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研究生(外文):Guan-Yu Lin
論文名稱(外文):In Vitro culture of agarwood
指導教授(外文):Jen-Ping ChungKuang-Lung Huang
口試委員(外文):Ting-En DaiWen-Li Lee
外文關鍵詞:Agarwoodtissue cultureregenerationshoot tipendosperm
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沉香樹(Agarwood)具有很高的利用價值,由於龐大的需求,導致野生的沉香被大量砍閥,因而面臨滅絕危機,本研究以組織培養方式,建立一個有效的沉香樹再生系統,並以沉香莖頂及胚乳組織做為再生之材料,並結合LED光源作為植物燈源。結果顯示,在莖頂組織誘導再生上以2 mg.L-1 TDZ + 1 mg.L-1 BA與3 mg.L-1 TDZ + 3 mg.L-1 BA組合下其生長點再生反應較佳,胚乳組織培養在0.1 mg.L-1 2,4-D與1 mg.L-1 TDZ組合中,可以誘導體胚形成,然而在大量繁殖上以0.1 mg.L-1 NAA及0.1 mg.L-1 BA組合下,植株增殖效果為最佳,植株健化以0.1 mg.L-1 NAA及0.05 mg.L-1 BA組合下其植株生長上其高度較高,另外也可以利用LED不同光子組合做為光源,能有效促使植物生長。
Agarwood has a high value of marketing, owing to demand and commercial value, trade in agarwood has intensified in recent years, and wild aquilaria forests have been destroyed. The technology of tissue culture has been established that has an efficient regeneration system of agarwood. In this study, shoot-tip and endosperm tissue were combination of LED light source as a light source. The results show shoot tip-culture on combination of 2 mg.L-1 TDZ + 1 mg.L-1 BA and 3 mg.L-1 TDZ + 3 mg.L-1 BA has preferred regeneration reaction. The endosperm culture on combination of 0.1 mg.L-1 2,4-D and 1 mg.L-1 TDZ has efficient induction of callus. The multiplication of shoots showed on combination of 0.1 mg.L-1 BA and 0.1 mg.L-1 NAA has a optimal effects of treatments. LED light sources indicated that could promote the plantlet growth in tissue culture.
第一章、前言---------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.1 研究動機----------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 研究目的----------------------------------------------------------------- 2
1.3 研究方法----------------------------------------------------------------- 3
第二章、文獻回顧---------------------------------------------------------- 4
2.1 沉香樹植物介紹-------------------------------------------------------- 4
2.2 沉香樹種類及其分佈-------------------------------------------------- 5
2.3 沉香樹結香-------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.4 沉香成分分析及其應用----------------------------------------------- 7
2.5 沉香樹組織培養-------------------------------------------------------- 8
第三章、材料與方法------------------------------------------------------- 12
3.1 試驗材料----------------------------------------------------------------- 12
3.2 母瓶建立----------------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.2.1 植體消毒--------------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.2.2 莖頂培養--------------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.2.3 胚乳培養--------------------------------------------------------------- 15
3.3 植株增殖之研究-------------------------------------------------------- 17
3.4 植株健化之研究-------------------------------------------------------- 17
3.4.1 不同基本培養基試驗----------------------------------------------- 17
3.4.2 不同生長調節劑組合試驗----------------------------------------- 17
3.4.3 不同LED光質組合燈照試驗------------------------------------- 18
第四章、結果---------------------------------------------------------------- 19
4.1 母瓶建立---------------------------------------------------------------- 19
4.1.1 莖頂培養-------------------------------------------------------------- 19
4.1.2 胚乳培養-------------------------------------------------------------- 22
4.2 植株增殖---------------------------------------------------------------- 29
4.3 植株建化---------------------------------------------------------------- 32
4.3.1 不同基本培養基試驗----------------------------------------------- 32
4.3.2 不同生長調節劑組合試驗----------------------------------------- 33
4.3.3 不同LED光質組合試驗------------------------------------------ 38
第五章、討論--------------------------------------------------------------- 40
5.1 不同培植體之再生---------------------------------------------------- 40
5.2 植株增殖---------------------------------------------------------------- 41
5.3 植株健化---------------------------------------------------------------- 41
第六章、結論--------------------------------------------------------------- 43
第七章、參考文獻--------------------------------------------------------- 44
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