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論文名稱(外文):Interfacial electronic structure of silver on p-GaAs(001)2x4 : A Schottky-barrier-height study
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本論文利用同步輻射光電子探討Ag在p-GaAs(001)2x4上的介面電子結構。由價帶能譜(Valence-Band Spectroscopy)和核層能譜(Core-Level Spectroscopy)可清楚地觀察到,Ag初始蒸鍍在GaAs上時,Ag會先與GaAs(001)2x4表面最頂層的As-As dimer反應,再接著與第三層的As-As dimer反應。當Ag漸漸形成金屬薄膜層的同時,Ag和As和Ga的作用增強,造成Ga和As斷鍵擴散至Ag薄膜層形成As-Ag和Ga-Ag鍵結。其中As向上擴散至Ag薄膜層持續至42.5 Å。之後,才逐漸被續蒸鍍上的Ag所覆蓋。5.0-Å Ag/GaAs(001)2x4能階圖顯示當銀蒸鍍在砷化鎵上時,能階彎曲約為0.01 eV,幾乎可忽略,其介面蕭基能障(Schottky barrier height)約為0.39 eV。
Using high-resolution synchrotron-radiation photoemission, we have studied evolution of the interfacial electronic properties of Ag on a p-GaAs(001)2x4 surface. The photoelectron spectra show that in the initial deposition, Ag is located on top of the As-As dimer in the topmost surface layer. After that, Ag starts to adsorb on the As-As dimer in the third layer. When Ag metal film was formed, the interaction increases with increasing Ag coverage, resulting in the elemental segregation of As and Ga, which diffuse into the Ag film to form As-Ag and Ga-Ag bonds. Diffusion of As and Ga continues at 42.5 Å, where As is found at the Ag surface and Ga in the Ag film. At 5.0 Å the band bending was approximately 0.01 eV, and the Schottky barrier height is determined to be approximately 0.39 eV.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
致謝 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 介紹 1
1-1 研究動機與文獻回顧 1
1-2 材料介紹:砷化鎵(GaAs) 4
第二章 實驗系統與操作 7
2-1 實驗原理 7
2-1.1 光電子能譜技術 (Photoelectron spectroscopy,PES) 7
2-1.2 價帶能譜 (Valence-Band Spectroscopy) 14
2-1.3 核層能譜 (Core-Level Spectroscopy) 16
2-2 實驗光源介紹 17
2-2.1 同步輻射加速器光源 17
2-2.2 LSGM 光束線 (08A) 24
2-3 真空系統與實驗儀器介紹 27
2-3.1 真空系統 27
2-3.2 實驗儀器介紹 29
2-4 實驗流程 33
2-4.1 蒸鍍材料準備 33
2-4.2 樣品事前準備 35
2-4.3 真空抽氣過程 37
2-4.4 膜厚校正方法 41
第三章 實驗結果與討論 46
3-1 價帶能譜 (Valence-Band Spectroscopy) 46
3-1.1 光能量:46 eV 46
3-1.2 光能量:136 eV 55
3-2 核層能譜 (Core-Level Spectroscopy) 59
3-2.1 As 3d和Ga 3d 核層能譜 59
3-2.2 As 3d和Ga 3d 擬合結果 66
3-3 蕭基能障 (Schottky Barrier Height,SBH) 72
第四章 結論 75
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