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研究生(外文):Thanh-Phong Dao
論文名稱(外文):Computational Methodologies for Design, Analysis, and Optimization of Compliant Mechanism
指導教授(外文):Shyh-Chour Huang
口試委員(外文):Shyh-Chour HuangJao-Hwa KuangBo-Wun HuangRen-Sheng LinJau-Wen Lin
外文關鍵詞:Compliant mechanismPseudo-rigid-body modelResponse surface methodologyTaguchi methodUtility conceptFuzzy logicMultivariable linear regressionQuasi-zero stiffness passive vibration isolator
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The objectives of this dissertation are to develop methodologies that are able to facilitate the design, analysis, and optimization for general compliant mechanisms.

First, a pseudo-rigid-body model is developed for simple compliant mechanisms. Based on the theory of rigid-body kinematic chain, the relationship between loads and responses can be established. Second, the integration of the response surface methodology and finite element method is introduced to solve complex topology of compliant mechanisms. Third, the Taguchi method based Utility concept is presented for the robust design process of compliant mechanisms regarding at least two output responses. Fourth, Taguchi method based fuzzy logic analysis is developed for the multi-objective optimization of compliant mechanisms. Fifth, Taguchi method based multivariable linear regression is able to predict responses and model many relations for compliant mechanisms through polynomial mathematic equations and collected data from Taguchi’s design layout. Illustrative examples are then developed in order to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed computational methodologies. Last, a quasi-zero stiffness passive vibration isolator is designed and analyzed to illustrate for an application of compliant mechanisms.

Abstract (Chinese) i
Abstract (English) ii
Acknowledgements iii
Contents iv
List of Tables vii
List of Figures ix
List of Symbols xii
Chapter 1 Introduction to Compliant Mechanisms 1
1.1 Background 1
1.2 Advantages of Compliant Mechanisms 3
1.3 Applications of Compliant Mechanisms 3
1.3.1 Human Life 3
1.3.2 Biomechanical Engineering and Medicine Devices 4
1.3.3 Actuators 5
1.3.4 Mico/Nano Scale Manipulation and Position System 5
1.3.5 Micro-Electro Mechanical System 6
1.4 Motivations and Objectives 6
1.5 Literature Review 7
1.5.1 Computational Methods for Compliant Mechanisms 7
1.5.2 Optimization Methods for Compliant Mechanisms 8 Topology Optimization 8 Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm 9 Optimization Using Taguchi Method 9
1.5.3 Vibration Isolation 10
1.6 Results of Dissertation 11
1.7 Organization of Dissertation 12
Chapter 2 Computational Methodologies 13
2.1 Pseudo-Rigid-Body Model 13
2.2 Response Surface Methodology 14
2.2.1 Introduction 15
2.2.2 Description of Response Surface Methodology 15
2.3 Taguchi Method Based Utility Concept 17
2.3.1 Introduction 18
2.3.2 Description of Taguchi Method Based Utility Concept 18 Taguchi Method 18 Utility Concept 19
2.4 Taguchi Method Based Fuzzy Logic Analysis 22
2.4.1 Introduction 23
2.4.2 Description of Taguchi Method Based Fuzzy Logic Analysis 23
2.5 Taguchi Method Based Multivariable Linear Regression 25
2.5.1 Introduction 26
2.5.2 Description of Taguchi Method Based Multivariable Linear Regression 26
2.5.3 Statistical Analysis 28
Chapter 3 Case Studies and Experimental Validation 29
3.1 Illustrative Examples for PRBM 29
3.1.1 Compliant U-Geometrical Holder 29
3.1.2 Compliant Flapper Mechanism 30
3.1.3 Compliant Slider Mechanism 32
3.1.4 A Flexible Beam 33
3.1.5 Conclusions 35
3.2 A Decoupled 2-DOF Compliant Mechanism for RSM 36
3.2.1 Proposed Design 36
3.2.2 Multi-Objective Optimization Using RSM 37
3.2.3 Construction of RSM 39
3.2.4 Effects of Design Variables on Performances 43
3.2.5 Optimal Results 45
3.2.6 Experimental Verification of RSM 46 Displacement 46 Cross-Axis Coupling 49 Dynamic Test 50
3.2.7 Conclusions 52
3.3 A Translational 1-DOF Compliant Mechanism for TMUC 53
3.3.1 Proposed Design 53
3.3.2 Effects of Design Parameters on the Quality Responses of T1CM 54
3.3.3 Multi-Objective Optimization Using TMUC 57
3.3.4 Optimal Results 58 Single Response Optimization Using the Taguchi Method 58 Multi-Response Optimization Using TMUC 61 Determination of the Optimal Settings of Process Parameters 61 Predicted Means ST and DI 65
3.3.5 Experimental Verification of TMUC 67
3.3.6 Conclusions 69
3.4 Broad Self-Amplified 2-DOF Monolithic Mechanism for TMFL 69
3.4.1 Proposed Design 69
3.4.2 Effect of Design Variables on Responses 72
3.4.3 Multi-Response Optimization Using TMFL 73 Problem Formulation 73 Optimal Results 74
3.4.4 Confirmation Experiments for TMFL 77 Dynamic Measurement 77 Measurement of Displacement 79
3.4.5 Conclusions 80
3.5 Micro-Indentation Device for TMLR 81
3.5.1 Development of Predicting Models 82
3.5.2 Conclusions 91
Chapter 4 Application of Compliant Mechanisms to Quasi-Zero Stiffness Passive Vibration Isolator 92
4.1 Introduction 92
4.2 Description of the Proposed Model 94
4.3 Static Analysis 95
4.4 Dynamic Analysis 99
4.5 Responses and Isolation Performance 102
4.5.1 Displacement-Time Response 102
4.5.2 Effect of Damping Ratio on Transmissibility 103
4.5.3 Effect of Input Displacement on Transmissibility 104
4.5.4 Effect of Different Damping Ratios on the Natural Frequency 105
4.5.5 Comparison with a Linear Vibration Isolator 105
4.6 Analysis of the Proposed Isolator 106
4.6.1 Analysis of Springs 106
4.6.2 Static Analysis of the Isolator 111
4.6.3 Modal Analysis 112
4.6.4 Response Analysis 113
4.7 Conclusions 114
Chapter 5 Conclusions and Future Works 115
5.1 Conclusions 115
5.2 Future Works 116
References 117


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