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研究生(外文):Wei-Zhe Kang
論文名稱(外文):Shaking Table Test of Rocking Base-isolated Structures Subjected to multi-axis Earthquake Loads
指導教授(外文):Chin-Tung Cheng
外文關鍵詞:Shaking Table TesDamping RatioSelf-CenteringBase-isolationRocking
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本文主要研究多軸地震對隔震結構地震反應之影響。研究包含多軸地震、隔震元件之斷面寬高比,搖擺撞擊面(平面及高階曲面),水平雙軸地震震波比與震波型態(El Centro、Kobe、或TCU-129)等參數對於結構隔震行為之影響。比較水平單軸地震、水平雙軸地震以及水平垂直雙軸地震等多軸地震結構反應,試驗結果表示,水平雙軸地震將放大結構反應且隨震波比之增加而增加。比較不同震波型態結構反應發現,TCU-129結構反應最小。單軸地震反應以Kobe震波最大,雙軸地震及單軸橫向加垂直以El Centro震波結構反應最大。結構反應及主振週期隨寬高比增加而遞增且不同搖擺撞擊面之結構反應差異不大。
Literature showed the weakness existed in the traditional sliding base-isolated bearing such as not enough stiffness under moderate earthquakes or extensive displacement under severe earthquakes. Therefore, the motion of rocking bearing in new design will not be initiated under moderate earthquakes while rocks in rigid body motion to isolate and dissipate the seismic energy under severe earthquakes. And the superstructure remains undamaged during the excitation and self-centered due to the restoring force of self-weight of the superstructure and springs in the rocking interface after earthquakes. The vibration of the structure is damped throughout each impact of the bearing on the foundation surface. Based on the force-displacement relations and the effective damping of the systems, the seismic response of the structure may be estimated through the modified elastic response spectrum.
The objective of this research is to investigate seismic performance of base-isolated structure under the excitation of multi-direction earthquakes. Investigated parameters include: multi-direction earthquakes, forms of earthquakes, intensify of earthquakes¸ aspect ratio of isolators and contact surface of rocking toe (plane or high order curve). Test results show that seismic response of base-isolated structure may be amplified by bi-directional earthquakes, compared with uni-direction earthquakes, or vibrated by additional vertical excitation and its response will be increased with the increase of intensify of bi-directional earthquakes. Among three forms of earthquakes, it is found that seismic response is smallest when excited by TCU-129. In addition, seismic response is largest when excited by uni-directional Kobe earthquake, while it is largest for the bi-directional or additional vertical excitation in the forms of El Centro earthquake. It is also found that seismic response and vibration period is increased with the increase of aspect ratio of the bearing, while it is not affected by the change of contact surface of rocking toe.
摘要 I
Abstract II
致謝 IV
目錄 V
表目錄 VII
圖目錄 VIII
第一章 前言 1
1.1研究動機與背景 1
1.2研究目的與內容 1
第二章 搖擺結構之文獻回顧與理論模式 3
2.1 文獻回顧 3
2.2 搖擺隔震結構系統之勁度 5
2.2.1 搖擺隔震結構之基底剪力係數Cc 5
2.3搖擺隔震結構系統之消能機制 10
2.3.1 動能折減係數(Kinetic Energy Reduction Factor) 10
2.3.2發散阻尼比(Radiation Damping Ratio,ξrd)[1] 13
2.3.3 理論有效阻尼比 15
2.3.4 高阻尼修正彈性反應譜 15
第三章搖擺隔震結構之振動台實驗 18
3.1 試體設計 18
3.2 實驗參數 24
3.3 實驗儀器布置和設備 28
3.4 實驗流程 34
3.5 實驗結果 37
第四章 實驗結果討論 60
4.1 前言 60
4.2 不同參數下搖擺隔震結構之地震反應 60
4.2.1多軸地震下不同震波型式之搖擺結構反應 60
4.2.2 相同震波型式下多軸地震搖擺隔震結構反應 61
4.2.3 不同盤面下搖擺隔震結構之反應 62
4.2.4 不同寬高比下搖擺隔震結構之反應 62
4.2.5 不同震波強度比下搖擺隔震結構之反應 63
4.2.6 水平單軸地震與水平垂直雙軸地震的差異 79
4.3 頻率域分析 81
4.4 P-Δ之遲滯迴圈 88
4.5 小結 97
第五章 理論與實驗阻尼比之比對 98
5.1 前言 98
5.2 水平雙軸地震理論阻尼比之評估 98
5.3 抬高位移之修正 98
5.4 理論阻尼比算例 102
5.5 理論與實驗阻尼比結果討論 106
第六章 結論與建議 112
6.1結論 112
6.2 建議 114
參考文獻 115
附錄A 118
附錄B 152
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