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論文名稱(外文):A Study on Improving the Search Mechanism for Unstructured Peer-to-Peer Network Systems
指導教授(外文):Sun-Yuan Hsieh
外文關鍵詞:Unstructured Peer-to-Peer NetworksFlooding Search MechanismTraffic OverheadStatistical Matrix Form
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  Peer-to-Peer (P2P) network systems are convenient and widely used because they enable data sharing, enable co-processing, and promote communication. This is especially true for unstructured P2P network systems that are easy to maintain, optimize parallel processing ability, and greatly increase data exchange all without requiring a customized server or specialized equipment. These qualities have made unstructured P2P networks common and widely used.
  However, unstructured P2P network systems search data by using the “flooding” mechanism, and, even though the flooding mechanism is easy to use and fast, it requires a larger scale network, causes enormous traffic overhead, and wastes bandwidth. Recent improvements made to the flooding mechanism have provided limited advantages, but still cannot save bandwidth while maintaining good search performance.
  The purpose of this study is to address these problems of the unstructured P2P network system search mechanism by providing an improved search mechanism which overcomes limitations, builds data sharing network convenience, and increases network communicating.
  This dissertation is organized into 4 sections: (1) observation and analysis of the severity of current problems of unstructured P2P network systems with varying sizes of network topologies, (2) building an unstructured P2P network search mechanism focused on alleviating current search mechanism problems by providing increased search efficiency while saving bandwidth usage and keeping optimal performance, (3) evaluating efficiency by comparing mathematical models of the new search mechanism to various authentic network systems, and (4) performing a system simulation in various sizes of authentic networks to measure the efficiency improvements.
  Our research indicates that our new search mechanism had significant improvements for various sizes of networks in every ranking compared to the traditional flooding search mechanism. In fact, our findings indicate our search mechanism reduced 80 percent of bandwidth waste. The findings give evidence that in both theoretical and actual testing results, our new search mechanism showed improvements in efficiency and practical application.
Abstract in Chinese i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgement iii
Contents iv
List of Tables vi
List of Figures vii
1 Introduction 1
1.1 Research Background and Motivation 1
1.2 Technique and Literature Review 2
1.3 Research Purpose 7
1.4 Method 8
1.5 Organization 8
2 Observation and Discussion of Variant Previous Techniques in Simulation 10
2.1 Traffic Cost 10
2.2 Response Time 12
2.3 Success Rate 13
2.4 Average Number of Search Hops 15
3 The Search Mechanism Based on the Statistical Matrix Form 17
3.1 Feature Matrix 18
3.1.1 Feature Collection Scope 18
3.1.2 Processing Ability 19 Query Frequency 19 Response Frequency 23
3.1.3 Effective Sharing 26 Sharing Count 27 Quality of Sharing 30
3.1.4 Index Power 33 Index Count 34 Quality of the Index 37
3.1.5 Transmission Efficiency 40
3.2 Weight Matrix 47
3.3 Scoring Matrix 49
4 Performance Evaluation 51
4.1 Simulation Environment and System 51
4.2 Parameter Settings 57
4.3 Experiments in Static Environments 58
4.4 Experiments in Dynamic Environments 61
4.5 Analysis of SMF 64
4.5.1 Matrix Construction Overhead 64
4.5.2 Setting Proper Values for the Feature Collection Scope 66
4.5.3 The Number of Queried Neighbors 68
4.5.4 Proper Weight Setting 70
4.5.5 Search Performance in Different Sized Networks 71
5 Mathematical Analysis of Performance 73
5.1 Success Rate 74
5.2 Traffic Cost 79
5.3 Response Time 82
6 Discussion and Conclusion 86
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