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論文名稱(外文):Design Techniques for Enhancing Power Efficiency of Delta-Sigma Modulators and Performance of Switched-Capacitor Circuits
指導教授(外文):Bin-Da LiuSoon-Jyh Chang
外文關鍵詞:Low-distortion delta-sigma modulatorDSMopamp-sharing techniquedata weighted averaging algorithmmemory effectcorrelated double sampling
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This dissertation investigates low-power technologies for delta-sigma modulators (DSMs) toward the wide-bandwidth development and additionally presents two amplifier’s technologies respectively for improving the memory effect, resulting from operational amplifier (opamp) sharing, and saving the unnecessary opamp power for the discrete-time switched-capacitor (SC) circuits.

For the DSM part, the techniques both on architectural and circuit level to achieve the low-power purpose are presented. The proposed three third-order low-distortion DSM structures are capable of minimizing the number of used opamps and maximizing the utilization of their power; they prolong the critical feedback path timing to be half clock period, leading to that other low-speed but high power-efficient analog-to-digital converter (ADC) types can be adopted as a quantizer and not be confined to the flash ADC anymore. For dealing with the mismatch of the feedback digital-to-analog converter (DAC), a simplified data weighted averaging (SDWA) algorithm is presented to alleviate not only the nonlinearity, but also the hardware implementation compared with the conventional DWA. In the first design, a double integrator structure is built as the second integrator to enhance the efficiency of opamp sharing applied between the first two integrators. A 4-bit cyclic ADC with a loading-free technique is utilized as a quantizer, which shares an opamp with the active adder. In contrast to the conventional DSM requiring four opamps, the proposed structure just employs two opamps including the active adder and quantizer. The second design is to simplify the modulator structure of the first one and just uses single opamp to accomplish third-order noise-shaping ability in the whole circuit. To realize the adder in front of quantizer without employing the huge-power opamp, a capacitive passive adder, which is the DAC array of a 4-bit successive-approximation-type quantizer, is used. The third design merges the active adder into the last integrator and exploits the timing-sharing technique between the second and third integrators during one clock phase. Further, since the operation phase of the first integrator is different to those of the second and third ones, the three integrators are realized in just single opamp by the opamp sharing. Therefore, the power consumption can be reduced greatly.

In the amplifier part, three techniques are proffered: The first is a splitable amplifier that can be either decomposed into two identical halves or merged for enhancing the utilization of amplifier power and alleviate the residue of the shared circuit stage. In a two-phase clock system, the amplifier can be split into two identical small amplifiers in one of the two phases simultaneously for use in two circuits and the two small amplifiers can be merged into one amplifier in the other phase for another circuit. Compared with conventional opamp sharing, a more power-efficient amplifier arrangement is achieved in split mode. Furthermore, a partial switchable amplifier, based on the concept of the splitable amplifier, is proposed to avoid the superfluous power consumption during one of operation phases in SC circuits. Depending on the required amplifier bandwidth, the selection of the proportion of the switchable part to the always on part can be used to optimize power consumption. Finally, we propose a split-capacitor time-aligned correlated double sampling (CDS) technique that can resolve both the problems of the double capacitance loading and three phases per operation in conventional CDS technique. In addition, the capacitor set during prediction phase and extra capacitor for storing the finite gain error can be saved.
Abstract (Chinese) i
Abstract (English) iii
Acknowledgement vii
Table of Contents xi
List of Tables xiv
List of Figures xv
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Dissertation Contribution 3
1.3 Organization of Dissertation 4
Chapter 2 Low-Distortion and Power-Efficient Delta-Sigma Modulators: A Review of Literature 5
2.1 Background 5
2.2 Low-Distortion DSM Structures 7
2.3 Prior Arts in Low Power DSMs 12
Chapter 3 Low Power Delta-Sigma Modulator Designs 25
3.1 Third-Order Low-Distortion Delta-Sigma Modulator with Opamp Sharing and Relaxed Feedback Path Timing 25
3.1.1 Proposed Modulator Architecture 26
3.1.2 Circuit Implementation and Design Considerations 31
3.1.3 Simulation Results 42
3.2 Single Opamp Third-Order Low-Distortion Delta-Sigma Modulator with SAR Quantizer Embedded Passive Adder 45
3.2.1 Proposed Modulator Architecture 45
3.2.2 Exploration of the Opamp-Sharing Memory Effect 50
3.2.3 Circuit Implementation and Design Considerations 55
3.2.4 Simulation and Measurement results 64
3.3 Third-Order Delta-Sigma Modulator with Timing-Sharing Opamp-Sharing Technique 69
3.3.1 Proposed Topology 70
3.3.2 Circuit Implementation 74
3.3.3 Simulation Results 81
3.4 Simplified Data Weighted Averaging Algorithm 84
3.4.1 Overview of Conventional DWA Algorithm 86
3.4.2 Introduction of Merged-Capacitor Switching (MCS) Technique 87
3.4.3 Proposed SDWA algorithm 89
3.4.4 Circuit implementation 92
3.5 Summary 97
Chapter 4 Design Techniques of Splitable, Partial Switchable Amplifiers, and Split-Capacitor TA-CDS for Opamp Based Circuits 99
4.1 Background 99
4.1.1 Overview of memory effect 100
4.1.2 Overview of Correlated Double Sampling (CDS) Technique 104
4.2 Splitable Amplifier Technique and Its Application for Opamp Sharing to Cancel Memory Effect 113
4.2.1 Concept and Design Example 113
4.2.2 Analysis of Gain and Bandwidth 122
4.2.3 Circuit Implementation and Simulation Results 124
4.3 Partial Switchable Amplifier Technique 139
4.3.1 Concept and Design Example 140
4.3.2 Circuit Implementation and Simulation Results 142
4.4 Split-Capacitor Time-Aligned Correlated Double Sampling Technique 148
4.4.1 Concept and Operation 150
4.4.2 Circuit Implementation and Simulation Results 154
4.5 Summary 160
Chapter 5 Conclusion and Future Work 161
5.1 Conclusion 161
5.2 Future work 163
Appendices 164
References 170
Publication and Award 179

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