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論文名稱(外文):Investigations on MgO-Dielectric GaN/AlGaN/GaN MOS-HEMT by Using Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Deposition Technique
外文關鍵詞:Ultrasonic spray pyrolysis depositionmagnesium dioxideGaN/AlGaN/GaN
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經由製程最佳化條件下之傳統蕭特基閘極與氧化鎂閘極介電層之氮化鎵/氮化鋁鎵/氮化鎵金屬-氧化物-半導體閘極結構之高電子遷移率電晶體,元件之直流特性分別為: 最大飽和電流密度 IDS, max (500 mA/mm、681 mA/mm),零閘極偏壓飽和電流 IDSS0 (289 mA/m、329 mA/mm),最大外質轉導 gm, max (120 mS/mm、112 mS/mm),閘極漏電流 Ig (6.85 × 10-3 mA/mm、3.73 × 10-5 mA/mm),閘極-汲極兩端崩潰電壓 BVGD (-104 V、-123 V)。
The thesis investigates MgO-dielectric GaN/AlGaN/GaN metal-oxide-semiconductor high electron mobility transistors (MOS-HEMTs) by using the ultrasonic spray pyrolysis deposition (USPD) technique. Due to the enhanced gate insulation and surface passivation, the gate leakage current has been effectively reduced by depositing the high-k magnesium dioxide (MgO) as the gate dielectric layer.
Improved device performances of the studied MgO-dielectric MOS-HEMT (a referenced Schottky-gate HEMT) have been achieved, including maximum drain-source saturation current density (IDS, max) of 681 (500) mA/mm, drain-source current density at VGS = 0 V (IDSS0) of 329 (289) mA/mm, maximum extrinsic transconductance (gm, max) of 112 (120) mS/mm, reduced gate leakage current (Ig) at VGS = -50 V of 3.73 × 10-5 (6.85 × 10-3) mA/mm, and two-terminal off-state gate-drain breakdown voltage (BVGD) of -123 (-104) V, respectively, at 300 K.
Consequently, superior performance of the present MOS-HEMT has been successfully achieved in this thesis. High-k MgO MOS-gate structure has been obtained by using the cost-effective USPD technique. The present MOS-HEMT device can be promisingly applied to high-frequency RFIC technologies.
摘要 I
Abstract II
Contents III
Figure Captions VI
Table Captions X
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
Chapter 2 GaN/AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure 4
2-1 GaN/AlGaN/GaN Heterostructure 4
2-2 GaN film on substrate 5
Chapter 3 Device Structure and Fabrication Processes 7
3-1 Device Structure 7
3-2 Fabrication Processes 7
3-2-1 Mesa Isolation 8
3-2-2 Drain and Source Ohmic Contact 9
3-2-3 Gate Schottky Contact 11
3-2-4 Gate Oxide Deposition (MgO) 12
3-3 Ultrasonic Spray Pyrolysis Deposition (USPD) 12
Chapter 4 Experimental Results and Discussion 13
4-1 Materials Analysis 13
4-1-1 X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) 13
4-1-2 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) 14
4-1-3 Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) 15
4-1-4 Hall measurement 15
4-2 DC Characteristics at Room Temperature 16
4-2-1 USPD Treatment Thickness Optimization Characteristics 16
4-2-2 Current-Voltage Characteristics 17
4-2-3 Transfer Characteristics 18
4-2-4 Two-Terminal Breakdown Voltage Characteristics 19
4-2-5 Three-Terminal off state Breakdown Voltage Characteristics 19
4-3 Temperature-Dependent DC Characteristics 21
4-3-1 Temperature-Dependent Output Characteristics 21
4-3-2 Temperature-Dependent Transfer Characteristics 21
4-3-3 Temperature-Dependent Two-Terminal Breakdown Voltage Characteristics 23
4-4 Capacitance-Voltage Characteristics 24
4-4-1 Hysteresis Phenomenon 25
4-4-2 Interface State Density (Dit) 25
4-5 Microwave Characteristics 26
4-5-1 fT and fmax Characteristics 26
4-5-2 Power Characteristics 28
4-5-3 High Frequency Noise Characteristics 30
4-5-4 Low Frequency Noise Characteristics 31
4-5-5 Pulse-mode Characteristics 32
Chapter 5 Conclusions 34
References 35
Figures 42
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