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研究生(外文):Chung-Shu Chiang
論文名稱(外文):The Influence of Buyer, Seller, and Platform Factors on Trust: The Moderating Effect of Facebook Fans-page Performance
外文關鍵詞:TrustTrusting beliefsDisposition to trustWeb seal provider attributeReputationFacebookfans-page
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在第一階段的研究中,目的為透過信任來探索使用者是否可以區分不同程度表現的粉絲專頁。我們將研究中所蒐集的粉絲專頁依據粉絲人數、有無官方網站、貼文性質以及其他資訊分類成高等表現、中等表現以及低等表現。研究中所探索的信任為科技信任信念(technology trust beliefs)及人際信任信念(interpersonal trust beliefs)。此外,我們也同時研究粉絲專頁的知覺可用性(perceived usability),因為知覺可用性對信任在某些層面上有些許相關。此研究使用問卷調查法蒐集必要的資料,而最後的統計結果指出粉絲專頁的表現的確會造成不同程度的使用者信任以及知覺可用性,尤其高階表現的粉絲專頁與低階表現者的差異最為顯著。
在第二階段的研究中,我們探索買家、賣家與平台因素在不同程度表現的粉絲專頁中對信任信念所產生的影響。其中,買家的因素為信任傾向(Disposition to trust)、賣家的因素為網站提供者特性(Web seal provider attribute)、平台的因素為粉絲專頁上所表現出的聲譽(Reputation)。此外,我們認為賣家的信任信念會對自己的行為意圖(Behavioral intention)有所影響。根據第一階段的研究結果,我們設計高等表現與低等表現的兩個粉絲專頁的情境以作為調節變數,並且也將消費者是否在粉絲專頁上有過購買的經驗作為另一個調節變數。
As social media grows rapidly in recent years, many sellers begin to use it as the transaction platform, and it obviously happens on Facebook fans-page. However, there are thousands of Facebook fans-pages in Taiwan and they have different operating performance. If users tend to involve in transacting with sellers on Facebook fans-pages, trust will play an important role among different levels of performance. Therefore, this research can be divided into two stages. Stage 1 was exploratory study, we primarily concerned on whether users can distinguish Facebook fans-page among different levels of performances. Stage 2 was empirical study in order to primarily explore trusting beliefs among different levels performance of Facebook fans-pages.
In the stage 1, we explored whether can distinguish different performance of Facebook fans-page through trust. The levels performance of Facebook fans-pages which we collected can be classified into high performance, medium performance, and low performance level according to their number of fans, official website, postings, and other information. The trust concept in this study includes technology trust beliefs and interpersonal trust beliefs. Technology trust beliefs can be divided into functionality belief and reliability belief. Moreover, this study adds perceived usability in examination in addition to it is somehow related with trust according to prior research. The questionnaire survey was conducted to collect necessary data. The results suggested the participants showed significantly different responses among different Facebook fans-pages with different performance levels. Specifically, high performance Facebook fans-pages resulted in significantly higher trust beliefs and perceived usability than low performance fans-pages. However, the results also showed that users can’t clearly distinguish medium performance fans-page from high performance and low performance one.
In the stage 2, we explored the influence of buyer, seller, and platform factors on trusting beliefs among different levels of Facebook fans-page performance. About factors, the buyer’s factor is disposition to trust, the seller’s factor is Web seal provider attribute, and platform’s factor is reputation which will have influence on the buyer’s formation of trusting beliefs. In addition, we proposed that trusting beliefs will have effect toward behavioral intention which indicated the buyer satisfaction, fans-page quality, and repeat visits, recommendation, and positive comments. According to the results of stage 1, we designed two different levels of high performance and low performance conditions as a moderating effect to explore these factors. Moreover, experience is also a moderating effect, because the subjects who have experience in purchasing on Facebook fans-page will realize and distinguish the process of different performance condition design more than the subject who have no experience.
Among 285 subjects participated in this research to fill out the questionnaire of two different performance conditions. As the moderating effect is performance conditions, the findings showed that disposition to trust and Web seal provider attribute have significantly positive effects on trusting beliefs among high performance and low performance conditions. However, reputation is not significant in high performance condition or low performance condition. Trusting beliefs toward behavioral intention is also significant among two performance conditions. As the moderating effect is experience, the findings showed that disposition to trust, Web seal provider attribute, and reputation all have significantly positive effects on trusting beliefs according to the subjects who have experience in purchasing on Facebook fans-page. In contrast, except disposition to trust is significant, Web seal provider attribute and reputation are not significant. According to examination of performance condition and experience as moderating effects, the findings indicated that all factors are significant among high performance condition or low performance condition as the subject have experience. However, except disposition to trust is significant, the other factors are all not significant.
Our contribution is that buyers may have different perception of reputation and Web seal provider attribute. The explanation is that buyers may perceive diversity of product information, store information, postings, service quality and interaction with sellers among two different performance, and the perceptions will have influence on the buyers’ formation of trusting beliefs.
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1. Research Background 1
1.2. Research Motivation and Purpose 2
1.2.1 Stage 1: The Exploratory Study 2
1.2.2 Stage 2: The Empirical Study 4
Chapter 2. Literature Review 6
2.1 The Exploratory Study 6
2.1.1 Technology Trust Beliefs 7
2.1.2 Interpersonal Trust Beliefs 8
2.1.3. Perceived Usability 8
2.2 The Empirical Study 10
2.2.1 Trust 10
2.2.2 Trusting Beliefs 11
2.2.3 Antecedents of Trust 12 Buyer Factor: Disposition to Trust 12 Seller Factor: Web Seal Provider Attributes 14 Platform Factor: Reputation 15
Chapter 3. Methodology 16
3.1 Stage 1: The Exploratory Study 16
3.1.1 Research Framework 16
3.1.2 Scenario Design 17
3.1.3 Operational Definitions 18 Technology Trust Beliefs - Functionality Belief 18 Technology Trust Beliefs - Reliability Belief 18 Interpersonal Trust Beliefs 19 Perceived Usability 19
3.1.4 Data Collection 19
3.1.5 Data Analysis 21 Sample Characteristics 21 Test of Reliability and Validity 21
3.1.6 Research Results of Stage 1 24
3.2 The Empirical Study 25
3.2.1 The Research Model 25
3.2.2 Instrument Development 26
3.2.3 Manipulation Check of Perceived Usability 27
3.2.4 Experiment Design 27
3.2.5 Moderating Effects 28 Performance of Facebook Fans-page 28 Experience in Purchasing on Facebook Fans-page 28
3.2.6 Data Collection 29
Chapter 4. Data Analysis 31
4.1 Sample Characteristic 31
4.2 Test of Reliability and Validity 31
4.3 Results of Regression Analysis for Performance Condition 34
4.4 Results of Regression Analysis for Experience 36
4.5 Results of Regression Analysis for Performance Condition and Experience 36
Chapter 5. Conclusion 40
5.1 The Exploratory Study of Stage 1 40
5.2 The Empirical Study of Stage 2 41
5.3 Contribution 42
References 44
Appendix 1. The Questionnaires of the Exploratory Study 48
Appendix 2. The Questionnaire of the Empirical Study 50
Appendix 3. Condition Design and Process 52
3.1 High Performance Condition 52
3.2 Low Performance Condition 60
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