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研究生(外文):Yu-jhang Su
論文名稱(外文):Application of Pattern Mining to Day-Trading in TAIFEX
指導教授(外文):I-En Liao
口試委員(外文):Shang-Juh Kao
外文關鍵詞:Pattern miningCandlesticksN patternFutures TradingTaiwan Futures Exchange
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  過去的方法多利用技術分析的指標,再配合類神經網路、基因演算法或統計方法等,進行參數最佳化的演算,此法雖然可行,但可能會陷入過度最佳化的陷阱,或者經過一段時間後,最佳化參數需因時調整等問題。本研究試著用型態探勘(Pattern Mining)方法,針對台指期貨的價格走勢做型態上的拆解,以N字型態為基礎,跳脫傳統M頭、W底、旗型等慣用技術分析型態,改由更基本的N字型態做為分析主軸,藉以找出可獲利的操作模式。本文係運用技術分析裡的K線高低點相連產生的N字型態,以N字結尾端點突破或跌破N字的轉折點做為買入及賣出訊號,再搭配不同週期、停損與資金管控等不同策略,針對2011~2014年台指期貨歷史資料實施回溯測試,以最佳累積報酬率當作擇優條件,作出台股指數期貨當沖交易決策。

Taiwan’s futures market has been running for more than 10 years since 1997. So far, numerous investment methods and indices have been developed, all for the purpose of helping investors beat the efficient market to gain excess returns. Futures trading is characterized by high leverage, meaning that with a good trading strategy, one is likely to gain high returns with a small investment. However, it is also characterized by faster price fluctuation and lower predictability compared to stocks trading.
Previous research has proposed methods involving use of neural network, genetic algorithm or other statistical analyses along with indices of technical analysis to compute optimal parameters for investment. These methods are feasible but may lead to over-fitting or require time-varying adjustments. In this study, a pattern mining method was proposed. Instead of the traditional M-head, W-bottom or flag patterns, this method analyzes N patterns, created by linking the candlesticks, in the trends of Taiwan Futures Exchange (TAIFEX) prices to find profitable ways of futures trading. This method views the breakthrough beyond the ending tip of an N pattern as a signal for buying and the turning point after a slump outside the N pattern as a signal for selling. The effectiveness of this method combined with different investment strategies was also tested using historic data of TAIFEX during 2011~2014. In this test, the best cumulative return was used as the optimal condition for day-trading.
Empirical evidence showed that the proposed N-pattern method combined with other investment strategies can generate positive cumulative returns from day-trading across all the four years. In other words, the trading principles provided by the proposed N-pattern method can be feasible strategies for day-trading in TAIFEX.

摘要 i
Abstact ii
目錄 iii
表目錄 v
圖目錄 vi
第1章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究動機與目的 1
1.3 主要貢獻 3
1.4 論文架構 4
第2章 文獻探討 5
2.1 台灣股價指數期貨簡介 5
2.1.1 契約規格與交易量 5
2.1.2 交易操作模式 7
2.2 技術分析 7
2.2.1 技術分析概述 7
2.2.2 技術分析方法 8
2.2.3 型態分析法 9
2.3 相關文獻比較 13
第3章 系統設計與演算法 15
3.1 系統架構 15
3.1.1 資料預處裡 15
3.1.3 模擬交易流程 17
3.1.3 績效分析 18
3.2 N字處理流程 19
3.2.1 K線高低點線段連結 19
3.2.2 連接點合併及N字型態截取 23
3.3 交易策略與操作方式 25
3.3.1 N字分類方法 25
3.3.2 交易策略 26
3.3.3 交易操作方式 30
3.3.4 原始交易策略之演化 31
第4章 實驗結果分析 32
4.1 資料集 32
4.2 原始N字策略之績效分析 33
4.3 長短K線週期之績效分析 35
4.4 停損策略績效分析 39
4.5 使用資金管控之績效分析 40
第5章 結論與建議 42
5.1 結論 42
5.2 後續研究建議 42
參考文獻 45

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