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研究生(外文):Hsu Mei-En
論文名稱(外文):Exploring the Impact of Game Immersion Experience on Science Learning and Problem-Solving Behaviors through Serious Educational Game Play
指導教授(外文):Cheng Meng-Tzu
外文關鍵詞:serious educational gamesscience learningproblem solvingimmersion
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本研究旨在探討嚴肅教育遊戲Bio Detective對於學生學習自然科成效之影響,並比較遊戲過程中經歷不同沉浸經驗感受的學生之學習成效以及問題解決行為的差異。研究以七年級共計六個班級的學生作為對象,學生人數共128名。採用混和之研究方法 (Mixed-method approach)同時蒐集質性以及量化資料進行分析。
研究結果發現透過嚴肅教育遊戲Bio Detective的使用能夠顯著提升學生的自然科學習成效;然而,在遊戲過程中經歷不同沉浸經驗感受的學生,在自然科學習成效上並無顯著的差異。研究者進一步分析不同沉浸經驗感受的學生在Bio Detective中的問題解決行為,發現在遊戲過程中達到完全沉浸的學生能夠使用啟發、類比式的問題解決模式,較相似於專家問題解決者,且具有較好的問題解決效率。反之,沒有沉浸經驗感受的學生則偏向使用重複嘗試(trial and error)的策略來進行問題解決。

Serious educational games (SEGs) have been regarded as a potential vehicle for the enhancement of student learning. However, studies empirically examining the relationship between game immersion experiences and the problem-solving processes engaged in by students within such games remain lacking. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of an SEG, Bio Detective, on student science learning, and to examine how the game immersion experience is related to student problem-solving patterns in Bio Detective. The study included 128 seventh graders and used a mixed-method approach, collecting both quantitative and qualitative data. The findings showed that the students were able to learn from playing Bio Detective because significant improvements in science learning outcomes were obtained. However, game immersion experience was found to have no effect on student science learning outcomes. In terms of the problem-solving processes used in Bio Detective, it was revealed that the students who were totally immersed in Bio Detective acted more like expert problem solvers who had a better problem-solving efficiency and utilized a more heuristic and analogical problem-solving pattern than those with no immersion experiences. Interpretations and implications of these findings are discussed.
Background 1
Purpose of the Study 3
Definition of Key Terms 4
Serious Educational Game 4
Immersion Experience 4
Problem Solving 5
Science Learning 5
Research Scope and Limitations 5
Overview 6
Serious Educational Game 6
Video Games 6
Serious Educational Games 8
Serious Educational Games and Science Learning 10
Immersion Experience 12
Flow Theory 12
Immersion Experience 17
Problem Solving 21
Problem Solving 21
Problem Solving through SEGs Play 24
Genetics Learning 27
Students’ Difficulties in Genetics Learning 27
Empirical Researches on Genetics Learning 30
Participants 32
Research Design 32
Research Procedure 32
Research Structure 34
Experiment Procedure 35
Instruments 36
Learning Outcome Assessment 36
Game Immersion Questionnaire 39
Serious Educational Game – Bio Detective 40
Database Recording 46
Data Analysis 47
Quantitative Data Analysis 47
Qualitative: Coding Systems for Analyzing Students’ Problem Solving Behaviors 49
Overview 51
Overall Student Learning Outcomes 51
Cluster Analysis of game immersion experience 52
Differences in Learning Outcomes among students with different stages of game immersion 54
Differences in Problem-Solving Performance among students with different stages of game immersion 59
Sequential Analysis of Problem-Solving Behaviors 59
Problem Solving Efficiency 77
Overview 79
Discussion of the Research Results 79
The Use of Serious Educational Games for Learning 79
Game Immersion Experience and Learning Outcomes 80
Game Immersion Experience and Problem Solving 82
Conclusions 86
Appendix A Learning Sheet 97
Appendix B Learning Outcome Assessment 99
Appendix C Game Immersion Questionnaire 102
Table 3.1 Item analysis of the learning outcome assessment 38
Table 3.2 Two-way specification table of the learning outcome assessment 39
Table 3.3 Coding system of problem-solving behaviors in the SEG- Bio Detective 50
Table 4.1 The results of paired t tests showing the differences between pretest and posttest scores 52
Table 4.2 Cluster analysis of the students’ game immersion experience 53
Table 4.3 Descriptive statistic for posttest of learning outcomes 55
Table 4.4 Homogeneity regression coefficients 56
Table 4.5 Homogeneity of variance 57
Table 4.6 Summary of the analysis of covariance among different clusters for learning outcomes 58
Table 4.7 The adjusted table for problem solving behaviors (Cluster 1) 60
Table 4.8 The adjusted table for problem solving behaviors (Cluster 2) 64
Table 4.9 The adjusted table for problem solving behaviors (Cluster 3) 67
Table 4.10 The adjusted table for problem solving behaviors (Cluster 4) 69
Table 4.11 Comparison of problem solving patterns of students among four clusters 73
Table 4.12 Result of one-way ANOVA showing the differences between the performances of each cluster of problem solving efficiency 78
Figure 2.1 Input-Process-Outcome Game Model 9
Figure 2.2 Original Flow Model 16
Figure 2.3 Four channel model 17
Figure 2.4 Problem-solving cycle 22
Figure 3.1 Research procedure 33
Figure 3.2 Research structure 35
Figure 3.3 Experiment procedure 36
Figure 3.4 The diagram of conceptual structure of human ABO blood type system 40
Figure 3.5 The diagram of conceptual structure of glucose testing 41
Figure 3.6 Game scenes in Bio Detective 43
Figure 3.7 Game introductions 44
Figure 3.8 The screenshot of Bio Detective showing the statement of the victim’s parents and their blood genotypes 46
Figure 3.9 The suspect profiles are provided in the police office, allowing the player to check the sex, blood type, and occupation of each suspect 46
Figure 4.1 The diagram of sequential behaviors of Cluster 1 61
Figure 4.2 The diagram of sequential behaviors of Cluster 2 64
Figure 4.3 The diagram of sequential behaviors of Cluster 3 67
Figure 4.4 The diagram of sequential behaviors of Cluster 4 70

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