 P.3
2.2 MIMO系統模型 P.5
2.3 MIMO偵測器 P.6
2.3.1 最小均方誤差 P.7
2.3.2 最大相似 P.7
第三章 Received Bit Mutual Information Rate的基本原理 P.9
3.1 SISO系統下RBIR之計算 P.9
3.2 MIMO通道模型下互消息之計算 P.10
3.3 預測MI的低複雜度演算法 P.11
3.3.1 MLD接收機下MI內插進似法 P.11
3.3.2 對Beta最佳化過程 P.13
3.4 MI與BLER的轉換 P.16
3.5 渦輪碼解碼基本原理 P.17
3.6 MI對應到BLER P.19
第四章 鏈路層模擬器架構 P.21
4.1 鏈路層模擬器簡介 P.21
第五章 驗證與分析 P.23
5.1 驗證結果 P.23
5.2 結論 P.32
參考文獻 P.33
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