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研究生(外文):Hui-kai Shen
論文名稱(外文):Evaluation of Workplace Health Promotion Program Conducted among High-Tech Plants in Southern Taiwan
外文關鍵詞:Rules of protection of labor healthHealth promotion outcomeHealth promotion proposalScience ParkHigh-tech Plants
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Background: In recent years, Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, Ministry of Health and Welfare, and Ministry of Education and other government agencies have been listed health status as one of the important people healthy fitness business. Some governmental agencies and institutions are also beginning to implement disease preventions and health physical fitness program. In Taiwan, workplace health promotion at the present stage of the Science Park has been evaluated to estimate the results of the work, mainly by regulations, proposal of health promotion, and the outcomes of related health promotion activities.

Objectives: Resulting to the long working hours and the high pressure, workers of the high-tech plant if he neglects the professional and personal health planning and management, he will likely cause damage associated with occupational safety and health. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the associations among Science Park factory worker health protection regulations of the matters to be handled, the annual health promotion plans, and other relevant health promotion to promote the project through after expert ratings. We analyzed the effectiveness of health promotion with the correlations of industry, regional and the number of employees.

Methods: Experts from a Science Park in Taiwan were invited to assess the implementation of workplace health promotion in score analysis to evaluate the contents of the table contains the provisions of the legislation to protect workers’ health matters to be handled, the annual Health promotion plans and related achievement in 2013 and 2014. The principle of the data collection was included of the failure to implement health protection rules of more than 300 employees of high-tech plant, according to the implementation of workplace health promotion assessment form from Rating score which is less than 70 points per plant and the number of employees 300 people less, and were willing to join, invite counseling experts to the plants. In 2013, we visited 10 plants, including six plants of the comparison of expert before and after counseling. In 2014, we visited 11 plants, including three plants of comparison of the multi-year coaching.

Results and discussion: We found that there were not significant differences on the effective of implementation of health promotion between two regional. Another found emerging industries emphasis on promoting workplace health promotion program and traditional technology industry may be more conservative, unlike significantly the emerging technology industry. The study found the number of factory workers and the effective of implementation of health promotion section showing significant positive correlation. In addition, labor regulations, health protection matters more difficult in the short term (three months) showing improvement, but the multi-year implementation of the effectiveness of health promotion counseling discovery has been significantly improved, displays of health promotion plans and related health promotion outcomes need time in order to complete one by one. In conclusion, although the limitation of low sample size, the results of scientific analysis have provided an important reference to the government to promote workplace health promotion in the future.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
致謝 iv
目錄 v
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目的 4
第二章 文獻探討 5
2.1 職場健康促進發展 5
2.2 職場健康促進相關法規探討 7
2.3 職場健康促進計畫 10
2.4 台灣科學園區簡介 13
2.4.1新竹科學工業園區(竹科)介紹 14
2.4.2南部科學工業園區(南科)介紹 16
2.4.3中部科學工業園區(中科)介紹 17
2.4.4科學工業園區產業別從業人數分析 18
第三章 研究方法與設備 25
3.1 研究方法 25
3.1.1研究對象之篩選 25
3.1.2 研究數據之收集 28
3.2 統計分析 30
第四章 結果 31
4.1 研究結果 31
4.1.1 健康促進實施成效評估調查研究分析 31 健康職場自主管理審查表分數與地區性研究分析 36 健康職場自主管理審查表分數與產業別研究分析 39 健康職場自主管理審查表分數與員工數研究分析 43 健康職場自主管理審查表分數與年度研究分析 52
第五章 討論 56
第六章 結論 58
參考文獻 59
中文文獻 59
英文文獻 61
附件一:健康職場自主管理審查表 63
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