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論文名稱(外文):Application of Smart Material in Interactive Architecture
指導教授(外文):Tay-Sheng Jeng
外文關鍵詞:Soft machine of architectureElectro-active polymerSmart material
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受ETHZ研究案例:SHAPESHIFT的啟發,本文聚焦「電活性聚合物ELETRO-ACTIVE POLYMER」為研究對象,在永續自然環境下,提出「以智慧材料EAP所構築的建築軟機械」介入環境的互動策略,智慧材料結合控制運算系統與軟結構系統所構成的軟機械的概念不只來自於材料與結構本身的柔軟,也包含了對於環境的包容力、彈性和融入,並讓EAP如同自然界生物體動態韻律存在於自然之間,在軟機械的介入之下的調和人居建築環境與環境涵構的連接性,更進一步能到達幫助自然修復自然的材料應用目標。



Exteded Abstract

Application of Smart Material in Interactive Architecture

Author’s Name:Yung-Sheng Lin
Advisor’s Name:Tay-sheng Jeng
The Department of Arctecture in National Cheng Kung University


Confronting the worsen change from global circumstance and climate change year after year, the dynamics and responsibility of building would become a necessary development trend. It would be a good chances for building to adopt with its surroundings. When the application of material with intellectual concept, It would be an opportunity to thinking about the essence of material. Therefore, material is not only a single and unchangeable object, but also combines with information transmission. The performance of self-perception and automatic drive differ from the traditional approach that drive the actuator and mechanical structure automatically by additional intellectual system in practicing the effect that can response the environment. The study try to simplify the discussion about the essence of building material and the possibilities of application about intelligent material in building.
The subject of study is focus principally on electroactive polymer due to the instructive project from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). The concept of study raises the interactive strategy to environment involve by soft building machines constructed with EAP in sustainable issue. The concept of soft machine which integrating the computing control system with intelligent material and soft machine system.It allows EAP can to be alive as dynamic rhythms in nature, and to reconcile the connectivity of human habitat and environmental context with the intervening of soft machines to achieve further goal of nature self-repairing.

Key words: Soft machine of architecture, Electro-active polymer, Smart material


Facing highly developed technology and climate change year after year, the dynamics and responsibility of building would become a necessary development trend in order to cope with both internal and external environment. It would be a good chances for building to adopt with its surroundings. When the application of material with intellectual concept, it is inspired the thinking about the essence of material. Therefore, material is not only a single and unchangeable object, but also combines with information transmission. The performance of self-perception and automatic drive differ from the traditional approach that drive the actuator and mechanical structure automatically by additional intellectual system. in practicing the effect that can response the environment. Related research of smart materials used in construction field, much in the research stage, and to build a small scale or temporary construction, in the small building on the implementation of, or only partially. The study try to simplify the discussion about the essence of building material and the possible of application about intelligent material in building.

The subject of study is focus principally on electroactive polymer due to the instructive project from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETHZ). The concept of study raises the interactive strategy to environment involve by soft building machines constructed with EAP in sustainable issue. The concept of soft machine which integrating the computing control system with intelligent material and soft machine system represents not only the softness of material and structure itself, but also the ability of containment capability, flexibility and suitability toward the environment. It allows EAP can be exist such as the dynamic rhythm of organism in nature, and to reconcile the connectivity of human habitat and environmental context with the intervening of soft machines to achieve further goal of nature self-repairing.

The article is divided into three phase:
First, the research attempt to reply the experiment with the varying materials and to summarize the result and characteristic to response the building such as soft structure, bio-inspired dynamic and energy- saving efficiency. Then, it can analyses the physical dynamic, the relationship of construction and dimensional characters of EAP by geometric arrangement and type evolution development. In addition and to extend the development of the space prototype. Finally, the experiment integrates the discussion of whole process, the construction of EAP and interactive environment based on the practiced material.


This research is trying to outline the material characteristics that applicable on responsive architecture by repeated EAP’s material tests. The spatial prototypes that applicable is extended by analyzing the physical dynamics, tectonics and spatial characteristics of EAP by developing of the geometric arrangements and evolutions of forms. Finally, the integration of processes and control system, and the interaction and tectonic of EAP with the environment is discussed based on the developments in the research.

