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論文名稱(外文):Optimization Model for Track Alignment in High-speed Railway System
指導教授(外文):Machine Hsie
外文關鍵詞:Track alignment irregularityTaiwan High Speed Railway.10m versine40m versineOptimization
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本文將介紹台灣高鐵現行軌道的維修管理的方式,嘗試研究以Python電腦軟體撰寫Binary Programming程式配合Linear Programming求解軌道平整度,確認其結果為10m弦正矢、40m弦正矢及其他相關限制下的最佳解答,並進一步提出考量超短1.3m弦正矢之必要,來補足10m弦正矢、40m弦正矢不足之處,精進台灣高鐵現行軌道平整度計算模式的品質。
接著探討是否能將軌道平整度調整作業最佳化方法導入至台灣高鐵目前軌道高低線形平整度調整計算方法中;經由實際驗證比較新舊軌道平整度計算方法之差異,確認改良B. P.程式於各方面皆優於EXCEL巨集舊法且大幅領先, 例如改良B.P.新法讓10m弦、40m弦正矢平整度調整結果更加平順,並減少噪音及軌道基鈑連續上下劇烈變化情況,且大幅縮短人工判視及經驗調整的計算時間。
The alignment of high-speed rail tracks change as the time passes. The tracks continuously face with detrimental conditions and cause irregularity, such as earthquake, degrade of pre-stressed concrete bridges, soil subsidence and so on. Track alignment deterioration will affect not only the comfort of passengers but also the safety of train operations. On the other hand, irregularity of tracks cause vibration and impact between tracks and wheels which seriously reduces the life of train system and track components as well as increase the consumption of energy. As a result, the track alignment needs to be improved to maintain the safety and reduce operational cost of the high-speed rail system.
The current procedure of Taiwan High Speed Rail (THSR) to rectify irregularity of alignment is by inserting a combination of shims with 14 kinds of different thickness. The rails are therefore adjusted up or down to improve the alignment. The proposed alignment indexes include 1.3m, 10m and 40m versine. How to choose the most appropriate combination of shims is the main goal of this study.
For each track fixture, hounded of thickness of shim could be chosen. Hundreds of binary decision variables are used to describe which kind of thickness is chosen at one fixture position. Usually hundred meters of track with hundreds of fixtures need to be aligned all together. Therefore, this is an optimization problem with ten thousands discrete decision variables, which is very difficult to solve directly.
To over this problem, a linear programming model is first proposed to produce the appropriate conjectured thicknesses of shims in the fixtures. Then 5 shim thicknesses most closed to the conjectured thicknesses are organized to conduct a binary programming model to solve this problem.
This research first reviews the current track maintenance procedures of THSR. A model integrating linear programming and binary programming is described in detail. Finally a project of track alignment is demoed to validate the developed model. It concludes that the proposed model can provide sophisticated track alignment plan.
Keywords: Track alignment irregularity;Taiwan High Speed Railway. ;10m versine ;40m versine;Optimization
審核頁 iv
誌 謝 v
摘 要 vi
Abstract vii
表目錄 xi
圖目錄 xii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究目的 1
1.3研究範圍與限制 2
1.4研究方法與流程 2
1.4.1研究方法 2
1.4.2研究流程 3
第二章 軌道平整度管理說明與文獻回顧 5
2.1 軌道管理 5
2.1.1軌道管理的意義 5
2.1.2軌道平整度不整的種類 5
2.1.3軌道平整度檢測方法 9
2.1.4弦測法與正矢 10
2.1.5倍長演算 11
2.2軌道平整度管理之分級 15
2.3各國高速鐵路軌道平整度管理標準 16
2.3.1台灣高速鐵路軌道平整度管理標準 16
2.3.2高速鐵路軌道平整度管理標準之比較 17
2.4線性規劃相關應用文獻 18
第三章 台灣高速鐵路軌道平整度調整 21
3.1軌道平整度資料分析方式 21
3.2軌道平整度調整方法 24
3.3軌道平整度調整規定 28
3.3.1軌道墊片(shim)計算說明 29
3.3.2軌道墊片(shim)數量計算 31
3.4軌道墊片數量計算精進 34
第四章 軌道平整度最佳化程式說明 35
4.1 Python2.7電腦軟體運用說明 35
4.2 計算求解軌道平整度最佳化流程說明 37
4.3 Linear Programming計算模式求解流程 38
4.4 離散數學範疇 42
4.5 Binary Programming二元整數解 43
4.6 改良Binary Programming計算模式求解流程 44
4.7 改良B.P.求解結果確認 47
第五章 軌道平整度最佳化程式導入 51
第六章 結論與建議 60
6.1 結論 60
6.2 建議 62
6.3 後續研究 62
參考書目 64
附 錄 66
附錄一:30mm範圍優化取用4片軌道調整墊片組合 66
附錄二:軌道調整墊片厚度實數解 70
附錄三:50mm範圍優化取用2片軌道調整墊片組合 75
附錄四:軌道調整廠商訪談 76
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