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研究生(外文):Mei-Ling Shen
論文名稱(外文):The study in the Effect of Medicine Buddha Sutra on Heart Rate Variability and Meridian Energy
指導教授(外文):Wei-Yong Lin
外文關鍵詞:Medicine Buddha SutraHRVAutonomic nerveMeridian energyRyodoraku
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方法:此次研究招募20-75歲的受試者,隨機分配到實驗組(藥師咒組與藥師經組)與對照組(三字經組),分別誦持經文35分鐘。每次誦經前後都接受心律大師與良導絡測量評估自律神經與經絡能量狀態。所得數據以SPSS 18.0統計軟體進行卡方檢定、無母數檢定分析比較,顯著水準定為p<0.05。



Background:Meditation is one of the traditional regimen in Buddhism and Taoism, which has been confirmed with improvement in the status of the autonomic nervous system and promotion of physical health. The purpose of this study was to observe the effect of Medicine Buddha Sutra on the autonomic nervous system and meridian energy.

Methods:The study recruited subjects aged 20-75 years. They were randomly assigned to the experimental group (Medicine Buddha Mantra group and Medicine Buddha Sutra group) and control group (Trimetric Classic group), respectively reciting the scriptures for 35 minutes. Before and after each experiment, the ANSWatch and Ryodoraku were used to measure the autonomic nervous system and the meridian energy. The obtained data was analyzed with SPSS statistical software, and significant level set at p <0.05.

Results:The study enrolled 58 subjects (mean age: 57.5 ± 8.7 years old; 17 males, 41 females). The results show that: (1) In the measurement of ANSWatch, there were significant decrease in the heart rate after reciting the three kinds of scriptures. The heart rate variability (HRV) value significantly increased after reciting the Medicine Buddha Mantra and Medicine Buddha Sutra. The mean blood pressure only significantly increased after reciting the Medicine Buddha Sutra. In the measurement of Ryodoraku, the energy values of Kidney meridian significantly decreased in the Medicine Buddha Mantra group. The energy values of Liver and Kidney meridian significantly decreased in the Medicine Buddha Sutra group. And the energy values of Pericardium, Heart, Liver, Gallbladder and Stomach meridians significantly decreased in the Trimetric Classic group. (2) In the long-term effects, the mean blood pressure significantly decreased gradually, and the average values of overall meridian energy significantly increased gradually.

中文摘要........................................................................... 1
第一章 前言....................................................................... 3
第二章 文獻探討................................................................. 6
2-1 心率變異性的分析與研究............................................... 6
2-2 良導絡的研究............................................................... 9
2-3 宗教信仰與身心健康的關係.......................................... 12
第三章 材料與方法............................................................ 15
3-1 納入與排除條件........................................................... 15
3-2 使用材料..................................................................... 15
3-3 研究設計與進行步驟..................................................... 17
3-4 資料收集與統計分析..................................................... 18
第四章 結果....................................................................... 19
4-1 基本資料及主要評估與次要評估前測值之比較.................. 20
4-2 藥師咒組、藥師經組及三字經組在試驗前後之差異比較..... 23
4-3 長期研究中三次試驗之前測值與後測值之趨勢變化分析..... 29
4-4 其他因子在短期研究中對於試驗前後測量值的影響分析..... 33
第五章 討論....................................................................... 41
5-1 藥師咒組、藥師經組與三字經組之比較............................ 41
5-1-1 對血壓與心跳的影響................................................... 41
5-1-2 對心率變異度與交感/副交感平衡指標的影響.................. 42
5-1-3 良導絡值的影響.......................................................... 43
5-2 其他因素的影響............................................................. 45
第六章 結論與建議............................................................... 47
參考文獻............................................................................. 50
附錄.................................................................................... 57
英文摘要............................................................................. 60

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