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研究生(外文):Rodriguez, Melissa Nicole
論文名稱:中美洲的貿易與衝突及其對貝里斯與瓜地馬拉的意涵 ( 2001 -2013)
論文名稱(外文):Trade and Conflict in Central America: The Implication on Belize and Guatemala (2001-2013)
指導教授(外文):Chang, Wen Yang
系所名稱:國際研究英語碩士學位學程 (IMPIS)
外文關鍵詞:TradeConflictCentral America
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Over the years of progression of the Central American territorial disputes, the Central
American nations have successfully incorporated measures which have with time reduced the
possibilities of militarize boarder disputes. This research explores whether or not the argument
that trade reduces the likelihood of territorial conflict applies to the case of Central America. An
illustrative case study and a time-series cross-dyads GEE (Generalized Estimating Equations)
model applied to analyze the impact of trade on territorial conflict in Central America; were used
to conclude that higher trade interdependence between two countries decrease the likelihood of
militarized conflict.
Table of Contents
1.1 Puzzle..............................................9
1.2 ResearchQuestion....................................9
1.3 Research Purpose ................................. 10
1.4 Methodology ...................................... 13
1.5 Limitations ...................................... 14
Chapter 2............................................. 16
Literature Review......................................16
2.1 Trade Reduces Conflict............................ 16
2.2 Trade Does not Deter Conflict .................... 19
2.3 Hypothesis........................................ 22
Chapter 3............................................. 23
Trade and Territorial conflict in Central America: a Quantitative Analysis ................................ 23
3.1 Introduction ..................................... 23
3.2 Why Study Central American Territorial Conflict.............................................. 24
3.3 Case of Territorial Disputes in Central America............................................... 25
El Salvador and Honduras ............................. 25
Nicaragua – El Salvador – Honduras.............................................. 26
Nicaragua and Honduras....................................................................................................... 27
Costa Rica and Nicaragua.............................. 27
Guatemala – Belize ................................... 28
3.3 Research Design................................... 29
Research Sample and Unit of Analysis.................. 30
Operationalizing Variables: .......................... 30
3.4 Results........................................... 31
3.5 Chapter Summary:.................................. 32
Chapter 4............................................. 34
Trade and Territorial Conflict-A Case Study of Belize and Guatemala: Qualitative Study.......................... 34
4.1 Introduction ..................................... 34
4.2 Historical Background............................. 35
4.3 Historical Research Context....................... 39
4.4 Trade and Conflict: Case study of Belize and Guatemala ............................................ 41
4.5 Chapter Summary............................................... 48
Chapter 5............................................. 50
Conclusion ........................................... 50
5.1 Overview ......................................... 50
5.2 Policy Implications/Recommendations.......................... 53
Bibliography ......................................... 56
Appendix.............................................. 62
Tables................................................ 62
Figures............................................... 66

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