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研究生(外文):Yi-Chuan Huang
論文名稱(外文):Microstructure and magnetic properties after ion beam bombardment of 【Fe/V】 bilayer Thin Film
指導教授(外文):Ko-Wei Lin
外文關鍵詞:Fe/V bilayerion beammagnetic
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本研究係針對利用離子束濺鍍系統( IBAD) 以二氧化矽(SiO2)基板所鍍著鋁/[鐵/釩](Al / [Fe/V])雙層薄膜,其中鋁層係屬該薄膜的防護層,並再經由離子束轟擊鐵磁層後進行其微結構及磁性質分析探討。
利用X光繞射儀進行X光繞射分析(X-ray Diffraction,XRD) Fe/V薄膜的晶體結構,並從繞射圖譜得知在其繞射角2θ分為82.3°(Fe)、42.1°(V)、33.1° ( Fe2O3);於JCPDS Card 之鐵(211)、釩(110)、氧化鐵(104)的hkl晶面具有一繞射峰。而鐵與釩皆屬於體心立方晶體結構( Body-Centered Cubic Crystal Structure,BCC),利用布拉格定律(Bragg’s law) 分別計算其晶面間距(dhkl)求得鐵、氧化鐵與釩的晶格常數a(Å),鐵晶格常數a211=2.87 Å、釩晶格常數a110=3.03 Å,氧化鐵(Fe-oxide) 晶格常數a=5.05 Å, c=13.76 Å, c/a值為2.72。並將實驗計算值與塊材理論值(JCPDS Card)相比對可得知是相近的,亦驗證此實驗樣品含有氧與鐵結合形成氧化鐵(Fe-oxide)的存在。
再經由穿透式電子顯微鏡(Transmission Electron Microscope, TEM) 觀察鍍膜微結構、膜厚以及晶粒尺寸。從TEM橫截面圖中可清楚辨別四層斷面,分別為二氧化矽基板、釩、鐵(含部份氧與鐵結合形成之氧化鐵)、鋁和覆蓋在最上方之Epoxy,其鐵、釩、鋁各層膜厚分別為9.91 nm(氧化鐵膜厚1.69 nm)、26.1 nm、10.78 nm。透過暗視野圖統計出平均晶粒尺寸(grain size)約為9.8 nm。
最後利用震動樣品磁力計(VSM)在外加磁場(12 kOe) 並於室溫(298 K)及低溫(180 K)下量測薄膜的磁性質。在低溫(180 K)下之矯頑磁力有增加之現象為35.9 Oe,主要原因是於低溫(180 K)下,磁矩翻轉較不容易和鐵磁與反鐵磁界面交換耦合強度增強所致。室溫(298 K)與低溫(180 K)下之交換偏壓場差異性不大,其交換偏壓場差為0.5 Oe,形成交換偏壓場原因可能是Fe與O結合後較容易形成Fe2O3,其磁性質具有反鐵磁性。但發現實驗樣品在低溫時其交換偏壓場無明顯變化,可能是實驗試片內所形成的Fe2O3較低。

The study uses silicon dioxide (SiO2) substrate in an ion beam assisted deposition (IBAD) system which plated with Aluminum/[Iron/ Vanadium ((Al/[Fe/V]) bilayer, wherein the aluminu layer is the protective layer, then analyze and explore its microscture and magnetic properties after using ion beam bombarding the ferromagnetic layer.
X-ray diffractometer is used to analzye the crystal structure of Fe/V film with X-ray diffraction (XRD), from the diffrction pattern, it is known that its diffraction angle 2θ is divided into 82.3°(Fe), 42.1°(V), 33.1° ( Fe2O3). The hkl crystal planes of Iron (211), Vanadium (110) and Ferric Oxide (104) of JCPDS Card have a diffraction peak. The structure of Iron and Vanadium are both body-centered cuibc crystal structure (BCC). Bragg’s law is used to respectively calculate its interplanar distance (dhkl) to get the lattice constant of Iron, Ferric Oxide, and Vanadium, which is a(Å); the lattice constant of Iron a211 is 2.87 Å; the lattice constant of Vanadium a110 is 3.03 Å; the lattice constant of Fe-oxide a is 5.05 Å, c is 13.76 Å, and the c/a value is 2.72. This experimental calculated value is compared with JCPDS Card, and the result shows that the values are similar, and verifies that the test sample contains Fe-oxide which is a combination of oxygen and iron.
Next, observing the microstructure of coated film, film thickness, and grain size via a transmission electron microscope (TEM). From a cross-sectional TEM image, it can be clearly seen that each layer is respectively silicon dioxide (SiO2)substrate, vanadium, iron (including Fe-oxide which is a combination of oxygen and iron), aluminum, and Epoxy that is covered on the top. The film thickness of iron, vanadium, and alauminum is respectively 9.91 nm (1.69 nm for Fe-oxide), 26.1 nm, and 10.78 nm. Counted through dark field diagram, the average grain size is about 9.8 nm.
Finally, vibration sample magnetometer (VSM) is used to measure the magnetic properties of thin film in an external magnetic filed (12 kOe) at room tempaure (298 K) and at low temperature (180 K). At low temperature (180 K), the coercitive force increases 35.9 Oe; the main reason is that, in such low temperature (180 K), magnetization reversal is less easy, and the exchange coupling strength of ferromgnetic and antiferromagnetic planes increases. The difference of exchange biasing field at room temprature (298 K) and low temprature (180 K) is not significant; its exchange biasing field is 0.5 Oe. The cause of exchange biasing field may be that after Fe and O reacts, they more likely to form Fe2O3 whose magnetic property is antiferromagnetic. Nevertherelss, it is found that there is no significant change in exchange biasing field of the test sample at low tempearture; the reason may be that ratio of Fe2O3 formed in experimental specimen is lower.

致謝 I
摘要 II
Abstract III
目次 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 前言 1
1-2 研究動機 2
1-3 基本理論 3
1-4 磁滯曲線 11
1-5 磁阻效應 14
1-6 文獻回顧 17
第二章 實驗規劃與流程 20
2-1 實驗目的及說明 20
2-2 試片製作 20
2-3 實驗流程 21
2-4 基材準備及處理 22
2-5 離子束濺鍍系統介紹 25
第三章 分析儀器原理介紹 29
3-1 X光繞射儀原理(X-ray Diffraction, XRD) 29
3-2 穿透式電子顯微鏡原理 (TEM) 32
3-3 震動樣品磁力計原理(VSM) 37
第四章 結果與討論 38
4-1 X光繞射儀分析(XRD) 38
4-2 穿透式電子顯微鏡分析(TEM) 42
4-3 震動樣品磁力計(VSM) 47
第五章 結論 50
參考文獻 51
中文文獻 51
英文文文獻 52

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