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研究生(外文):Hsiang-Yu Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Study of Security Mechanisms for Value-Added Services in Vehicular Cloud
外文關鍵詞:Vehicular cloud computingsecurityprivacyproxy re-encryptionvalue-added service
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In recent years, vehicular ad hoc network has almost fully developed. But in order to solve the problem of massive computation, vehicular cloud computing has becoming an emerging research topic. Vehicular cloud computing combined with the advantages of cloud computing and vehicular ad hoc network, and then provided computing and storage service. As a result, many value added service have been provided.
In this study, we develop three secure schemes in vehicular cloud computing. This research first focuses on protecting user’s privacy, we use blind signature technology and based on user's privacy preferences to provide appropriate value-added services for users. Second, we proposed real time parking service mechanism, and using proxy re-encryption for protecting the parking information without full-trust party, it can help drivers to search parking space. The last scheme, we develop a salable key management scheme for secure vehicular multicast communication. No matter vehicles join or leave the group, there is no rekeying process, it can reduce computation and transmission cost. At last, there are security and performance analysis to measure the effect of each scheme in this research.
誌謝 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
Contents iv
List of Figures viii
Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Motivations 1
1.2 Objectives 3
1.3 Research Scope 3
1.4 Organization 4
Chapter 2. Related Works 5
2.1 Vehicular Cloud Computing Architecture 6
2.2 Blind Signature 8
2.3 Privacy Coach 9
2.4 Bilinear Map and Some Problems 10
2.5 Proxy Re-encryption 10
2.6 Secure Multicast Protocol 13
2.7 RSA Public Key Cryptosystem 15
2.7.1 Key Generation 15
2.7.2 RSA Encryption and Decryption 15
Chapter 3. A Preference-based Privacy Protection for Value-added Services in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks 16
3.1 Preliminary 16
3.2 A Preference-based Privacy Protection Scheme 17
3.2.1 System Model 19
3.2.2 System Parameters 19
3.2.3 Initial Phase 20
3.2.4 Request Signature Phase 20
3.2.5 Comparing Phase 22
3.3 Security Analysis 24
3.3.1 Mutual Authentication 24
3.3.2 Conditional Anonymity 25
3.3.3 Unlinkability 25
3.3.4 Traceability and Revocability 26
3.4 Summary 26
Chapter 4. A Secure Parking Service with Proxy Re-encryption in Vehicular Cloud Computing 27
4.1 Preliminary 27
4.2 A Secure Parking Service using Proxy Re-encryption 28
4.2.1 Initial Setup Phase 29
4.2.2 Users Register with TA Phase 30
4.2.3 Parking Lots Register with TA Phase 32
4.2.4 Parking Lots Upload Information to Vehicular Cloud Phase 32
4.2.5 Vehicular User Request Parking Information Phase 33
4.3 Security Analysis 36
4.4 Summary 38
Chapter 5. A Scalable key Management Scheme for Secure Vehicular Multicast Communication 39
5.1 Preliminary 39
5.2 A Scalable Key Management Scheme 40
5.2.1 Key Assignment 41
5.2.2 Initial Phase 43
5.2.3 Message Encryption 44
5.2.4 Message Re-encryption 44
5.2.5 Message Decryption 44
5.2.6 Vehicle Joining and Vehicle Leaving 45
5.3 An Example of the Scheme 47
5.3.1 Key Assignment 47
5.3.2 Initial Phase 48
5.3.3 Message Encryption 48
5.3.4 Message Re-encryption 49
5.3.5 Message Decryption 49
5.3.6 Vehicle Joining 50
5.3.7 Vehicle Leaving 51
5.4 Security Analysis 51
5.4.1 Group Confidentiality 52
5.4.2 Forward Secrecy 52
5.4.3 Backward Secrecy 53
5.4.4 Collusion Freedom 53
5.5 Performance Evaluation and Discussion 54
5.6 Summary 55
Chapter 6. Conclusion and Future works 56
References 57
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