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研究生(外文):Pan, Liu-Cheng
論文名稱(外文):Applying Cognitive Load Theory and Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning to Investigate the Effect of Experimental Pictographic English Vocabulary E-learning Courseware on Situational Interest and Brainwave
指導教授(外文):Sun, Chih-Yuan
口試委員(外文):Sun, Yu-ChihShe, Hsiao-ChingSun, Chih-Yuan
外文關鍵詞:Cognitive LoadCognitive Theory of Multimedia LearningEnglish Vocabulary E-learning CoursewareSituational InterestBrainwave
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The purpose of this study was to develop an experimental pictographic English vocabulary e-learning courseware, which optimizes learners’ cognitive processes based on cognitive load theory and cognitive theory of multimedia learning. To examine the effectiveness of this courseware, this study utilized the within-subjects quasi-experimental design. The participants were 108 graduate and college students who used the learning materials presented in the formats of text only, text-with-picture, and pictograph in the e-learning system. The results showed that students’ performance on the pictographic materials was significantly higher than that on the text-only materials while no significant differences were found between pictographic and text-with-picture materials; the cognitive load perceived on pictographic material was medium; the situational interest and focused attention perceived on the pictograph material were both the highest among the three formats; and the sustained attention, measured by EEG, on the pictograph material was also the highest. Results of this study serve as a valuable reference for future implications while providing new approach for designing English vocabulary courseware in multimedia environment.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 III
目錄 IV
表目錄 VI
圖目錄 VIII
第一章、 緒論 1
第一節、 研究背景與動機 1
第二節、 研究目的 4
第三節、 研究章節 5
第四節、 名詞釋義 5
第二章、 文獻探討 8
第一節、 認知負荷理論 8
第二節、 多媒體學習認知理論 18
第三節、 圖文呈現的英語字彙多媒體教材 26
第四節、 用腦波儀測量注意力 41
第五節、 情境興趣 46
第三章、 研究方法 49
第一節、 研究架構 49
第二節、 研究問題 50
第三節、 實驗流程 51
第四節、 研究對象 55
第五節、 研究工具 55
第四章、 資料分析與結果 66
第一節、 不同呈現方式在學習成效上的差異 66
第二節、 不同呈現方式在認知負荷上的差異 68
第三節、 不同呈現方式在注意力上的差異 70
第四節、 不同呈現方式在情境興趣上的差異 74
第五章、 討論與建議 77
第一節、 研究結論 77
第二節、 研究之限制與未來建議 86
參考文獻 88
附录一 94
附錄二 95
附錄三 96

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