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論文名稱(外文):Design and Implementation of a Position Sensorless IPMSM Drive with Characteristics of Wide Range of Speed Regulation and Reliable Start-up
指導教授(外文):Ming-Yang Cheng
外文關鍵詞:stator core magnetic saturationhigh frequency voltage signal injectionposition sensorless motor drivepermanent magnet synchronous motorsliding mode current observer
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This thesis aims at developing a permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) drive for starting up a PMSM motor without using any position sensor. The technology developed in this thesis is composed of three different methods: the first one is the high-frequency pulse voltage signal estimation method; the second one is the high-frequency voltage signal injection method for the low-speed zone; and the last one is the sliding mode current control method, which is implemented by using a sliding mode current observer, for the medium-speed zone and the high-speed zone. The high-frequency voltage signal injection method uses the saliency of an interior PSMS to estimate the rotor position. In contrast, the sliding mode current observer uses the back electromotive force (EMF) to estimate the rotor position. However, when the PMSM is stationary or rotates in low speed, the sliding mode observer based approach cannot estimate the rotor position because the value of back EMF is too small. As a result, the rotor position of the PMSM needs to be aligned and open loop startup needs to be carried out. After the PMSM reaches to the threshold speed, the sliding mode current observer is then switched on to estimate the rotor position. In order to cope with the aforementioned problem, in this thesis the relationship between the rotor position and the size of the inductor that can be known from the principle of magnetic saturation of the stator core is exploited to estimate the rotor position of the motor when stationary, and to avoid a temporary inversion phenomenon caused by aligning the rotor position. After the initial rotor position is detected, the high-frequency voltage signal injection method is used for starting up a PMSM. Compared to the commonly used variable voltage variable frequency (VVVF) open loop startup method, the proposed method is more robust and has better ability in noise suppression, in which it can further expand the range of speed control. The thesis uses a low-cost 16 bits single-chip microcontroller dsPIC33FJ32MC304 to realize the position sensorless field oriented control drive for interior PMSMs. Several experiments have been conducted to verify the feasibility of the proposed architecture.
中文摘要 III
誌謝 IX
目錄 XI
表目錄 XIV
圖目錄 XV

第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機與文獻回顧 2
1.3 論文架構 7
第二章 永磁同步馬達驅動系統 8
2.1 永磁同步馬達 8
2.2 磁場導向控制介紹(Field Oriented Control, FOC) 9
2.2.2 永磁同步馬達等效電路模型 15
2.2.3 空間向量脈波寬度調變(SVPWM) 17
2.3滑動模式電流觀測器 23
第三章 高頻電壓脈衝訊號估測法 28
3.1 電感量變化與定子鐵芯磁飽和效應的關係 29
3.2 電流與轉子位置的關係 31
3.3 轉子位置估測策略說明 33
3.3.1六個電壓脈波注入 33
3.3.2四個電壓脈波注入 37
第四章 高頻電壓訊號注入估測法 40
4.1 高頻訊號注入法原理說明 40
4.2 電流訊號解析位置資訊步驟 46
4.3 轉子位置估測器及速度估測器 47
4.4 數位濾波器的設計與實現 48
4.4.1 FIR與IIR數位濾波器 49
4.4.2 低通與帶通濾波器設計 50
第五章 實驗平台架構與實驗結果 57
5.1 實驗系統介紹 57
5.1.1驅動器硬體規格 58
5.1.2馬達硬體規格 60
5.2 無位置感測驅動系統流程 61
5.3 無位置感測驅動實驗結果與討論 64
5.3.1高頻電壓脈衝訊號估測法 64
5.3.2高頻電壓訊號注入法 69
5.3.3 傳統開迴路與高頻電壓訊號注入法在啟動性能之分析與比較 74
5.3.4 啟動高可靠特性與調速範圍廣的無位置感測向量控制之實現 79
第六章 結論以及未來研究規劃 83
6.1 結論 83
6.2 未來研究規劃 83
參考文獻 85
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