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論文名稱(外文):Study of long-term variation for the concentrations and sources of dioxin in Taichung Technology Corridor
外文關鍵詞:PCDD/FsCMB8.2Trajectory modelTemporal and spatial PCDD/Fs distributions
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本研究為探討台中科技走廊戴奧辛濃度與污染來源長期趨勢,以及釐清該地區之氣團傳輸現象情況。本研究於2009~2014年間進行環境中戴奧辛採樣,並應用化學質量平衡空氣品質模式(CMB-8.2)深入探討戴奧辛之污染來源及其貢獻量,其中本研究建立中部地區11個戴奧辛污染源指紋庫,做為受體模式模擬所需。另外,亦運用軌跡模式(HYSPLIT Model)來探討區域內與鄰近地區大氣中戴奧辛傳輸與影響。
戴奧辛檢測結果與CMB-8.2模擬污染來源之長期趨勢變化,將研究分為三個期程,早期(2009~2010年度)、中期(2011~2012年度)與近期(2013~2014年度)。早期、中期及近期檢測結果分別為0.024~0.123、0.025~0.225與0.012~0.101 pg I-TEQ/m3,其戴奧辛檢測結果有逐年降低的趨勢,在2014年第四次採樣,三個採樣點濃度值都是歷年來最低。模擬貢獻污染源結果在早期主要為垃圾焚化爐與二次煉銅業、中期為垃圾焚化爐與燃煤火力發電廠,以及近期主要為垃圾焚化爐與火葬場。火葬場貢獻比例逐年增加的趨勢,貢獻量較低的來源為醫療焚化爐與廢灰渣處理業,而DC電弧爐業、二次煉鋁業與廢水處理廠幾乎沒有貢獻量。軌跡模擬結果顯示,在逆軌跡氣團大多為東北往西南方傳輸,且逆軌跡缐大多通過垃圾焚化廠之後到達採樣點。推估戴奧辛可能受到位於研究區域的東北方兩座垃圾焚化廠所排放之污染物影響,這明確運用CMB與軌跡模式模擬結果有相關性。
In this study, the chemical mass balance model (CMB8.2) of field measurements of 11 kinds of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) emission sources and ambient air at three sites during 2009-2014 was used to identify the source and relative contribution of ambient PCDD/Fs for a long-term in the Dadu Tableland Technology Corridor. The analysis data of flue gas of 11 kinds of emission sources by four environmental protection bureaus in centre Taiwan were used to establish the exhaust fingerprints of PCDD/Fs from those sources. Additionally, HYSPLIT Trajectory Model was also used to investigate the transport of ambient PCDD/Fs in study area.
The period (2009-2014) was delimited three stages, namely early (2009~2010), middle (2011-2012), and recently (2013-2014) stages, for investigation the variations of temporal and spatial PCDD/Fs distributions in study area. The results of field measurements show that the ranges of ambient PCDD/Fs concentration during early, middle, and recently stages were 0.024-0.123, 0.025-0.225, and 0.012-0.101 pg I-TEQ/m3, respectively. It shows that ambient PCDD/Fs concentration decreases year by year in the Dadu Tableland Technology Corridor. The major contribution sources of PCDD/Fs during early, middle, and recently stages were municipal waste incinerators (MUWI) and secondary copper smelting plants (SCS), MUWI and coal-fired power plants (CFP), and MUWI and crematoria, respectively. Remarkable, the contribution of PCDD/Fs from crematoria increases year by year obviously. Medical waste incinerators (MEWI) and ash treatment plants (AT) were minor contribution sources of PCDD/Fs during each stage. The contributions of PCDD/Fs from DC electric arc furnaces (DEAF), secondary aluminum smelting plants (SAS), and wastewater treatment plants (WT) were very low, with the contribution amounts close to zero. The results of backward trajectory modeling at three sampling sets point out that the main transport path of air mass were from northeast to southwest. Therefore, the major PCDD/Fs emission sources are located on the northeastern of study area, which are the two MUWIs. It shows that the modeling results of chemical mass balance and trajectory models are corresponding. Keywords: PCDD/Fs, CMB8.2, Trajectory model, Temporal and spatial PCDD/Fs distributions.
摘要 .................................................................................................................... i
Abstract ............................................................................................................. ii
目錄 .................................................................................................................. iv
圖目錄 .............................................................................................................. vi
表目錄 .............................................................................................................. ix
第一章 前言 ..................................................................................................... 1
1.1 研究緣起與目的 ................................................................................ 1
1.2 研究架構與內容 ................................................................................ 3
第二章 文獻回顧 ............................................................................................. 5
2.1 地理環境 ............................................................................................ 5
2.2 戴奧辛 ................................................................................................ 7
2.2.1 戴奧辛來源 ................................................................................. 10
2.2.2 環境中戴奧辛現況 ..................................................................... 14
2.3 受體模式之應用 ............................................................................... 19
2.4 軌跡模式之應用 ............................................................................... 22
第三章 研究方法 ........................................................................................... 25
3.1 研究範圍 ........................................................................................... 25
3.2 戴奧辛採樣 ....................................................................................... 28
3.2.1 PS-1 高流量採樣器 .................................................................... 28
3.2.2 戴奧辛分析 ................................................................................. 30
3.2.3 品保品管 ..................................................................................... 37
3.3 受體模式之模擬 ............................................................................... 40
3.3.1 受體模式之基本原理 ................................................................. 40
3.3.2 受體模式之驗證 ......................................................................... 43
逢甲大學 e-Thesys v & Dissertations(103 學年度)
3.3.3 受體模式之操作 ......................................................................... 44
3.4 軌跡模式之模擬 ............................................................................... 45
3.4.1 軌跡模式之基本原理 ................................................................. 45
3.4.2 軌跡模式之操作 ......................................................................... 48
第四章 結果與討論 ....................................................................................... 51
4.1 戴奧辛之採樣分析結果 ................................................................... 51
4.1.1 採樣時段之風向風速與溫度濕度............................................. 52
4.1.2 環境中戴奧辛之歷年濃度趨勢變化探討 ................................ 69
4.2 受體模式探討 ................................................................................... 84
4.2.1 中部地區戴奧辛排放源指紋庫................................................. 84
4.2.2 戴奧辛CMB-8.2模擬歷年結果 ............................................... 88
4.3 軌跡模擬結果 ................................................................................... 98
4.4 探討台中科技走廊戴奧辛長期濃度與來源趨勢變化 ................. 214
第五章 結論與建議 ..................................................................................... 216
5.1 結論 ................................................................................................. 216
5.2 建議 ................................................................................................. 217
參考文獻 ....................................................................................................... 216
附錄1 PCDD/Fs濃度
附錄2 CMB-8.2驗證值
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