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研究生(外文):Shih-Chieh Wu
論文名稱(外文):Applying Eye Tracking Technology to Explore Relationships among Landscape Preference, Attention Restoration, Image Features, and Fixation Numbers
指導教授(外文):Su-Hsin LeeTsu-Chiang Lei
口試委員(外文):Jing-Shoung HouYann-Jou LinDa-Lun Tang
外文關鍵詞:Naturalnessvisual attentionspatial autocorrelationcolor preferencefractal dimensiongrey level co-occurrence matrix
  • 被引用被引用:4
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本研究為求能釐清視覺注意力與景觀偏好之間的關係,進行三階段的研究設計:(1)視覺注意力分佈(前導實驗):以專家訪談的方式選取15張水體景觀偏好圖片,由30名受測者隨機觀看完成偏好心智任務後,經空間自相關計算視覺焦點區域後,再進行影像內容分析;(2)景觀偏好與視覺注意力的關係(正式實驗):以自然度差異進行研究設計,分別以自然、混合、城市三大景觀類型,輔以微觀、巨觀兩種尺度共 60 張圖片,由 33 名受測者隨機觀看圖片後,進行偏好評分。再針對圖片中自然度、恢復性、景觀偏好以及總凝視次數四者之間的關係,進行理論的驗證。(3)影像特徵與景觀偏好以及視覺注意力的關係(資料挖掘):以色彩、形狀、紋理與景觀偏好和總凝視次數的關聯性分析,用以重覆驗證景觀偏好與總凝視次數在不同變數之下的相關性,並探索在不同影像特徵的呈現下,景觀偏好的變化性。
第一階段的研究結果顯示,每一張圖片的空間聚集性皆達到顯著性差異 (p<0.01),Moran’s I值介於 0.45 ~ 0.70 之間,為中度到高度的相關性數值。即受測者的凝視點分佈狀態屬於一種非隨機的觀看方式。透過LISA的區域檢定也發現,受測者的確會因為圖片的區域內容差異產生不同的眼球凝視行為;第二階段的研究結果顯示,若將總凝視次數與偏好性進行評估,則總凝視次數越多,偏好值則越低,與本研究假設相同。而在研究中也發現,偏好矩陣僅複雜性與神秘性達到顯著性。複雜性與總凝視次數成正比,與偏好成反比;神秘性與總凝視次數成反比,與偏好成正比;第三階段的影像特徵分析,簡單的來說,人們偏好綠色以藍黃分配範圍較大的影像,這透露了人們視覺偏好行為極有可能與自然界的組成有高度關係,此有待後續研究加以佐證。
An individual accepts optical stimulation of environment through physiological visual system, and memory is extracted from the past experience to produce a higher level of cognitive behavior. Hence, eye movement is a clue that provides the cognitive behavior. However, there is very little study has been done on the preferences and visual attention.
Eye tracking has been widely studied, especially on reading, user interface, visual design, and etc. Under the controlled experiments, these studies suggest that visual attention can be measure through the numbers of fixation. The higher the number of fixation, the higher the preference of an individual towards the object. According to Kaplan’s attention restoration theory, high voluntary attention might reduce the attention restoration; meanwhile, attention restoration has consistency towards landscape preference. For that reason, high voluntary attention might reduce landscape preference of an individual. Therefore, number of fixation and visual preference should be further study. Additional, the relationships among landscape preference, attention restoration, naturalness and image features need to be further study.
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between visual attention and landscape preference by adopting Kaplan’s preference matrix. The study was divided into three stages: (1) the distribution of visual attention (piolot study): 15 pieces of water landscape pictures were selected by 30 respondents, hotspot areas of the images was analyzed via spatial autocorrelation and content analysis. (2) The relationship between landscape preferences and visual attention (formal experiment): 60 pictures were provided with two different scales (macro and micro) to total of 33 respondents; pictures consist of different images, such as natural, mixed, and urban three types. Experiments focus on the relationship between naturalness, restoration, landscape preference, and number of visual attention. (3) The relationships among image features, landscape preference, and visual attention: the experiment was to examine the relationship between image features (colors, shape and texture) and landscape preference score.
At the first stage, findings suggest that Moran’s I of each image was significant (p<0.01). In other words, results indicate that respondents were in the non-random way of browsing. LISA regional verification also suggest that respondent’s eye movement will be differ due to the different image content. Findings at the second stage show that the higher the fixation number, the lower the preference score, in which it is consistent with Kaplan’s theory. Preference matrix only affected by complexity and mystery. The increment of complexity will positively reflect on the visual attention; in contrast, landscape restoration and preference will be reduced. On the other hand, the relationship between mystery and total fixation number is antagonised, the higher the mystery degree, the lower the number of total fixation. Meanwhile, the higher the mystery, the higher the preference is. At the final stage, respondents have a higher intention to green color. The tendency between image features and content of image, an individual’s preference may be affected by the composition of nature, and further research is required.
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機及背景 1
第二節 研究目的 6
第三節 研究問題與假設 7
第四節 研究重要性與貢獻 12
第五節 研究限制 13
第六節 名詞解釋 15
第二章 文獻探討 19
第一節 景觀視覺認知 19
第二節 景觀偏好 27
第三節 注意力恢復理論 33
第四節 眼球追蹤技術 37
第三章 研究方法設計與實施 40
第一節 研究流程 41
第二節 研究架構 42
第三節 研究變項及測量方法 46
第四節 研究對象 49
第五節 研究材料 50
第六節 研究工具 55
第七節 研究實施 56
第八節 資料分析方法 58
第四章 研究結果與分析 71
第一節 視覺注意力的分佈 71
第二節 景觀偏好與視覺注意力的關係 73
第三節 影像特徵與景觀偏好、視覺注意力的關係 87
第五章 結論與建議 102
第一節 結果與討論 102
第二節 研究建議 112
參考文獻 115
附錄 I. GLCM 公式與幾何意義 128
附錄 II. 景觀專家專業背景一覽表 128
附錄 III. 全域視覺注意力實驗個人資料記錄 133
附錄 IV. 心智任務定義說明 133
附錄 V. 各項變數平均數表 134
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