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研究生(外文):Ping-Chen Lee
論文名稱(外文):Study of the relationship between FOXA2 gene expression and cell migration in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
指導教授(外文):Ruei-Nian Li
外文關鍵詞:Esophageal cancergene methylationcell migration
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食道鱗狀上皮細胞癌是食道癌中最主要的類型,佔總病例的90%,上皮-間質轉化是造成食道癌病患癌細胞轉移的原因之一,其中,上皮-間質轉化的關鍵基因CDH1,是主要調控細胞間黏附的相關因子。根據之前文獻報導指出,在CDH1的啟動子區域有4個FOXA2的轉錄結合位,且FOXA2可以直接上調控CDH1的表現並抑制細胞遷移。由先前的實驗結果證實,經由甲基化抑制劑 (5-aza-dC)處理食道癌細胞株後,FOXA2的表現回升,確實也增加CDH1的表現量,進而抑制癌細胞的遷移,在未來對於食道癌遷移的研究具有很大的潛力。然而,FOXA2的基因表現與食道鱗狀上皮細胞癌遷移的相關性尚未明瞭,因此,本研究為了更進一步探討,分別以三種不同的調控方式進行檢測:以TGFβ1處理使FOXA2基因達到高度甲基化狀態、將FOXA2基因表現默化、將FOXA2蛋白過表現。在未經任何藥物處理前,我們利用甲基化特異性聚合&;#37238;連鎖反應 (Methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction, MSP)以及西方點墨法先了解FOXA2及CDH1的甲基化狀態及蛋白表現,結果發現在TE-2、81T、81T-4及146T四株食道癌細胞株,FOXA2基因啟動子均為高度甲基化狀態,CDH1則均為未甲基化狀態;而FOXA2蛋白除了在146T有大量表現外,TE-2、81T及81T-4細胞株均呈低下。有文獻指出,轉化生長因子-β1 (TGFβ1)可以刺激DNA甲基轉移&;#37238; (DNMTs)的活性,並促使基因發生甲基化。146T細胞株經由TGFβ1處理後,FOXA2甲基化程度回升,且FOXA2及CDH1的蛋白表現均下降。此外,在細胞遷移能力方面,146T細胞株經由TGFβ1處理後,在傷口癒合分析實驗 (Wound-healing assay)中,能夠誘導細胞遷移,但在細胞遷移能力分析實驗 (Transwell migration assay)中,遷移能力沒有顯著差異。接著,我們建立一個包含FOXA2轉錄結合位的CDH1啟動子序列冷光載體,證實CDH1啟動子的轉錄活性是由FOXA2所調控,結果顯示,81T、81T-4及146T細胞株經由TGFβ1處理後,81T及81T-4細胞株的CDH1啟動子轉錄活性有劑量依賴性的遞減,但146T細胞株卻沒有差異。此外,81T及81T-4細胞株經由5-aza-dC恢復FOXA2的表現後,能夠被FOXA2-human siRNA抑制其蛋白表現量,且CDH1的蛋白表現也同時被抑制。最後,我們將81T-4細胞株轉染pcDNA3.1-FOXA2使FOXA2蛋白過表現,發現CDH1的表現也跟著回升。根據以上結果證實,在食道癌中,FOXA2的基因表現可藉由DNA甲基化修飾所調控,進而影響CDH1的表現,最後影響癌細胞的遷移能力。期望FOXA2可以成為未來食道癌診斷與治療的生物標靶。

Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is the major type of esophageal cancer, it is about 90%. Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) contributes to cancer cell migration in patients with ESCC. E-cadherin (CDH1), an EMT marker, is one of the genes which regulates the cell-cell adhesion. Previous study indicated that there are four FOXA2 transcription binding sites on CDH1 promoter, and FOXA2 can upregulate CDH1 expression directly and inhibits cell migration. According to the previous results, when the ESCC cell lines were treated with 5-Aza-2’-deoxycytidine (5-aza-dC), which could cause gene demethylation, FOXA2 expression was reexpressed. Upregulation of CDH1 expression increases the potential to cell migration in esophageal cancer. However, the relationship between FOXA2 gene expression and cell migration in ESCC cell lines is still unclear. Therefore, in this study, we want to investigate further mechanism. We detected the FOXA2 expression by three different ways: restore the methylation level by treated with transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFβ1), silencing the transcription of FOXA2, and overexpression of FOXA2 protein. By methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction (MS-PCR) and Western blot, we had found that FOXA2 was hypermethylated and CDH1 was demethylated. The protein expression of FOXA2 was not expressed in TE-2, 81T and 81T-4 cell lines, but 146T expressed in high amount. In previous studies, TGFβ1 has been reported that would increase the expression of DNA methyltransferase (DNMTs) and caused gene methylation. After treated 146T cell line with TGFβ1, FOXA2 was methylated. The protein expression of FOXA2 and CDH1 were decreased with the addition of TGFβ1. Besides, cell migration of 146T cell line was induced after treated with TGFβ1 by wound-healing assay, but it was not significant different in transwell migration assay. We contructed CDH1 promoter luciferase reporter system to confirm CDH1 promoter activity was influenced by FOXA2. The data showed that after treated ESCC cell lines with TGFβ1, the CDH1 promoter activity was decreased in a dose dependent manner in 81T and 81T-4 cell lines, but 146T was not changed. Besides, the reexpression of FOXA2 which induced by 5-aza-dC, was inhibited by FOXA2-human siRNA and the expression of CDH1 was also inhibited in 81T and 81T-4 cell lines. Finally, we transfected the pcDNA3.1-FOXA2 to overexpress the FOXA2 protein, the expression of CDH1 was also increased in 81T-4 cell lines. Our findings indicate that FOXA2 gene expression could be regulated by DNA methylation, and influence the CDH1 expression, finally cause the cell migration. In the future, FOXA2 will be a novel biomarker for targeted therapy in esophageal cancer.

第一章 緒論..............................................................................................1
第一節 食道癌概論...........................................................................1
第二節 上皮-間質轉化 (Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, EMT)....5
第三節 DNA甲基化 (DNA methylation).........................................7
第四節 腫瘤抑制基因 (Tumor Suppressor Gene)..........................10
第五節 轉化生長因子-β (Transforming growth factor beta, TGFβ)....12
第六節 研究問題與目的..................................................................15
第二章 材料與方法................................................................................16
第三章 結果............................................................................................29
第四章 討論與結論................................................................................35
第一節 本篇研究發現及相關文獻探討..........................................35
第二節 未來研究方向與潛力..........................................................41
第三節 結論......................................................................................42
第五章 參考文獻....................................................................................43

表一、甲基化特異性聚合&;#37238;連鎖反應 (Methylation-specific PCR)
引子 (Primer)序列列表...........................................................................53

表二、GoTaq&;#174; Hot Start Polymerase (Promega, USA)...........................54

表三、西方點墨法分析(Western blot analysis)抗體列表......................55

表四、FOXA2-human siRNA及Scrambled siRNA序列列表................56

圖一、上皮-間質轉化 (Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition, EMT).......58

圖二、上皮-間質轉化 (EMT)參與癌症發展與癌細胞轉移及侵襲......59

圖三、DNA 甲基化修飾 (DNA methylation)........................................60


圖五、DNA甲基化抑制啟動子 (Promoter)的轉錄作用.......................62

圖六、FOXA2在E-cadherin的啟動子 (-1000 bp至+1 bp)上的轉錄結合位..........................................................................................................63

圖七、轉化生長因子-β (Transforming growth factor beta, TGFβ)訊號傳遞路徑......................................................................................................64

圖八、Sodium bisulfite conversion及甲基化特異性聚合&;#37238;連鎖反應 (Methylation-specific PCR)......................................................................65


圖十、CDH1啟動子片段序列 (612 bp)..................................................67
圖十一、pGL4.14[luc2/Hygro] vector (Promega, USA)及pGL4.14-CDH1........................................................................................68

圖十二、pcDNA3.1 (+) vector及FOXA2-human in pcDNA3.1 (+) (pcDNA3.1-FOXA2)................................................................................69





圖十七、146T食道癌細胞株經由TGFβ1處理後利用傷口癒合分析 (Wound-healing assay)觀察細胞遷移之能力.........................................74

圖十八、81T-4食道癌細胞株經由TGFβ1處理後利用傷口癒合分析 (Wound-healing assay)觀察細胞遷移之能力:.......................................75

圖十九、食道癌細胞株經由TGFβ1處理後利用細胞遷移能力分析 (Transwell migration assay)觀察細胞遷移之能力.................................76


圖二十一、食道癌細胞株經由5-aza-dC甲基化抑制劑處理48小時後轉染FOXA2-human siRNA及Scrambled siRNA並偵測CDH1及FOXA2的蛋白表現量.............................................................................78

圖二十二、81T-4食道癌細胞株轉染pcDNA3.1-FOXA2及pcDNA3.1 (+) vector後,偵測CDH1及FOXA2的蛋白表現量..............................79

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