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論文名稱(外文):Investigation of the optoelectronic characteristics for monolithic InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes with photon-recycling structure
指導教授(外文):Jinn-Kong Sheu
外文關鍵詞:photon-recycling structureoptical pumpingefficiency droop
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  本論文主要針對具有光子循環結構之氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵發光二極體其光電特性作相關探討。光子循環結構發光二極體(photon-recycling structure light-emitting diodes,PRSLEDs)元件透過於傳統電激發近紫外光垂直式結構發光二極體(vertical light-emitting diodes,VLEDs)元件上增加藍/綠光轉換層(converter)多重量子井(multiple quantum well,MQW)結構,使部分電激發近紫外光光子受轉換層吸收後輻射複合釋放出光激發藍/綠光,與傳統電激發藍/綠光二極體之發光機制有所差異。

  光子循環結構發光二極體之設計相較於傳統電激發垂直式結構發光二極體而言,元件電特性明顯獲得改善。401nm近子外光波段之垂直式結構發光二極體於增加30對(pairs)綠光轉換層量子井結構之後,串聯電阻(series rsisitance)值由0.682Ω下降至0.557Ω;外加逆向偏壓於-20V之漏電流(reverse leakage current)值由-0.943μA下降為-0.288μA。417nm發光波段之垂直式結構發光二極體於增加25及50對之藍光轉換層量子井結構之後,串聯電阻值由0.686Ω分別降低為0.550Ω與0.612Ω;於-20V外加逆向偏壓下漏電流亦由-1.639μA下降至-0.681μA及-0.362μA。表示添加藍/綠光多重量子井轉換層,能夠使元件結構應力降低,磊晶層品質獲得改善、晶格缺陷數目減少,電特性表現便較佳。藉由拉曼散射(Raman scattering)光譜量測所呈現之峰值位移趨勢,亦可驗證此一推論。

  針對元件發光特性作探討,由於光子循環結構發光二極體之藍/綠光為光激發機制出光,光子激發轉換層使載子能夠較均勻分布於轉換層中各個量子井,相較於電注入機制,載子大部分集中於靠近元件p型區(p-side)之少數幾個量子井而言,主動區(active region)體積大幅提升,使得多重量子井結構中電子溢流(electron leakage)、歐傑複合(Auger recombination)效應及電流擁擠(current crowding)所致元件熱效應等現象減少。因此於高電流注入下,其效率衰退(efficiency droop)現象相較於垂直式結構發光二極體之電激發藍/綠光可獲得明顯的改善。因此透過光子循環結構之設計,利用光激發光取代電激發光機制,能夠作為改善氮化銦鎵/氮化鎵系列之藍/綠光發光二極體效率衰退現象之途徑。

In this thesis, we investigated the optical and electrical characteristics for photon-recycling structure light-emitting diodes (PRSLEDs). Comparing to conventional vertical light-emitting diodes (VLEDs), PRSLEDs had an additional multiple quantum well (MQW) converter above the device structures. Electrical characteristics of devices were analyzed by semiconductor parameters measurement, which demonstrated that PRSLEDs had better electrical performances compared to VLEDs. Because the MQW converter layer stacked on devices could reduce the strain-related stress of epitaxial structure. Then, the structure quality was improved and the crystal defects density decreased. While optical characteristics were analyzed by applying the Gaussian function fitting data of electroluminescence (EL) measurement. It showed that efficiency droop of electrically injected near ultraviolet (n-UV) light of PRSLEDs were improved, for its crystal quality was better than VLEDs aforementioned. Optically pumped blue/green light of PRSLEDs also showed potentially insignificant efficiency droop compared to direct blue/green VLEDs, for the volume of active region was increased by optical pumping mechanism, which reduced Auger recombination, carriers leakage, current crowding, and devices thermal effect, etc., effectively. In conclusion, the design of photon-recycling structure could improve LEDs electrical properties and effectively remedied efficiency droop of blue/green light by replacing the electric injection with optically pumped mechanism.
摘要 I
Abstract III
誌謝 IX
目錄 X
表目錄 XIII
圖目錄 XIV

第一章 序論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 3

第二章 理論基礎與量測系統 6
2.1 理論基礎 6
2.1.1 發光二極體原理 6
2.1.2 垂直式結構發光二極體 10
2.1.3 光子循環結構發光二極體 14
2.1.4 應力 17
2.1.5 拉曼位移 20
2.1.6 量子侷限效應 24
2.1.7 效率衰退理論 28
2.2 量測系統 32
2.2.1 電流-電壓半導體特性量測系統 32
2.2.2 拉曼散射光譜儀量測系統 33
2.2.3 電激發光譜量測系統 34
2.2.4 光電流量測系統 35

第三章 元件設計與結構 36
3.1 元件磊晶結構 36
3.2 垂直式元件製程 41
3.3 元件設計與種類 44
3.3.1 垂直式結構發光二極體元件 44
3.3.2 光子循環結構發光二極體元件 47
3.3.3 元件試樣與外觀 50

第四章 數據分析與討論 54
4.1 垂直式結構與光循環結構發光二極體元件電特性之分析 54
4.2 垂直式結構與光循環結構發光二極體元件光特性之分析 59
4.3 針對垂直式結構與光循環結構發光二極體元件作變化溫度之光特性分析 85

第五章 結論與未來展望 93
5.1 結論 93
5.2 未來展望 94

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