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研究生(外文):Chien-Hua Chen
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Optimum Structural Design、Fabrication and Application for Solar Light-Thermal Separator
指導教授(外文):Ching-Wu Wang
口試委員(外文):Ching-Wu WangWen-How LanJwo-Huei Jou
外文關鍵詞:aerogelSolar-lightSolar-thermalSolar-light/solar-thermal separator device
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The study used a solar light-thermal separator device to make unilateral, bilateral, indoor, and outdoor measurements. It investigated the transmittance and heat insulation effect in different concentrations of aerogel coating and thicknesses of glass. It selected the most suitable aerogel coating concentration and aerogel glass thickness from the generation data of both optical and heat energy transfers into electric energy. Using the best conditions of three different aerogel particles, this study explored the effect of different particle sizes on optical power and thermal power.
Publications and Preprints II
Abstract (in Chinese) III
Abstract (in English) IV
Acknowledgement V
Figure Caption VI
Table Caption VII
Contents VIII

Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Thermoelectric power generating module introduction 2
1.3 Solar cell introduction 3
1.4 Tiny electric energy storage device 5
Chapter 2 Literature Review 7
2.1 Aerogel introduction and history 7
2.2 Supercritical drying 8
2.3 Types of aerogel 9
2.3.1 Silica aerogel 9
2.3.2 Metal oxide aerogels 10
2.3.3 Organic aerogels 11
2.4 Preparation of aerogel 12
2.5 Aerogels applications 13
2.6 Motivation 13
Chapter 3 Experimental Procedure 16
3.1 Aerogel glass preparation and coating film 16
3.2 Solar light-thermal separator fabrication 17
3.3.1 Solar light-thermal separator performance measurements under halogen lamp (Use aerogel A) 17
3.3.2 Solar light-thermal separator performance measurements under the sun (Use aerogel A) 19
3.3.3 Best performance of photoelectric and thermoelectric by changing aerogel concentration and film thickness under halogen lamp and solar light 20
3.4 Comparison of three different optical characteristics of the aerogel particle size. 20
3.5 Solar light-thermal separator applications 21
Chapter 4 Results and Discussion 22
4.1 Aerogel coating glass 22
4.2 Solar light-thermal separator 22
4.3 Solar light-thermal separator applications 25
Chapter 5 Conclusions 26
5.1 Conclusions 26
5.2 Future works 27

Reference 28
Figure 31
Table 40
Biography 47

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