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論文名稱(外文):Preparation and luminescent properties of Y6WO12:Eu3+ phosphors by Co-precipitation method
指導教授(外文):Chii-Shyang Hwang
外文關鍵詞:phosphorco-precipitationparticle sizedispersant
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以共沉澱法製備經1300 °C / 6 h空氣中煆燒可得單一菱方晶結構之Eu0.3Y5.7WO12螢光粉體,其顆粒大小為300 ~ 900 nm,以固相法經相同條件煆燒所製得粉體之顆粒大小為200 ~ 2000 nm,後者之粒徑較前者大,且粒徑分佈較廣。以共沉法製備經空氣中高溫與低溫煆燒所得Eu0.3Y5.7WO12螢光粉體分別為菱方晶與立方晶之晶體結構。其激發、光致發光圖譜有所不同,菱方晶結構者之激發、放射光強度較立方晶結構者強,且波長位置較立方晶結構者短。菱方晶結構EuxY6-xWO12 (x = 0.3 ~ 1.2)螢光粉體之Eu3+的摻雜量在低於x = 0.9時,其5D0→7F2躍遷峰值會隨Eu3+摻雜量之增加而增強;而摻雜量高於x = 0.9時,會導致濃度淬滅的發生,造成PL強度減弱,且所計算出之臨界能量轉移距離(RC)為11.2 Å。以共沉法製備的菱方晶結構與立方晶結構之Eu0.3Y5.7WO12螢光粉體,其非對稱指數分別為接近1與3 ~ 4之間,此顯示Eu3+離子在立方晶主體中所佔據之位置為較不具對稱性的,因此Eu0.3Y5.7WO12螢光粉的5D0→7F2放射強度高於5D0→7F1之放射強度。Eu0.3Y5.7WO12螢光粉體衰減時間為0.8 ~ 1.1 ms,菱方晶結構者之衰減時間較立方晶結構者短。
菱方晶結構與立方晶結構之Eu0.3Y5.7WO12螢光粉體,其CIE色度座標分別為( 0.62 , 0.38 )及( 0.64 , 0.36 ),立方晶結構者之色純度較接近標準紅光(x , y) standard。
為改善高溫煆燒時顆粒間之團聚現象,本研究以碳黑作為分散劑。空氣中,添加1 wt%碳黑經1300 °C / 6 h煆燒所合成菱方晶結構的Eu0.3Y5.7WO12螢光粉體,其發光強度比固相反應法合成者之強度增強28.5%。其粉體顆粒大小為300 ~ 900 nm,雖較固相反應法者小,但對於抑制顆粒長大並無明顯之效果。氬氣中,添加1 wt%碳黑時,經1300 °C / 6 h煆燒所合成菱方晶結構的Eu0.3Y5.7WO12螢光粉體,其粒徑為300 ~ 900 nm,而放射光強度較固相反應法者增強63.2 %;添加3 wt%時,可得最小顆粒之菱方晶結構的粉體,其粒徑為100 ~ 500 nm。此等顯示在共沉澱法製程中添加碳黑有助於抑制粉體顆粒之長大。
Y6WO12 shows two crystal structures, rhombohedral and cubic. The objective of this study is to prepare Y6WO12:Eu3+ phosphors with rhombohedral structure, small particle size and well photoluminescence (PL) properties. The precursors were prepared by co-precipitation (CP) method, and carbon black was selected as dispersant to restrain the agglomeration of particles during calcining. Effects of calcination temperature, atmosphere and carbon amounts on the luminescent porperties of phosphors were investigated. The results were also compared with those by solid-state reaction method (SSR). The Eu0.3Y5.7WO12 powders with a rhombohedral structure were obtained by CP method and calcined at 1300 °C for 6 h in air. It showed the particle sizes of 300 ~ 900 nm which were much smaller than that of SSR method (200 ~ 2000 nm). In order to restrain the agglomeration of particles due to calcination at high temperatures, carbon black was selected as dispersant. The rhombohedral structure of Eu0.3Y5.7WO12 phosphors prepared by precursor with 1 wt% carbon black calcined at 1300 °C for 6 h in air showed the highest PL emission intensity, which increased 28.5 % than that of SSR, and the particle sizes were 300 ~ 900 nm. However, calcination in air was not helpful to restrain the agglomeration of particles. In a reducing atmosphere (Ar), the rhombohedral structure of Eu0.3Y5.7WO12 phosphors prepared by precursor with 1 wt% carbon black calcined at 1300 °C for 6 h showed the highest PL emission intensity, which increased 63.2 % than that of SSR, and the particle size was 300 ~ 900 nm. When adding 3 wt% carbon black, the rhombohedral structure of Eu0.3Y5.7WO12 phosphors with a smaller particle size (100 ~ 500 nm) could be obtained. The results showed that the effect of carbon black might be beneficial to restrain the agglomeration of particles.
