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論文名稱(外文):Applying Six Sigma for LTCC Platting Process Improvement
外文關鍵詞:six sigmaDMAICPlattingControl Plan
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Considering business management in the modern society, cost, productivity and quailty are all crucial to the profitability of a corporation. However, in the current hyper-competitive environment, customers rarely choose a product or service from a business simply because of its low cost or high productivity; very often, quality is now the customer’s top concern. Therefore, quality control is of utmost importance to a modern business manager. Among the many methods of quality control, “Six Sigma” is a popular strategy, and it has been proven by many successful examples; corporations such as GE and Motorola have already shown that the “Six Sigma” method could significantly reduce waste and increase product quality in the organizations.
In this research, “DMAIC”, part of the “Six Sigma” quality control strategy, was applied to an index business, and it improved the yield of a plating process crucial to a manufacturing process. First, during the define period, the customer complaints collected by the quality assurance department was thoroughly investigated, and an inter-department task force was set up to create an improvement strategy; in the measure period, the kappa method was used to confirm that the testing method used in the factory was identical to the customer’s definition, and multiple resources were integrated to re-examine the production process; in the analyze period, the cause of the low yield was dissected using the cause & effect diagram, and the identified factors were corrected in the improve period. Finally, in the control period, it was proven that the concentration of the chemicals in the plating solution was related to the thickness of the plating, and control plan, FMEA and SPC control plan are utilized to maintain the improvement in the production quality.

Key words: Six Sigma, DMAIC, Platting, Control Plan

目 錄

中文摘要 .................................ⅰ
英文摘要 .................................ⅱ
誌謝 ....................................ⅲ
目錄 ....................................ⅳ
表目錄 ...................................ⅴ
圖目錄 ...................................ⅸ
第一章 緒論 .............................1
1.1 研究背景 ......................1
1.2 研究目的 ......................2
1.3 論文架構 ......................3
第二章 文獻探討 ..........................4
2.1 六標準差 ......................4
2.1.1 六標準差之源起 ...........4
2.1.2 六標準差的意義 ...........5
2.1.3 六標準差參與人員 .........7
2.1.4 六標準差專案的選擇 .......11
2.1.5 六標準差管理手法的步驟 ....14
2.2 品管七大手法 ...................18
2.2.1 查檢表 ..................19
2.2.2 柏拉圖 ..................20
2.2.3 直方圖 ..................21
2.2.4 特性要因圖 ...............21
2.3 統計流程管制 ...................22
2.4 相關案例探討 ...................26
第三章 研究方法 ..........................29
3.1 定義階段 ......................30
3.2 衡量階段 ......................30
3.3 分析階段 ......................33
3.4 改善階段 ......................34
3.5 控制階段 ......................35
第四章 個案研究 ..........................40
4.1定義階段 .......................40
4.1.1產品介紹 ..................40
4.1.2 客戶聲音 .................43
4.1.3 專案章程 .................45
4.2 衡量階段 ......................47
4.2.1 確認檢測手法 ..............47
4.2.2 退貨品分析 ................50
4.2.3 檢驗機台量測系統評估 .......56
4.2.4 抽樣計畫及不良品判定原則.....61
4.2.5 現行製程能力分析 ...........62
4.3分析階段 ........................64
4.3.1 要因分析圖 ................64
4.4 改善階段 .......................68
4.5 控制階段 .......................75
4.6 專案效益分析 ...................89
第五章 結論 ..............................90
5.1 結論 ..........................90
5.2 未來研究方向 ...................91
參考文獻 ..................................92


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