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研究生(外文):Chao-Yi Wu
論文名稱(外文):Relationship between Investor Sentiment and Gambling Preferences in the Options Market
指導教授(外文):Ming-Chun Wang
外文關鍵詞:profitinvestor sentimentlottery-type optiongambling
  • 被引用被引用:1
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This dissertation use Taiwanese index options from 2002 to 2007 to investigate the relationship among investor’s sentiment, gambling preferences, and profit. The empirical results show that investor sentiment is positively correlated with gambling preferences. This phenomenon is especially apparent in retail investors. As a whole, these investors make negative profit from their investments whereas domestic and foreign institutional investors, as well as market makers, make positive profit during the whole sample period. We also discovered that investor sentiment is negatively correlated with profit. This research also studies the impact of investors’ previous profit on their sentiment and gambling preferences. The empirical results coincide with prospect theory; if the investors’ previous profit is negative (positive), then their subsequent gambling preferences will increase (decrease), and their subsequent sentiment will be more bearish (bullish).
中文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------- i
英文摘要 -------------------------------------------------------------------- ii
誌謝 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- iii
目錄 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- vi
圖目錄 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- vii
壹、前言 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
貳、文獻探討及假設推論 --------------------------------------------- 4
一、投資人情緒 ------------------------------------------------------- 4
二、賭博偏好 ---------------------------------------------------------- 6
三、投資人的專業程度----------------------------------------------- 8
四、熟練度、投資經驗及商品偏好------------------------------- 9
五、研究假設 ---------------------------------------------------------- 10
參、研究方法 ------------------------------------------------------------- 14
一、樣本標的市場簡介 --------------------------------------------- 14
二、投資人情緒的衡量 --------------------------------------------- 15
三、賭博偏好的衡量 ------------------------------------------------ 17
四、投資人的專業程度 --------------------------------------------- 18
五、熟練度、經驗及偏好商品比率 ---------------------------- 19
六、損益帳戶 ---------------------------------------------------------- 19
肆、實證結果分析 ------------------------------------------------------- 22
一、投資人情緒的衡量及與外界環境的關係 ---------------- 22
二、投資人情緒穩健性測試 --------------------------------------- 25
三、總體經濟及天氣變數交互作用下情緒的變化情形---- 28
四、不同類型選擇權的敘述統計---------------------------------- 33
五、不同專業技術投資人投資組合權重的測量-------------- 35
六、投資人情緒、專業程度、熟練度及經驗與賭博偏好的關係 ------------------------------------------------------------- 38
七、投資人情緒與專業程度及總體經濟交互作用下賭博偏好的關係-------------------------------------------------------- 42
八、不同專業投資族群的損益情形 ----------------------------- 45
九、損益與投資人情緒及賭博偏好的關係 ------------------- 46
十、前期損益對投資人情緒與賭博偏好的影響 ------------ 50
伍、結論與建議 ---------------------------------------------------------- 53
參考文獻 -------------------------------------------------------------------- 55
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