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研究生(外文):Hung, Shin-Chien
論文名稱(外文):Appliction of TRIZ Method on Designing and Improving the Fire Extinguisher Pin
指導教授(外文):Tsao, Yi-Ming
口試委員(外文):Chu, Ching-JiungLiu, Kuo-ChiWang, Jiun-ShenWang, Chia-hung
外文關鍵詞:TRIZ40 Inventive Principles39 Engineering Parameters
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本論文主要是針對滅火器的插銷設計進行改良,而採用的改良設計方式就是以TRIZ 創新法搭配39工程參數機制法同步進行。針對滅火器的插銷設計部份是針對設計的方式與應用的方式進行改良與修正。一般而言,在創新方法上的使用或研發團隊針對產品的使用性與應用性都有不同的考量,這些所必需進行的考量,就是TRIZ創新法所定義之問題並能夠在思考問題過程中找到合適之解決方法,此過程就是產品創新設計流程的參考。TRIZ在使用過程中亦會搭配40法則與39 工程參數的機制之下,幫助設計者或改良者得到更理想的解決參考方法,也能夠有效提供一種新的創新思考思維。本論文中應用TRIZ 創新問題解決方法理論為基礎下進行滅火器的插銷設計,結果證明TRIZ法針對適用於滅火器的插銷變更設計中能夠有效尋找到解決的答案,也能夠有效協助設計人員或團隊在開發時有更多的案例與參考模式。

In the current environment,there are many ways to solve problems with systematic innovation, however TRIZ is the mostly accepted way.
TRIZ is the system which is originated from the research on analysis of patent invention,and with cases crossed comparison through large amounts of data and processes, and thus, TRIZ contains both systematic innovation and ways of solving problems.The most obvious advantage of TRIZ is to exclude the desinge’s mental habits leading to own limitation. By this way, it enables the users to sovle the problems that they have encountered and get a perfect plan in a short time with dual considerations on solving tough technical problems and implementing inovation.
This thesis is to refine the design of the extinguisher plug and the refining method adopts the TRIZ with 39 Engineering parameters. The design of the extinguisher plug is improved and modified with design way and applied mothed. Generally speaking, there are different considerations on both use and applications of inovation or team study on product. These considerations are exactly what TRIZ finds to meet both use and allpications. And the process is the reference of workflow of the product inovation. Working together with 39 Engineering and 40 Engineering, TRIZ helps the designers and the reformers to get ideal ways to solve problems as well as efficiently providing a new inovative thought. The thesis applies TRIZ which is based on inovative problem solving theory to design extinguisher plug, and it proves that TRIZ suits the design on improving the extingiuish plug and it finds out the solution more efficiently. And, it also efficiently gives the designer or the team more cases and reference models during development.

目 錄
誌 謝 i
摘 要 ii
目 錄 vi
表目錄 viii
圖目錄 ix
第一章 前言 1
1.1 背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 論文架構 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
第三章 研究方法簡介 12
3.1 技術矛盾與演化趨勢之分析 12
3.1.1 技術矛盾分析 12
3.1.2 趨勢組合 13
3.2 資源分析、理想化設計與物質-場分析 13
3.2.1 資源分析 13
3.2.2 理想化設計 14
3.2.3 資料庫分析 15
3.2.4 物質-場分析 16
第四章 應用TRIZ法於改良滅火器插銷設計 17
4.1 滅火器專利介紹 17
4.1.1 專利創作摘要說明 17
4.1.2 專利申請範圍 18
4.2 技術矛盾之分析與結果 25
4.3 演化趨勢分析與結果 26
4.4 資源分析與結果 27
4.5 理想化設計分析與結果 28
4.6 物質-場分析與結果 29
4.7 應用萃思(TRIZ)方法改良滅火器插銷之效益評估 30
4.7.1 改良後之結果說明 30
4.7.2 改良後之效益評估 31
第五章 結論及未來發展 35
5.1. 結論 35
5.2. 未來規劃 37
參考文獻 39

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