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論文名稱(外文):Studies on Performance Evaluation of Emergency Air Medical Transportation on Outlying Islets in Eastern of Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:outlying islet air rescuingData Envelopment Analysiscivilian helicoptersfixed operating cost
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This study aimed at exploring the implementation of the eastern islands air medical service relies on National Airborne Service Corps (NASC) of Ministry of the Interior. When the critically sick or wounded patients in emergency require to air medical service, they would be capable of transferring to Taiwan for medical treatment. In recent years, some major disasters and emergency rescuing incidents have been seen. It is obvious to see that the delayed rescuing incidents of the Morakot typhoon and Penghu Chimei village have shown the poor performance in rescuing helicopters in Taiwan. There is still much room to get improved for evacuation of the victims. In order to understand the performance of air referral, this study adopted the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate the relative efficiency of eastern islands of Taiwan, including Orchid Island, and Green Islet. This study also focused on the application of input and the output projects. This paper analyzes the 2012 to 2013 of air referral service information relative efficiency analysis. Because Kaohsiung distance to Orchid Island, in order to reduce the accident rate, this paper will twin-engine UH-60M incorporated into this paper.
This study, furthermore, made an analysis of the air ambulance rescue approaches in comparison of "specialized" or "Non-specialized" rescuing helicopters. The relevant analyses were also used to make an understanding of related detailed information. The methodology used in this study was applied to the DEA method to conduct the relative analysis. We used a sensitivity analysis to find out how much impact can be on the outlying islets in terms of the input and output projects. The findings of the study showed that overall efficiency average from 2012 to 2014 respectively are 0.90, 0.92, 0.94; the pure efficiency average from 2012 to 2014 respectively are 0.89, 1.00, 1.00; the scale efficiency average from 2012 to 2014 respectively are 1.00, 0.93, 0.93 respectively. As we can find from the results above, the efficiency of outlying islets air referral service is not stable and there is still much room for improvement.
It is important to note that a civilian helicopter, an additional service, is a special output project in the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) of this study. The service stationed in the islet is defined as “the helicopter will be docked in the Islet; when there is a need of referrals, the helicopter can directly fly from the Islet to the Taiwan, the main eastern islands, for medical treatment." The purpose of this project is to save the flight go-and-back time of a helicopter. It therefore increases the referral evacuation efficiency. For the further discussion of this study, the civilian helicopters fixed operating cost model was developed to understand the distinction between NASC and private business costs. In conclusion, from the findings of the empirical results, in views of inefficiencies in each outlying eastern islands, we proposed some useful analyses and relevant suggestions.

中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目 錄
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究對象與範圍 2
1.4研究內容 2
1.5研究架構與流程 2
第二章 文獻探討 4
2.1空中救護轉診概述 5
2.2國外空中救護概況 7
2.2.1美國空中救護概況 8
2.2.2英國空中救護概況 9
2.2.3德國空中救護概況 10
2.2.4日本空中救護概況 11
2.2.5義大利空中救護概況 12
2.2.6荷蘭空中救護概況 12
2.2.7瑞士空中救護概況 13
2.3我國空中緊急醫療救護相關法規 14
2.3.1緊急醫療救護法 14
2.3.2救護直升機管理辦法 15
2.4資料包絡分析法相關文獻 15
第三章 空中救護轉診分析 18
3.1臺灣離島空中轉診現況 18
3.1.1空勤總隊執行現況 18
3.1.2委商執行現況 21
3.2空中救護方式分析 21
3.2.1緊急醫療救護 21
3.2.2直升機緊急醫療系統 22
3.2.3空中轉診 22
3.3救護技術員與救護運輸工具分析 23
3.3.1救護技術員的分級 23
3.3.2救護運輸工具分析 24
3.4空中緊急救護與空中轉診分析 25
3.5「專用」與「非專用」救護直升機之比較 26
3.6空中轉診的安全、效率與品質 27
3.7空中轉診減少之可能作為 29
第四章 分析機隊維保委商成本 31
4.1 機隊規劃檢討 31
4.1.1 任務範疇 31
4.2 維修成本分析 33
4.2.1 空中巴士公司AS-365N直升機 33
4.2.2 塞考斯基UH-60M 41
4.3 結果與分析 46
第五章 研究設計 48
5.1資料包絡分析法 48
5.2各種效率評估方法 49
5.3投入與產出項目 53
5.4投入項作業成本推估 54
5.4.1變動成本推估 54
5.4.2間接與固定成本推估 55
5.4.3總作業成本推估 58
5.5產出項目 58
第六章 研究結果分析 60
6.1整體技術效率分析 60
6.2純粹技術效率分析 60
6.3規模技術效率分析 60
6.4規模報酬分析 61
6.5敏感度分析 63
第七章 結論與建議 66
7.1結論 66
7.2建議 68
參考文獻 72
附 錄 75
附錄一 救護直升機管理辦法 75
附錄二 緊急醫療救護法 79
附錄三 空中救護適應症 85
附錄四 「專用」救護直升機救護裝備 87
附錄五 「非專用」救護直升機救護裝備 91
附錄六 「內政部空中勤務總隊航空器申請暨派遣作業規定」 93
附錄七 「申請內政部空中勤務總隊航空器支援機關派員登機共同執勤作業規定」 102
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