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研究生(外文):Meng-Lin You
論文名稱(外文):Strongly Secure ID-Based Authenticated Key Agreement Protocol for Mobile Multi-Server Environments
指導教授(外文):Yuh-Min Tseng
外文關鍵詞:AuthenticationKey agreementEphemeral secret leakageMulti-server environment
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為了在手持裝置(mobile devices)與伺服器之間達到可互相認證與通訊的隱密性,研究學者們已提出許多以身分為基礎的可認證的金鑰協議(ID-AKA)協定達到認證彼此並建構共用的會談金鑰(common session key)。過去所有的ID-AKA協定中,手持裝置與伺服器在計算會談金鑰時,都會使用到一個暫時秘密金鑰(ephemeral secret key),而大多數的協定並沒有考慮這把秘密金鑰的安全性。因此,這些協定可能無法抵擋所謂的“暫時秘密洩漏"(ephemeral-secret-leakage 簡稱ESL)的攻擊。近年來,針對ESL攻擊,目前有兩個可抵擋此攻擊的ID-AKA協定。其中一個協定在手持裝置端的運算過程中,可以完全不使用到配對(pairing)運算,但僅適用於單一伺服器的環境下。而另一個協定,雖然可以適用在多個伺服器的環境下,但在手持裝置與伺服器雙方都需要使用到兩個配對運算。因此,在這篇論文中,提出一個適用在手持裝置與多個伺服器的環境下且能夠抵擋ESL攻擊的強安全性之ID-AKA協定。由效能分析可了解,我們的協定在有限計算能力的手持裝置上是有效率的,這歸功於我們的協定在手持裝置端完全不使用配對運算。由安全分析得知,在random oracle model下以及computational Diffie-Hellman(CDH)的安全假設上,我們的協定是可證明的安全。最後,我們把所提出的協定具體實作出來,並使用個人電腦與智慧型手機來模擬整個系統環境。
To provide mutual authentication and communication confidentiality between mobile clients and servers, numerous identity (ID)-based authenticated key agreement (ID-AKA) protocols were proposed to authenticate each other while constructing a common session key. In most of the existing ID-AKA protocols, ephemeral secrets (random values) are involved in the computations of both mobile clients and servers. Thus, these ID-AKA protocols might become vulnerable due to the ephemeral-secret-leakage (ESL) attacks. Very recently, two ID-AKA protocols were proposed to withstand the ESL attacks. One of them is suitable for single server environment and requires no pairing operations on the mobile client side. The other one fits multi-server environments, but requires two expensive pairing operations. In this thesis, we present a strongly secure ID-AKA protocol resisting ESL attacks under mobile multi-server environments. By performance analysis, we demonstrate that our protocol does not require any pairing operations and is well suitable for mobile devices with limited computing capability. For security analysis, our protocol is provably secure under the computational Diffie-Hellman assumption in the random oracle model. Finally, we implement our protocol in real PC and smart phone to simulate the system environment.
CHAPTER 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Related work 2
1.2 Contribution and organization 3
CHAPTER 2 Preliminaries 5
2.1 Elliptic curve cryptography 5
2.2 Notations 5
CHAPTER 3 Adversarial model 7
CHAPTER 4 Our protocol 9
CHAPTER 5 Security analysis 13
CHAPTER 6 Performance analysis and comparisons 22
CHAPTER 7 Implementation 24
CHAPTER 8 Conclusions 27
References 28
Appendix 31


Fig. 1. The system environment 9
Fig. 2. The key extract phase 10
Fig. 3. The authenticated key agreement phase 11
Fig. 4. Setup phase 24
Fig. 5. Client’s identity setup 25
Fig. 6. Server’s identity setup 25
Fig. 7. Key extract phase 25
Fig. 8. Client’s private key received 25
Fig. 9. Server’s private key received 25
Fig. 10. Secure communication in client end 26
Fig. 11. Secure communication in server end 26
Fig. 12. Decryption of client 26
Fig. 13. Decryption of server 26
Fig. A 1. The relationship of functions in client end 33
Fig. A 2. The relationship of functions in PKG end 33
Fig. A 3. The relationship of functions in server end 34


Table. 1. Comparisons between previously proposed ID-AKA protocols and ours 23
Table. A 1. Functions list of implementation 31

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