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研究生(外文):Chia-Chen Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Feasibility of Medical Knowledge Outsourcing ─Using Push and Pull Theory
指導教授(外文):Sho-Fang ChangHui-Fang Chen
口試委員(外文):Ping-Jung HsiehKun-Shou ShihHui-Fang ChenSho-Fang Chang
外文關鍵詞:Medical knowledge outsourcingPush and Pull Theorymedical knowledge characteristicindepth interview
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結果發現,影響醫療知識外包的推力因素,在醫院方面為人力缺乏及科經營困難;在醫師方面為醫師工作負荷量、教學、研究、評鑑壓力及自行開業等;拉力因素在醫院方面為成本、經營效率、全人照護及人力需求等;而醫師方面為增加收入、工作壓力較低及自由度高等。障礙因素包含合法性、成本效益、品質、責任歸屬、資安問題及病人流失等。但這些障礙能透過合約的制定來解決病人的隱私、品質管理等。而成本、醫院人力需求、效益及品質等相關因素成為醫院將醫療知識外包的評估準則。此外,醫療知識特性中的不確定性、複雜性、隱性特質與醫療知識外包存在潛在負向關係;醫療知識特性中的具更新性不影響醫療知識外包;醫療知識特性中的高度專業性與醫療知識外包存在潛在正向關係。醫療知識外包的範疇,包含科室外包(如急診、洗腎及呼吸照護等)與醫療知識流程外包(如病理報告、醫療影像判讀等);醫療知識外包的形式,在醫療上為醫師支援、醫療合作;在教學上為代訓制度、建教合作;在研究上產學合作、實驗室合作;利潤分配模式以分科獨立經營制度與指定醫師費制度(proportional physician fee, PPF)。
In the knowledge economy age, operational efficiency, flexibility, capacity, and cost down can be enhanced if non-core knowledge work is outsourced. For the past few years, several hospitals have faced financial difficulties, health policy instability, competition pressures and high labor costs. Since hospitals have confronted operational challenges, they have been trying to solve the predicament through medical knowledge outsourcing. However, according to the guidelines of Department of Health (DOH), healthcare settings should establish the review mechanisms to manage and supervise knowledge outsourcing. Therefore, this study, explores the feasibility of medical knowledge outsourcing using push and pull theory.
The study used qualitative methods. Four hospital managers and four physicians with outsourcing experience, totally 8 deep interviews were conducted; each lasted 50 to 90 minutes. Grounded theory was used for data analyses.
The results showed that lack of manpower, operational difficulties, high workload pressure for teaching, research, and hospital accreditation are push factors of medical knowledge outsourcing. Cost, operational efficiency, holistic care, manpower demand, higher income, lower work pressures and higher degrees of freedom are pull factors. Obstacles factors included legitimacy, cost-effectiveness, quality, accountability, and patient information security issues. These obstacles can be solved by quality management through contracting. Cost, human resources, effectiveness and quality have become the assessment factors of medical knowledge outsourcing. The feasibity of medical knowledge outsourcing is negatively related to the characteristics of medical knowledge including uncertainty, complexity and recessive trait. The highly professionality of medical knowledge is positively related to medical knowledge outsourcing. The scope of knowledge of medical outsourcing includes medical departments, i.e. ER, dialysis and respiratory care, and medical knowledge process, i.e. pathology reports, medical imaging, disease coding. The forms of medical knowledge outsourcing include physician support, medical cooperation, exterior training, cooperative education, industry-university collaboration and laboratory cooperation.
This study suggests that hospitals should concern the content and form of medical knowledge outsourcing in the current regulations. Policy-makers may respond to market demand, and consider the deregulation of medical knowledge outsourcing and countermeasures. These issues are worthy of concern by the government, industry and the academy.

摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 V
目錄 VI
表目錄 IX
圖目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 6
第一節 醫療知識特性 6
一、知識特性 6
二、醫療知識特性 9
第二節 知識工作 15
一、知識工作者與知識工作定義 15
二、知識工作特性 17
三、醫療知識工作 20
第三節 醫療知識外包 21
一、知識外包的定義 21
二、知識外包的步驟 25
三、知識外包的效益與適用準則 27
四、醫療產業外包與醫療知識外包的發展現況 29
第四節 知識特性與外包的關聯性研究 36
第五節 推拉模式 37
第三章 研究方法 39
第一節 研究概念 39
第二節 研究流程 40
第三節 研究設計 42
一、研究方法的選擇 42
二、資料蒐集方式 45
三、研究對象 49
四、資料分析方法 50
五、效度與信度 54
第四章 研究結果與命題 58
第一節 受訪者資料 58
第二節 質性訪談語幹分析結果 60
一、醫療知識外包的產業需求相關因素、效益與障礙因素 61
二、醫療知識外包的評估準則 70
三、醫療知識外包產業障礙的解決方式 72
四、醫療知識工作者潛在知識外包的形式與範疇 74
五、醫療知識特性對於醫療知識外包可行性的影響 81
第五章 結論與建議 89
第一節 結論 89
第二節 討論 91
第三節 建議 95
第四節 研究限制與未來研究方向 98
第五節 研究貢獻 99
第六章 參考文獻 100
【附錄一】 109
【附錄二】 112
【附錄三】 115

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