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研究生(外文):Wang, Jou-Pin
論文名稱(外文):The Studies on the Physicochemical Characteristics of Press Ham by Using Taiwanese Native Spices.
指導教授(外文):Lee, Bor-Hon
外文關鍵詞:Made-by-hand economyTaiwanese plants nativehandmade hamssmokelocal ingredients
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研究結果顯示,添加20%脂肪火腿口感最為消費者所青睞,而火腿隨著貯存週數增加,保水力也隨著貯存時間增加而逐漸減少,其pH值也因此下降。純瘦肉火腿之剪切值因貯存時間影響有增高趨勢,而添加20%脂肪的火腿質地因貯存時間變得較鬆散,此外貯存實驗結果顯示,兩樣品彈性均隨著貯存時間增加而下降,而0%脂肪者其內聚力第3週增強,為20%脂肪者內聚力則是從第2週後逐漸降低。膠黏性變化以0%配方於第4週有顯著差異,數值為449.91N。咀嚼性則以0%脂肪在第3週最高為388.55N,而20%配方則在第4週貯存後咀嚼性數據最低為164.77N。隨貯存時間增加,總生菌數也隨之增加,但總生菌於第4週時為4.32CFU/g,尚未超過法定之1×106 CFU/g,且無驗出大腸桿菌群及病原性大腸桿菌,顯示其生菌數符合國家食品衛生規定。

This study mainly develops the process of handmade hams with native herbs in the concept of herbs native to Taiwan and ‘made by hand’ economy. Three mixtures of the herbs selected from the range of Litsea cubeba, Big-Leaved Marshweed, Cinnamomum osmophloeum and Zanthoxylum ailanthoides as the main ingredients combine with lean short shank port along with different ratios of fat to form chewy press hams with distinct flavors. These hams will change the way people think about traditional hams, both Chinese style and western.
The process used mixed fat and lean meats in the proportions of 0%, 10% and 20%, respectively, and the products were subject to recipe pre-test and trained sensory evaluation in terms of mouth feeling, flavor and texture. Two optimal product content with 0% and 20% fat were selected then to storage test at 4℃ for 4 weeks as well as physicochemical characteristics analysis like aproximate composition, water holding capacity, cooking loss and mibial growth.
The results indicated that the ham with 20% fat added had most popular mouth feeling among consumers and WHC and pH of the hams decreased when increase the storage time. Shear force value tend to increased in whole ham during storage, while the texture of the ham with 20% fat became loose with storage time. The results of storage experiment also indicated that both ham had decreased in springiness during storage and cohesivness of 0% fat ham increased in the 0% at Week 3 but gardually decreased in 20% ham at Week 2. Adhesivness value had significant difference in 0% fat ham at Week 4 at 449.91N. Chewiness had highest value 388.55N at Week 3 in 0% fat ham, but minimal in 20% fat in Week 4, at 164.77N. As storage time increased, total plate count were increased to 4.32 CFU/g at Week 4 but did not exceed the mandatory level of 1×106 CFU/g, nor was detected with Coliform or pathogenic E. coli. That indicated the bacterial growth due to storage had complied with the range of the national foods hygiene regulations.

書名頁 i
論文口試委員審定書 ii
摘要 iii
誌謝 vi
目錄 vii
表目錄 ix
圖目錄 x
第壹章 前言 1
第一節 研究目的 3
第貳章 文獻探討 5
第一節 火腿介紹 5
壹、火腿歷史發展 5
貳、火腿種類 11
參、火腿加工技術 14
第二節 原生植物香料介紹 23
第參章 材料與方法 29
第一節 研究架構 29
第一節 實驗材料與設備 30
第二節 香料及豬肉前處理製備 32
壹、香料樣品製備 32
貳、火腿樣品製備 33
第四節 分析方法 39
壹、一般成分分析 39
貳、組織性狀分析 42
參、微生物分析 48
肆、品評人員訓練與感官品評 52
第五節 統計分析 60
第肆章 結果與討論 61
第一節 原生植物香料火腿產品開發之市場調查 61
第二節 不同香料配方與脂肪含量火腿之感官品評測定 66
第三節 不同香料配方與脂肪含量火腿之消費型感官品評測定 73
第四節 一般成分分析 75
第五節 火腿產品組織性狀分析 77
第六節 微生物分析 93
第伍章 結論 97
參考文獻 99
附錄 108

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