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論文名稱(外文):Using Power Line Transmission Information for Real-Time Current Analysis of Building Lighting Facilities
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In recent years, with the rapid development of industry and commerce, there has been an increasing public demand for smart lighting equipment. Usually, lighting maintenance is proactively notified through the user or administrator, and some lighting equipment set up in dangerous locations which can cause inconvenience for maintenance. If an automatic detection analysis system is developed, it will be able to determine whether the lighting equipment is damaged. In most circumstances, the automatic detection analysis system does not affect the building environment, and will be suitable towards an easy installation, without re-wiring, plugging and other data transmission methods. Therefore, the most dense power lines will be used as the nervous system of the building for data transmission. The main purpose of this research is to develop a real time current analysis of building lighting facilities. It will be easier to get the status of lighting facilities and improve the current ways by using the test to analyze the current signal and determine the status of lighting facilities. This experiment is to measure different T8 fluorescent tubes in the normal state data for each different circuit nodes and data node in various abnormal loops. By identifying the key nodes of continuity measurement through the use of zero-crossing rate analysis and energy analysis , and the results of power line carrier are transferred to the PC, where the LabVIEW® program is used to analyze the results. Finally, the key features of the different state of the lamp are written to the Arduino controller, and the Arduino controller is used alone to complete the current data, real-time measurement and analysis, and can immediately determine the status of the intelligent lighting lamps, and has automatic power-off function and automatic power monitor modules.
致謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 文獻回顧 2
第二章 研究背景 6
2.1 電力線通訊介紹 6
2.1.1 電力線通訊起源與發展 6
2.1.2 高速/低速電力線通訊 7
2.1.3 電力線通訊傳輸原理 8
2.1.4 電力線通訊調變方式 9
2.1.5 影響電力線通信因素 10
2.2 電流量測方法 11
2.2.1 電阻量測法 11
2.2.2 霍爾元件量測法 12
2.3 日光燈介紹 13
2.3.1 日光燈構造 13
2.3.2 日光燈動作原理 14
第三章 材料與方法 15
3.1 系統架構 16
3.2 裝置介紹 16
3.2.1 電力線載波設備 17
3.2.2 霍爾電流感測器 18
3.2.3 繼電器控制 19
3.2.4 Arduino Nano V3.0 20
3.2.5 虛擬圖控程式-LabVIEW 20
3.3 實驗流程 20
3.3.1 實驗方法 20
3.3.2 資料傳輸流程 22
3.4 資料雜訊處理 23
3.5 分析方法 24
3.5.1 Zero Crossing Rate分析 25
3.5.2 Energy分析 26
第四章 結果與討論 27
4.1 整體電路架構 27
4.2 量測數據結果 27
4.3 分析結果討論 32
4.3.1 Zero Crossing Rate分析 32
4.3.2 平均能量分析 34
4.3.3 絕對值能量分析 35
4.4 判斷狀態差異 36
4.5 智慧型燈管監測與自動斷電模組 38
4.6 即時電流分析介面架構 39
4.7 結果與討論 40
第五章 結論與未來工作 41
5.1 結論 41
5.2 未來工作 42
參考文獻 43
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