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研究生(外文):Wei-Chiang Yang
論文名稱(外文):A study of phase shift Michelson interference objective
指導教授(外文):Jenq-Shyong Chen
口試委員(外文):Chi-chiun liJian-hung liuYung-yuan shiuShau-shian chen
外文關鍵詞:random phase shiftMichelson interference objectivephase unwrapping
  • 被引用被引用:2
  • 點閱點閱:219
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在將壓電材料應用於麥克森干涉物鏡之反射面後,本文驗證了使用壓電材料推動麥克森干涉物鏡的反射面來做相位移,是否會與使用外部的精密位移平台相位移的結果相同,本文運用USAF 1951 target試片重建表面輪廓後來驗證兩個系統雖不同但卻有相同的結果,以此來證實本文所使用之架構系統並不會影響表面輪廓的重建的結果,表示本文所運用之系統是可行的,並且改變了原本需要用外部的位移平台移動物體的系統,也運用本文的麥克森干涉物鏡量測表面粗糙度不同的試片,並且運用KNT2060/01標準試片的R1凹槽驗證誤差值。

Phase shifting interferometry has been proven to reconstruct the surface profile at the nanometer resolution if the accurate shifted phase at every step can be precisely controlled. However, the conventional phase shifting interferometry requires expansive precision motion stage based on the closed-loop control of the PZT driving technology. The closed loop control is used to overcome the hysteresis of the PZT driver which happens in open loop control. The interferometer instrument must, also, put on anti-vibration table and protect by a cover to avoid the floor vibration and air-turbulence. Another drawback of the conventional phase shifting mechanism is bulky. In this thesis, we propose a novel low-cost and compact phase shifting interferometer to overcome the mentioned problems. We are exploiting the fast image capturing capability of modern digital CCD technology to quickly capture the fringe patterns of the interferograms under different phase-shifting conditions. To overcome the problem of conventional phase-shifting interferometer, we propose a phase-shifting Michelson interferometry microscope objective based on the Michelson interferometry principle. The phase shifting mechanism which drives the reflecting reference mirror is integrated into the microscope objective. One advantage of our technology is that no external motion stage is required to control the displacement of the measured object, especially when the measured object is bulky in size and difficult to be moved.
We must find out another method of phase shifting to simplify system. Using interference principle to achieve the purpose of intervention, we can move reflection surface or object surface. Miraue interference objective is included of reflection surface. The piezoelectric block is difficult to move its reflective surface. However the Michelson interference objective its reflective surface interference objective located on the side, it is possible to move. By placing piezoelectric block behind the reflective surface of Michelson interference objective to displace its reflective surface, it can generate phase shifting.
In this study, by using a piezoelectric material to displace the reflecting surfaces of Michelson interference objective would cause phase shifting. We not only use external precise displacement platform to reconstruct surface but also use USAF 1951 target specimen and the groove of KNT2060/01 standard test piece R1 to verify the error. According to the similar result of these two different methods, it proves the feasibility of this system.

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2研究動機 1
1.3 研究之創新性與目標 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1相位取出 3
2.2隨機相位移演算法 6
第三章 數位干涉顯微鏡理論基礎 8
3.1數位干涉顯微鏡系統 8
3.2基本干涉原理 8
3.3相移干涉術 10
3.4各式相位移演算法 11
3.4.1 三步相位移法 11
3.4.2 四步相位移法 12
3.4.3 Carre''演算法 13
3.4.4 五步相移演算法 13
3.5隨機相位移演算法【8】 14
3.6相位展開 18
3.7干涉物鏡 20
3.7.1 Mirau式干涉物鏡 20
3.7.2麥克森式干涉物鏡 21
第四章 系統規格與元件設計 22
4.1本實驗之顯微鏡系統 22
4.2.1顯微鏡之規格 24
4.2.2照明光源 25
4.2.3 CCD 28
4.3麥克森干涉物鏡 29
4.4 壓電塊與夾具設計 30
4.4.1壓電塊 30
4.4.2夾具設計 31
4.5相移麥克森干涉顯微物鏡 34
4.6 PI 位移平台 35
4.6 完整實驗系統架構 36
第五章 量測結果驗證 37
5.1 相位移結果比較 38
5.2表面量測結果比較 40
5.2.1 表面輪廓重建結果比較 40
5.2.2表面輪廓重建剖面圖比較 48
5.3量測結果驗證 50
5.4 其他量測結果驗證 55
5.5量測誤差驗證 62
第六章 結論與未來展望 71
6.1研究結論 71
6.2未來展望 71
參考文獻 73

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