摘要 .....I
Extended Abstract .....III
誌謝 .....XIV
總目錄 .....XVIII
表目錄 .....XXIII
圖目錄 .....XXVI
第一章 緒論 .....1
1-1 前言 .....1
1-2 研究動機與目的 .....4
第二章 理論基礎與文獻回顧 .....8
2-1 發光機制簡介 .....8
2-1-1 發光定義 .....8
2-1-2 螢光體發光原理 .....10
2-1-3 電子-聲子之交互作用(electron-phonon interaction) .....11
2-1-4 組態座標圖(configuration coordination diagrams) .....13
2-1-5 史托克位移(Stokes shift) .....14
2-1-6 非輻射躍遷(non-radiative transition) .....15
2-1-7 能量轉移(energy transfer) .....15
2-1-7-1 能量遷徙(energy migration) .....16
2-1-7-2 交叉緩解(cross-relaxation) .....16
2-1-7-3 激發態吸收(excitation state absorption) .....16
2-1-7-4 補償效應(Offset effect) .....17
2-2 螢光材料簡介 .....17
2-3 螢光材料的組成與選擇 .....21
2-4 影響發光效率之因素 .....22
2-4-1 主體晶格(Host) .....22
2-4-2 濃度淬滅(Concentration quenching) .....23
2-4-3 熱淬滅(Thermal quenching) .....23
2-4-4 毒劑現象(poisoning) .....24
2-5 固態材料中的光致發光 .....24
2-5-1 本質型發光(intrinsic luminescence) .....24
2-5-2 外質型發光(extrinsic luminescence) .....25
2-5-2-1 非侷限型(unlocalized type)發光材料 .....26
2-5-2-2 侷限型(localized type)發光材料 .....26
2-6 鑭系元素之性質 .....27
2-6-1 稀土離子之價數 .....28
2-6-2 稀土離子之f - f電子躍遷 .....28
2-6-3 稀土離子之f - d電子躍遷 .....29
2-7 色彩簡介 .....30
2-7-1 色溫(Color temperature) .....30
2-7-2 演色性指標(Color rendering index, CRI) .....30
2-7-3 色度座標圖(CIE chromaticity diagram ) .....31
2-8 光致發光衰減現象 .....32
2-9 粉體之合成方法 .....33
2-9-1 固相反應法(Solid-state reaction method) .....33
2-9-2 膠體共沉澱法(Co-precipitation method) .....34
2-9-3 溶膠-凝膠法(Sol-gel method) .....38
2-9-4 水熱合成法(Hydrothermal method) .....39
2-10 分散劑 .....40
2-11 Y6WO12晶體簡介 .....42
第三章 實驗方法與步驟 .....63
3-1 實驗原料 .....63
3-2 實驗流程 .....64
3-3 量測與分析方法 .....65
3-3-1 X光繞射分析(X-Ray Diffraction Analysis) .....65
3-3-2 熱重/熱差分析(TG/DTA)分析 .....65
3-3-3 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM)分析 .....65
3-3-4 光致發光光譜(Photoluminescence spectrum)分析 .....66
3-3-5 衰減時間(Decay time)與衰減曲線(Decay curve)分析 .....66
3-3-6 色度座標分析(Analysis of CIE Chromaticity Diagram) .....66
第四章 結果與討論 .....72
4-1 主體晶格Y6WO12 .....72
4-1-1 熱重熱差(TG/DTA)分析 .....72
4-1-2 結晶相分析 .....74
4-1-3 表面形態及粒徑分析..... 75
4-1-4 結論 .....76
4-2 EuxY6-xWO12螢光粉體 .....84
4-2-1 熱重熱差(TG/DTA)分析 .....84
4-2-2 結晶相分析 .....86
4-2-3 表面形態及粒徑分析..... 87
4-2-4 激發、光致發光光譜分析 .....89
4-2-5 光致發光的衰減現象..... 93
4-2-6 臨界能量轉移距離(Critical energy transfer distance, RC) .....94
4-2-7 非對稱指數(5D0→7F2 / 5D0→7F1之PL強度比值) .....95
4-2-8 5D0→7F2躍遷的衰減曲線 .....95
4-2-9 色度座標圖 .....97
4-2-10 結論 .....98
4-3 分散劑碳黑對合成Eu0.3Y5.7WO12螢光粉體之影響 .....118
4-3-1 空氣中煆燒之影響 .....118
4-3-1-1 熱重熱差分析 .....118
4-3-1-2 結晶相分析 .....119
4-3-1-3 表面形態及粒徑分析 .....119
4-3-1-4 激發、光致發光光譜分析 .....120
4-3-2 氬氣中煆燒之影響 .....121
4-3-2-1 結晶相分析 .....122
4-3-2-2 表面形態及粒徑分析 .....123
4-3-2-3 激發、光致發光光譜分析 .....124
4-3-3 結論 .....127
第五章 總結 .....146
參考文獻 .....149
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