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研究生(外文):Ling-Hui Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Types of Errors on Planes in Space for Senior High School Students in Taichung Area
外文關鍵詞:plane in spaceaccademic performanceerror typrsthe cause of errors
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一、 錯誤類型
(一) 對空間的平面方程式與直線方程式產生混淆。
(二) 代數運算錯誤。
(三) 向量外積計算錯誤。
(四) 看錯題目或代錯數字所產生的錯誤。
(五) 利用題目的的條件或所得的訊息來猜測答案。
(六) 公式記錯或引用不適當的公式產生錯誤。
(七) 角度判斷錯誤。
(八) 解的個數判斷錯誤。
(九) 常數項位置判斷錯誤。
(十) 四則運算錯誤。
二、 錯誤原因
(一) 對平面的截距式的定義概念不清。
(二) 對空間中點到平面的距離公式與相關性質概念不清。
(三) 新知識與舊經驗的相互干擾。
(四) 先備知識的不足。
(五) 粗心疏忽或考慮不周。
(六) 計算能力不足與計算錯誤。
(七) 沒有依據的推論。


The purpose of the study aims to discuss the error types of Planes in Space sections of high students with different academic performance and to analyze the cause of the errors when they solve the plane problems, hoping to provide teachers with reference that can assist their remedial instructions and improve their teaching skills.
The methods of the study are to use self-designed Planes in Space tests to investigate and analyze the error types which students have with the calculation process on the test papers. To understand their thoughts when they solve the questions on the tests and the cause of errors, the subjects are seventy sophomores of certain private high school in Taichung City. The researcher drew 70 samples from three groups of students with high, middle, and low academic performance. The research procedure is the following: First, conduct the test in advance. Second, analyze and revise the questions according to the result. Finally, conduct the test officially. Based on the results, we can find that the error types and the cause of errors of answering the questions are the following:

1. Error types:
(1) misunderstanding about the planes and lines in space.
(2) errors in algebraic calculations.
(3) errors in cross product of the vecyors calculations.
(4) errors because of carelessness in understanding questions,writing the wrong numbers, or reading numbers.
(5) guessing answers based on the problems or the messages when solving problems.
(6) formula mistakes or the errors of using improper formulas.
(7) errors in misjudgement of angles.
(8) errors in misjudgement of numbers of answers.
(9) errors in misjudgement the position of the constant term in plane equation.
(10) errors in misjudgement of the four fundamental operations of arithmetic.

2. The cause of errors:
(1) unclear concepts about the definitions related to intercept form in plane.
(2) unclear concepts about the formulas related to distance from a point to the plane.
(3) interactive interruptions of new knowledge and old experience.
(4) insufficient prior knowledge.
(5) carelessness or negligence.
(6) Insufficient ability of computation and miscalculation.
(7) inference based on nothing.
At last, based on the findings, we propose seven recommendations to teach plane in space of math instructions and three suggestions to conduct the further research in the future.

第一章 緒論--------------------1
第一節 研究背景與動機--------------------1
第二節 研究目的與待答問題 --------------------2
第三節 名詞釋義--------------------3
第四節 研究限制--------------------3
第二章 文獻探討--------------------5
第一節 數學概念的學習--------------------5
第二節 解題歷程的探討--------------------7
第三節 錯誤類型的相關研究--------------------16
第四節 錯誤原因的相關研究 --------------------18
第五節 空間中的平面的相關研究--------------------21
第三章 研究方法--------------------23
第一節 研究對象--------------------23
第二節 研究方法--------------------23
第三節 研究工具--------------------23
第四節 實施步驟--------------------26
第五節 資料處理與統計--------------------29
第四章 研究結果與討論--------------------31
第一節 學生錯誤情形之分析統計--------------------31
第二節 學生錯誤類型與解題歷程之分析--------------------36
第三節 綜合討論--------------------62
第五章 結論與建議--------------------67
第一節 結論--------------------67
第二節 建議--------------------68

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