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論文名稱(外文):Shadowing for all? Does the level of an EFL learner’s English proficiency matter?
指導教授(外文):Feng-Lan Chang
外文關鍵詞:interpretationshadowingEnglish listening comprehensionlistening strategy instructionEnglish listening difficultiesTOEIC
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本研究旨在探討口譯跟述法對提升不同英語程度台灣高中生英語聽力之成效。研究對象為台灣中部華盛頓高中四個高程度及四個低程度一共八個班級。這八班分為對照組與實驗組共312位學生。實驗共歷時十週,除兩週分別進行前後測,每週兩組各利用一堂課時間使用相同的教材進行聽力練習,唯一的差別在於只有實驗組接受跟述法教學。研究工具包括多益 聽力測驗、跟述教材、實驗前後問卷。
研究結果顯示,實驗組與對照組在後測表現皆有進步。然而,實驗組的進步幅度明顯大於對照組, 顯示跟述法可能有助於增進學習者的聽解能力。 此外,研究最重要的發現是實驗組中英文程度較低的班級進步最為顯著,遠大於實驗組中英文程度較高之班級。

The present study aimed to explore the effect of shadowing instruction on English comprehension ability of Taiwanese senior high school students with different English levels. The participants included 312 students in 8 classes from Wahington high school in central Taiwan, 4 classes with higher English level, and 4 classes with lower English level. Then these students were respectively divided into a treatment group and a control group. The experiment lasted for ten weeks, with two weeks distributed to pre- and post-tests and eight weeks to listening training. Both groups spent one class period (50 minutes) each week using the same materials to practice listening; the only difference between the two groups was that the treatment group received shadowing instruction while the control group did not. The instruments involved TOEIC listening mock tests, shadowing materials, as well as pre- and post-experiment questionnaires.
The results showed that both groups made improvement on the post-test. The treatment group made statistically greater improvement than the control group, which supported the positive role of shadowing on learners’ listening comprehension. However, the greatest discovery is that students with lower English level in the treatment group improved much more than students with higher English level in the treatment group. In addition, the participants perceived shadowing to be helpful in reducing some of their listening difficulties. All in all, the qualitative analyses were the counterpart of the quantitative results.
Based on the results of the study, pedagogical implications for shadowing instruction were provided. Firstly, shadowing is recommended to be incorporated into English classes as a training technique to upgrade learners’ listening proficiency. Secondly, teachers are encouraged to adopt various methods on students with different English levels to maximize the effectiveness in teaching listening. Thirdly, shadowing practice can be merged with theme topics, and news to facilitate learners’ integrated English competence. Finally, targeting challenges and difficulties of English learning is important. Teachers are encouraged to alter the lessons and methods if necessary.

Chinese Abstract........i
English Abstract........ii
Table of Contents.......iv
List of Tables..........vi
List of Figures.........vii

Chapter One Introduction
Background of the Study.........................1
Motivation of the Study.........................7
Aim of the Study................................8
Research Questions of the Study.................9
Definitions of Terms............................10
The Experiment..................................12

Chapter Two Literature Review
English Listening Comprehension.................14
Factors concerning listening comprehension......17
Listening difficulties..........................19
Listening strategies and instruction............23
Research on listening strategy instruction in Taiwan..............................................29
Notion of Shadowing.............................33
The applications of shadowing...................35
The effectiveness of shadowing on listening comprehension and language learning...................35

Chapter Three Methodology
Pre-experiment questionnaire....................46
Shadowing materials.............................48
Post-experiment questionnaire...................49
Pre-experiment phase............................52
Treatment group.................................53
Control group...................................54
Post-experiment questionnaie....................55
Data Analysis...................................55

Chapter Four Results and Discussion
Background of the Participants..................57
Quantitative Results of the First Research Question ........................................63
Quantitative Results of the Second Research Question .................................67
The analysis of three open-ended questions......69

Chapter Five Conclusion
Main Research Findings and Discussions..........75
Limitations of the Study........................79
Suggestions for Future Research.................80
Pedagogical Implications and Concluding Remarks..80


Appendices.......................................... 95
Appendix A Chinese Version of the Consent Form.. 95
Appendix B Chinese Version of the Pre-experiment 96
Appendix C Chinese Version of the Post-experiment Questionnaire.......................................98
Appendix D English Version of the Pre-experiment Questionnaire.......................................100
Appendix E English Version of the Post-experiment Questionnaire.......................................103
Appendix F Transcription of the Responses to the Three Open-ended Questions..............................105

Table 2.1 The Definition of Listening ………… 16
Table 2.2 Oxford’s Categorization of Language Learning.Strategies …25
Table 3.1 The means and standard deviations of the pre-test of the eight classes..…45
Table 3.2Experiment Schedule. …52
Table 4.1Gender of the participants..57
Table 4.2Methods of English listening training in School..59
Table 4.3Self-training method of English listening …..60
Table 4.4Students’ Responses Concerning English Listening Difficulties.……62
Table 4.5The Results of the Pre-test and Post-test Scores…64
Table 4.6Means and Standard Deviations of the Difference between Pre-test andPost-test Scores ……65
Table 4.7Shadowing and Proficiency Factor Analyses……65
Table 4.8The Results of the Post-questionnaire……68

Figure 3.1 Procedure of the experiment…………51
Figure 4.1 The Graphic Representation of Shadowing × Proficiency Interaction…66

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