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研究生(外文):Wun-Jing Liou
論文名稱(外文):Dietary Status of Preschool Children in Kindergarten of Taichung: Comparison in Dietary Supply of Preschool Children in Public and Private Preschool
指導教授(外文):Chin-En Yen
口試委員(外文):Che-Yi ChaoChao-Wen Wang
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Background: Having good nutrition and a balanced diet during early childhood is key to infants’ health later on in life. In Taiwan, the rate of 5-year-old children learning in preschools is currently 93.74%. Preschool children typically remain 8 hours at school per day; preschools today are thus one of the main providers of child care, and the meals that they provide have a critical effect on children’s nutritional intake. The objectives of this study were to determine the meals currently offered in preschools and to compare the meals and supplies provided by public and private preschools.
Methods: Twelve public and private preschools from Taichung City were randomly selected for this study. The school principals or supervisors were asked to complete questionnaires, and the meal content was weighed and recorded for analysis. In addition, 1 month of school meal menus were collected to assess the meals that were served.
Results: Overall, the preschool meals contributed on average carbohydrate and calcium amounts that were lower than the dietary reference intakes and on average sodium, vitamin A, and vitamin C amounts that were higher than the dietary reference intakes. Analyzing public preschool meals showed that the average daily supply of calories, proteins, carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber, iron, and vitamins B1, B2, and C were significantly higher than those of private preschools. In addition, the six major groups of foods supplied in private schools failed to satisfy the recommended dietary allowance.
Conclusions: The average daily serving of protein and sodium in public kindergarten meals is greater than a half of the DRIs of such nutrients. Nutrients in private kindergarten meals are generally lower than a half of their DRIs. Therefore, public kindergartens are recommended to reduce the servings and serving size of meat, fish, eggs, beans, and processed food to reduce the intake of protein and sodium. Private kindergartens should provide balanced meals comprising the six major food groups to meet the DRIs of nutrients.

誌 謝...................................................Ⅲ
目 錄...................................................Ⅳ
表 目 錄...................................................Ⅶ
圖 目 錄...................................................Ⅷ
第一章 緒論................................................1
第一節 研究背景與動機.......................................1
第二節 研究目的............................................6
第三節 名詞釋義............................................7
第二章 文獻探討............................................9
第一節 幼兒期營養與飲食.....................................9
第二節 幼兒進入幼兒園就學現況與趨勢.........................16
第三節 幼兒園餐點供應.....................................18
第四節 國內外幼兒園餐點現況................................21
第五節 公立與私立幼兒園餐點現況............................26
第三章 研究方法...........................................29
第一節 研究對象...........................................29
第二節 研究方法與工具......................................32
第三節 研究架構與實驗流程..................................35
第四節 統計分析...........................................38
第五節 幼兒園餐點評估依據..................................39
第四章 研究結果...........................................41
第一節 公立與私立幼兒園餐點供應現況.........................41
第二節 公立與私立幼兒園餐點熱量及營養素供應狀況...............53
第三節 公立與私立幼兒園餐點六大類食物供應狀況.................62
第四節 公立與私立幼兒園餐點表供應狀況........................65
第五章 討論...............................................69
第一節 研究的主要發現......................................69
第二節 研究限制...........................................99
第六章 結論..............................................101
附錄一 幼兒飲食紀錄........................................135
附錄二 幼兒園餐點盤餘量飲食紀錄表............................136
附錄三 研究調查同意書.......................................137
附錄四 幼兒園餐點供應現況調查問卷............................138
附錄五 國人膳食營養素參考攝取量修訂第七版.....................140

表2-1-1 幼兒一日飲食建議量...................................11
表2-1-2 幼兒膳食營養素參考攝取量..............................12
表3-1-1 臺中市公立與私立幼兒園抽樣摘要表.......................31
表4-1-1 公立與私立幼兒園基本資料..............................43
表4-1-2 公立與私立幼兒園餐點設計者基本資料.....................44
表4-1-3 公立與私立幼兒園餐點採購與製作者基本資料................48
表4-1-4 公立與私立幼兒園餐點供應型態...........................50
表4-1-5 公立與私立幼兒園餐點預算...............................52
表4-2-1 公立與私立幼兒園餐點每日平均熱量及營養素供應狀況..........57
表4-2-2 公立與私立幼兒園餐點點心與午餐營養素供應狀況..............61
表4-2-3 公立與私立幼兒園餐點六大類食物每日平均供應份量狀況.........64
表4-2-4 公立與私立幼兒園餐點表供應狀況...........................68

圖3-3-1 研究架構..............................................35
圖3-3-2 研究實施流程...........................................37

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