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研究生(外文):Sheng-Fu Huang
論文名稱(外文):A Verification Research on Using ANP to Choose Distributors- Using wine suppliers for distributors as an Example
指導教授(外文):Wen-Ming Wu
外文關鍵詞:ANPDistributors selectionWine
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根據本研究的研究結果所建立之四項準則與16項次準則中,評選準則分別為銷售、管理、服務及組織,經實證結果後發現,供應商最重視為通路商自身銷售 (0.4117),其次為通路商自身的管理(0.2475),再者是服務(0.2412)與最終為組織(0.0944),供應商及通路商透過本研究之通路評選模式,在評選時,將可獲得更完整之構面選擇與參考運用。
In recent years, the domestic logistics industry has become quite a complex environment with thefactors each supplier needs to consider gradually increasing.More and more distributors are holding on to the product’s ability for a consumer's right to decide. Review of the literature of domestic wine distributors, yieldsan often used hierarchical analysis program process (AHP) to explore the relationship between the structure of the class; but in reality, not all problems are a result of path selection-class relations. This study analyzes the use of the Internet Procedure Act (ANP ) and seeks to construct a more complete selection module fordistributors.For this study, the relationship of mutual influence between the internal guidelines have been taken in account, furthermore the assessment expectations are more in line with actual conditions. The value of the reference and application in the selection of suppliers will serve as a reference to make more accurate decisions.In this study, deliberate practice experience, relevant literature, archivefactors, selection criteria and sub-criteria all influence thecreation of a "Distributor’s Selection Mode", thus providing a solid reference for use as the time of decision.

According to the four criteria and 16 sub-criteria set in this study, the selection criteria can be seperated respectively as sale factors, management factors, service factors and organizational factors. After the empirical results show that the most suppliers regards self-distribution and sales as mostimportant (0.4117), followed by the distributor's own management factor (0.2475), organziational factor (0.0944) and the service factor (0.2412).Suppliers and distributors through the path selection module of this study will receive a more complete selection of viable options and references for use.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
表目錄 vi
圖目錄 viii
一、緒論 1
1.1研究背景與動機 2
1.2研究目的 4
1.3研究對象 5
1.4研究流程 5
1.5研究限制 6
二、文獻探討 8
2.1葡萄酒產業之產品特性 8
2.2葡萄酒行銷通路 10
2.2.1行銷通路 10
2.2.2葡萄酒之配銷通路選擇 14
2.3通路策略 16
2.3.1通路策略定義 16
2.3.2通路策略的類型 16
2.3.3通路策略考量因素 19
2.4分析層級程序法(AHP)與分析網路程序法(ANP) 20
2.4.1分析層級程序法(AHP) 20
2.4.2分析網路程序法(ANP) 22
2.4.3 ANP與AHP法之架構比較 26
2.5通路商評估因子 27
2.5.1通路績效定義與評估準則 27
2.5.2相關準則文獻整理 34
三、研究方法 35
3.1第一階段問卷設計 36
3.2第二階段問卷設計 37
3.3第三階段問卷設計 46
四、建構通路商評選模式 50
4.1第一階段問卷結果 50
4.2第二階段問卷分析結果 52
4.3準則內部相依關係 57
4.4方案評選 59
4.5通路商評選模之建構 60
五、個案資料分析 61
5.1成對比較問卷 61
5.1.1問卷對象 62
5.1.2問卷平均權重計算 63
5.1.3特徵向量之計算 63
5.1.4一致性檢定 63
5.1.5成對比較問卷結果 65
5.2超級矩陣之建立 71
5.2.1未加權超級矩陣 71
5.2.2加權超級矩陣 72
5.2.3極限化超級矩陣 73
5.3最佳方案評選 75
六、結論與建議 76
6.1研究結論 76
6.2研究貢獻 77
6.3後續研究建議 78
參考文獻 79
附件一 83
附件二 87
附件三 90

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