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研究生(外文):Mei-Hui Wang
論文名稱(外文):Design of Multi-band Antennas for Portable Devices
指導教授(外文):Tsang-Yen HsiehJyh-Liang Wang
口試委員(外文):Chih-Hao Lu
外文關鍵詞:Dual-bandMonopoleMulti-bandAntennaCPW (Coplanar Waveguide)
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本論文研究可適用於可攜帶式裝置之天線,包含可應用於WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) 和藍牙之雙頻單極天線,以及可應用於2G、3G、4G行動通訊及GPS (Global Positioning System) 定位功能的多頻縫隙天線,此兩支天線的設計,都以單極天線結構為基礎,並實做在玻璃纖維介質 (FR-4)印刷電路板 (Printed circuit board, PCB),有結構簡單、容易實作的優點。
首先,本論文中所提出之雙頻單極天線,使用兩個簡單單極結構,組成符合2.4GHz和5GHz band應用於WLAN 和藍牙,亦可應用於ZigBee等ISM频段 (Industrial Scientific Medical Band, ISM Band)。天線尺寸為47 × 36.6 × 1.6 mm3,反射損失均大於10dB。2.4GHz band (2.4 ~ 2.48GHz)實測最大增益為 -0.72dBi,實測輻射效率大於 39.3%。5GHz band(5.15 ~ 5.875GHz)實測最大增益為 3.23dBi,實測輻射效率大於 60.7%。
最後,本論文研究之多頻縫隙天線,使用簡單倒三角型單極結構為基礎,以共平面波導饋電,加上兩道縫隙調整共振頻率,產生多頻特性,可涵蓋應用頻帶包含 GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) 850/900/1800/1900、UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System)、 LTE (Long Term Evolution) 700/800/850/900/1700/1800/1900/2100/2600和GPS。天線尺寸為120 × 50 × 1.6 mm3,反射損失均大於6dB。0.8GHz band (0.7~0.96GHz) 實測最大增益為 -0.3dBi,實測輻射效率大於 25.2%。1.9GHz band (1.7~2.17GHz) 實測最大增益為 3.9dBi,實測輻射效率大於52.5%。2.6GHz band (2.56~2.7GHz) 實測最大增益為 3dBi,實測輻射效率大於44.8% 。
The thesis proposes antennas of portable devices, including one dual-band monopole antenna applied to WLAN (Wireless Local Area Network) and Bluetooth, and the other multi-band slot antenna used in 2G, 3G, 4G mobile communications and GPS (Global Positioning System). The design of two antennas base on monopole antenna structure and can be realized on FR-4 PCB (Printed Circuit Board), which shows the merits of simple structures and easy to implement.
First, the dual-band monopole antenna is proposed in this paper, using two simple monopole structures, can comply applications both 2.4GHz and 5GHz band for ISM band (Industrial Scientific Medical Band, ISM Band), such as ZigBee, WLAN and Bluetooth. The size of antenna is 47 × 36.6 × 1.6 mm3. The antenna discloses a measured return loss greater than 10dB. For 2.4GHz band (2.4 ~ 2.48GHz), the peak gain is measured as -0.72dBi, and the radiation efficiency is more than 39.3%. For 5GHz band (5.15 ~ 5.875GHz), the peak gain is estimated at 3.23dBi, and the radiation efficiency is greater than 60.7%.
Finally, the multi-band slot antenna is planned by an inverted triangular monopole structure with coplanar waveguide feeding. Then, two slots are added to adjust resonance frequency and achieve characteristic of multi-band, which may cover the applications of GPS, GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)850/900/1800/1900, UMTS (Universal Mobile Telecommunications System), LTE (Long Term Evolution)700/800/850/900 and LTE1700/1800/1900/2100/2600. The size of antenna is 120 × 50 × 1.6 mm3, and return loss is more than 6dB. For 0.8GHz band (0.7~0.96GHz), the peak gain is measured as -0.3dBi, and the radiation efficiency is greater than 25.2%. For 1.9GHz band (1.7~2.17GHz), the peak gain is measured as 3.9dBi, and the radiation efficiency is greater than 52.5%. For 2.6GHz band (2.56~2.7GHz), the peak gain is measured as 3dBi, and the radiation efficiency is greater than 44.8%.
Two antennas are proposed and contained in this thesis for portable device applications of nowadays, including mobile phone communications, GPS, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. The sizes of two proposed antennas are suitable for portable devices. The measured characteristics of proposed antennas are good enough to meet the actual needs of the industry.

明志科技大學碩士學位論文指導教授推薦書 i
明志科技大學碩士班論文口試委員會審定書 ii
誌謝 iii
中文摘要 iv
目錄 viii
表目錄 x
圖目錄 xi
第一章 序論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 基礎理論 5
1.3 單極天線理論與特性 9
1.4 共平面波導 12
1.5 章節介紹 13
第二章 天線設計流程與量測方法 14
2.1 天線設計流程 14
2.2 量測相關儀器 15
2.3 反射損失和電壓駐波比 17
2.4 輻射場型 21
2.5 輻射效率和功率增益 23
第三章 應用於WLAN和Bluetooth之雙頻單極天線 25
3.1 天線設計概述 25
3.2 模擬和相關參數分析 27
3.3 量測結果分析 35
3.4 綜合討論 44
第四章 應用於2G、3G、4G和GPS之多頻縫隙天線 45
4.1 天線設計概述 45
4.2 模擬和相關參數分析 48
4.3 量測結果分析 61
4.4 綜合討論 72
第五章 結論與未來展望 73
參考文獻 75

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