The discussions and integrations can be divided into five stages based on the order of the material tests development:
(1) Design
The development in this stage is designed the EAP driven soft outer frame tectonics’ design by using the computer-aided-design. The system included is the power supply system, and the design of circuit and software of the control system.
(2) Fabrication
The outer frames and the temporary supports in the development of the tests are fabricated according to the design by using laser cutter and 3D printer to test the applicability of the material for outer frames.
(3) Assembly
This stage is divided into two phases: the post-production o of the smart material unit and the composition of form. The order of the assembly will affect the quality of the test.
(4) Dielectric Test
The smart material units are connected to the power supply for testing. There are many factors that affect the morph of the units. If the units are not deform when connect to the electricity, the first stage of the development should be review again the experiment deletions or influence driving factors. For example, the composite proportion of the smart material unit if the outer frame is too rigid or there was a short circuit during the test.
(5) Control System
Finally, the intervention of the micro-computer control system’s computer codes are used to control the front-end power supply that control the morph of EAP.

Figure1.EAP material experiment process framework

After exploring. There are a few of the material characteristics and relationships of the form evolution of EAP can be summarized after the exploring of the material’s tests and form research.
The characteristics of material:
(1) Force and Structure:
The force of the structural deformation is the deformation of EAP different from the conventional building skin that are attached to the building structure.
(2) Bionic Dynamic
The deformation of EAP has the natural bionic dynamic effects. The advantages of the EAP not only its deformation, it is spatial and also a living body.
(3) Energy Efficiency
While the EAP requires additional power supply, but conversion between the power and potential energy is better, and proceed with the high voltage low current. If it can overcome the need to maintain a continuous power supply to the deformations, then it will be a chance to achieve the energy efficiency of low energy consumption.
(4) Material and Visualization
EAP is both rational driving deformation, and soft sensual effect material in its form tectonic.

Type evolution
The study began operations from the basic geometric shape, re-extend its fabric research, space, natural dynamic development as the direction of the possibility of finishing down to the type form, which extends to discuss several types of soft prototype machinery

Figure2. Type evolution

After a series of material tests, tectonic explorations, and application studies, this research is trying to subvert the past of the building material used and the architecture structure by develop the concept of application of bionic mechanic in responsible architecture. The new architecture structure that utilized the electric field to drive the deformation of soft structure imitate the mechanisms of the living body and responsive to the environment. According to the micro-changes in size of the deformation units, affecting the overall structure by the dynamic interlock deformation of space and evaluate the most adapt space form.

In conclusion, this paper provide:
(1) Practical exercises of the EAP material’s test processes, outlines the limitations and problems as the basis of feasibility and applicability of the material.
(2) Proposal of the application of EAP’s characteristics in architecture.
(3) The applicable dynamic bionic spatial prototypes and geometric forms.
(4) Proposal of the environment strategy after the intervention of smart material to the architecture spaces.
(5) The differences of EAP’s application between the scaled models and full-scale architecture.

摘要 I
Exteded Abstract II
誌謝 IX
目次 X
表次 XII
1. 緒論 1
1.1. 研究背景 2
1.2. 研究動機 4
1.3. 研究議題與範疇 6
1.4. 研究架構 9
2. 文獻回顧 10
2.1. 建築的環境對策與互動性的相關論述 11
2.2. 案例研究 13
2.3. 案例歸納分析 23
3. 材料初探與整合流程 24
3.1. 電活性聚合物(EAP)分類、原理與現行之應用 25
3.2. 電活性聚合物EAP材料初探與試驗 27
3.3. 基本形與驅動效果 40
3.4. 軟體控制系統整合 42
3.5. 流程整合暨小結 43
4. 型態發展與概念操作 46
4.1. 材料型態發展 47
4.2. 類型整理 57
4.3. 原型應用 58
5. 結論與後續研究 66
5.1. 研究目標與達成 67
5.2. 結論 67
5.3. 後續研究 68
參考文獻 69
英文參考文獻 69
中文參考文獻 71
附錄1材料與建築 72
附錄2.代下的建築 75
附錄3.從仿生學到仿生智能材料 76


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