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研究生(外文):Wu, Jia-Lin
論文名稱(外文):A Novel Battery Charger Circuit with An Improved Parallel-Loaded Resonant Converter for Rechargeable Batteries
指導教授(外文):Chen, Kou-kuang
口試委員(外文):Chuang, Ying-ChunGuo, Chung-JeHuang, Yu-PeiHuang, Yi-Shing
外文關鍵詞:Flexible switchingResonant Converters
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傳統半橋轉換器為硬切架構,具有嚴重的開關損失、高電壓電流應力、EMI干擾及諧波失真… 等負面特性。
本論文研究目的在改良傳統半橋轉換器的缺點並同時改善充電電路損耗使整體效率提高。設計電路採用柔切技術的串聯諧振並聯負載半橋共振式蓄電池充電器架構,(如圖一) 電路原理應用 KA3525 電壓控制型 PWM 來控制兩顆半橋 MOS 開關,並透過適當的 LC 參數設計使共振槽產生共振且操作於連續模式使 MOS 開關達到零電壓切換,其目的為降低開關損失以完成高效率轉換。並且本研究電路不需再設計額外充電電路,透過適當的 LC 參數設計也可同時控制電池的充電電流,不僅能精簡電路、降低成本,最重要的目的為降低損耗達成高效率訴求。

The conventional type of half bridge converter working mode as a hard switching control behavior. It with a lot of disadvantage characters such as high switch losses、high voltage/current stress、serious EMI problems、harmonic issue… and so on.
Besides, the conventional battery charger require an extra constant current design between the output and battery charger in case over chargedcurrent damage the battery device. Unfortunately, this charger circuit may alsoreduce the overall efficiency by some of conduction losses.
The research propose of this thesis are trying to solve the conventional topology’s drawback and also trying to improve the converter’s overall efficiency to the certainly level.
In this thesis, proposing a half bridge charger converter with zero voltage and zero current as a soft switching enhance efficiency solution.(refer to drawing 1)
The application principle is that the half bridge switcher was controlled by KA3525 PWM controller and through the LC resonant rank design which couldoperate in the CCM mode condition. The purpose of zero voltage and zero current operation is to reduce the converter’s switch losses number, so that it is easy to reach the high efficiency requirement. Another benefit is that itwon’t need to set an extra charger circuit in this application. In his case, the battery charger control was determinate by LC component design, so the solution are simple、low cost, and with very high perform efficiency.
In rectifier and filter section, this thesis propose the current double solution, since the current double solution just use two diodes for the rectifier, it could save two the others diodes conduction losses during the rectifier process, so it could also help to improve the overall efficiency to the certainly level.

誌謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract IV
目錄 VI
圖目錄 IX
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究背景與目的 1
1.3 內容大綱 2
第二章 電池介紹 3
2.1電池的歷史 3
2.2電池種類 3
2.2-1一般電池 3
2.2-2 充電電池 4
2.2-3燃料電池 5
2.2-4核電池 6
2.3鉛酸蓄電池工作原理 7
2.4鉛酸蓄電池之優點優點 9
2.5蓄電池的充電方法種類 10
2.5-1定電壓充電法(CV): 10
2.5-2定電流充電法(CC): 10
2.5-3定電流/定電壓充電法(CC/CV): 11
2.5-4脈衝充電法(Pulse Charging): 11
2.5-5反射式充電法(Re flexTM ): 12
2.5-6共振式充電法(Resonant Charging): 12
2.6 鉛酸蓄電池的等效電路模型 13
第三章 改良式並聯負載共振式蓄電池充電器 15
3.1半橋切換式電源 15
3.2 L-C 串聯諧振 15
3.2-1電源頻率等於諧振頻率( f = fo ) 17
3.2-2電源頻率小於諧振頻率( f<fo ) 18
3.2-3電源頻率大於諧振頻率( f > fo ) 18
3.3倍流同步整流電路 18
3.4改良式並聯負載共振式蓄電池充電器 19
3.4-1串聯負載與並聯負載缺點 19
3.4-2共振式蓄電池充電器的電路結構 20
3.4-3 並聯共振式充電器工作原理分析 22
3.4-4 並聯共振式充電器動作流程 23
4.1控制IC介紹 26
4.1-1 接腳簡介 29
4.1-2開迴路電路 30
4.2 MOS驅動IC介紹 30
4.3諧振電感電容設計 31
4.3-1電感量選擇 31
4.3-2諧振槽電流限制推算 33
4.4輸出濾波器設計 34
4.4-1濾波電感 34
4.4-2濾波電容 34
4.5波形量測與討論 35
4.6轉換器效率與外觀 42
4.6-1實體電路外觀 42
4.6-2轉換器效率 43
第五章、結論與未來研究方向 45
5.1 結論 45
5.2 未來研究方向 45
第六章、參考文獻 47

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